The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 834: The Air Bead of the Mother of All Things (Part 1)

Du Yuesheng hovered quietly in the air, his gaze swept across the many monks present, and he smiled slightly.

Now that he has successfully entered the state of distraction, in the eyes of these nascent souls and out-of-body monks, he is already a superior distraction monster!

Coupled with the fact that he just killed Lan Leizong in one fell swoop, no one would dare to compete with him again!

It's useless to stay here, he just jumped up and continued to walk towards the depths of the sky.

Not long after, Du Yuesheng came to a high mountain.

This high mountain is very strange. The other high mountains are either verdant or jagged with strange rocks, which are indescribably beautiful. Only this mountain is pitch black, just like a black charcoal mountain.

What's even more strange is that there is not a single tree or half a stone on this mountain, and the entire mountain is made of pitch-black soil.

Du Yuesheng instinctively felt that this mountain might be strange, so he immediately shouted: "System, help me check this mountain!"

"Ding, the system prompts, the investigation begins!"

"Ding, the system prompts that the investigation is complete. This mountain is called Black Mountain, and it is one of the strange mountains in the Tianyu. If you enter the range of this mountain, there will be strange things happening in the mountain, killing passing monks, but it is said that there is a treasure here! "

Hearing the system's explanation, Du Yuesheng's eyes lit up. Even the system said that there are heavy treasures here. I'm afraid there are really good treasures here.

As for the weirdness, Du Yuesheng is not worried at all. Li Xiaoyao still has about ten minutes to possess the card.

Thinking of this, Du Yuesheng simply jumped up, his body was like a startled bird, and he fell directly on the top of the Black Mountain.

"See what's weird about you." Du Yuesheng pursed his lips, shook the Zhuxian sword in his hand, and a sword flower lit up.

At this moment, there was a groaning sound, and a pair of pale hands suddenly stretched out from the ground, grabbing Du Yuesheng's feet.

"What the hell?" Du Yuesheng looked down, and the spiritual power in his body shook, and with a bang, those pale hands suddenly exploded.

The pale hand was shattered, and there was another vibration from the ground. Obviously, there was something underneath.

Du Yuesheng sneered, and when Zhu Xianjian moved, the sword light fell like lightning, and sank into the soil with a hissing sound.

If one could see the Zhuxian Sword in the soil, one would see that after the Zhuxian Sword submerged into the soil, an incomparably violent sword energy erupted from the surroundings of the sword.

The sword energy spread like a whirlwind, directly smashing any moving things in the soil into pieces.

Pulling out the Zhuxian Sword again, the ground suddenly became quiet.

Du Yuesheng pursed his lips, raised his foot and stepped on it, and with a bang, the things crushed by the sword energy in the soil were blown out.

Only then did Du Yuesheng realize that the things under the ground were pale skeletons.

"Sure enough, it's a bit weird." Du Yuesheng felt that the strength of these skeletons, almost all of them had the strength of the distraction period. If he hadn't got the Li Xiaoyao Possession Card at this moment, he might have suffered a lot.

Most importantly, he felt that these distracted bones were not the source of Montenegro's weirdness.

Sure enough, not long after he crushed his bones, the whole Montenegro began to tremble, like an earthquake.

Du Yuesheng looked down at his feet, and simply flew into the air, taking the entire Black Mountain into his eyes.

Only then did he see that at the foot of the Black Mountain, there was a huge white bone protruding from the Black Mountain.

Taking a closer look, the white bone is at least a thousand feet long, and it looks like a human leg.

Before he could marvel, another thousand-foot-long leg bone protruded from the other side of the Black Mountain.

"Under this black mountain, there is actually a skeleton several thousand feet high buried?" Du Yuesheng stared, never expecting this to be the case.

A skeleton several thousand feet high is already unimaginable, but looking at the situation in front of him, it is even more unbelievable that this skeleton is going to climb out of the Black Mountain.


There was a strange roaring sound from the whole Black Mountain, and an arm nearly a thousand feet long protruded out, and pressed it on a small hill next to it. With force, the huge skeleton thousands of feet high came out of it. He sat up in Montenegro.

The skeleton was about as high as the mountain, and the dirt on the body fell rustlingly, revealing a huge head and white ribs. The scene was extremely shocking.

"It's interesting!" Du Yuesheng looked up, and couldn't help but his eyes lit up. When the skeleton sat up, there was a green light coming out of the eye sockets that should have been two black holes.

And as long as you look closely, you can find that the green light is coming from a green bead inside the skull of the huge skeleton.

Seeing this, Du Yuesheng suddenly understood.

The so-called heavy treasure must be the bead inside the huge skull!

No need to think too much, Du Yuesheng immediately went away with his sword in his hand. In comparison, his figure was as small as an ant, but the sword light was earth-shattering.

As soon as he moved, the huge skeleton immediately turned its head to look at him, its eyes were full of light, and it raised its huge arm and pressed it down.

With just an ordinary wave of the arm, there was an extremely strong wind pressing down on it. Before it hit down, the ground sank under the pressure of the strong wind with a bang and a gully came out.

Such tyrannical power, if it were a human monk, it would probably be comparable to a five-fold body.

But this strength is too weak for the current Du Yuesheng.

With a long wave of sword light behind him, the sword pierced through the air, and with a crackling sound, the huge arm was cut off immediately, and fell to the ground with a bang, smashing two mountain peaks.


The huge skeleton let out a howl, and immediately raised its other arm to kill Du Yuesheng.

Du Yuesheng didn't dodge, went head-on, circled the huge skeleton like lightning, and finally appeared on the skull of the skeleton, gently landed and stood firm.

Ka Ka Ka!

At this time, there was a crisp sound from the whole body of the skeleton. The spine, ribs, breastbone, arms, and shoulders all broke apart and fell towards the ground.

Finally, Du Yuesheng lowered his head and struck the head with a sword, and the huge head split in two.

The complete appearance of the green bead finally appeared in front of his eyes.

This bead is about the size of a fist. Its green light is breathtaking and exudes a strong vitality. When you look at it, it is as if you have seen the spring of thousands of miles.

Without any hesitation, Du Yuesheng stretched out his hand, a wave of spiritual power swept away, and directly took the beads into his hand.

At this time, the system prompt sounded just right:

"Ding, congratulations to the player for killing the "Skeleton Demon God". Because this monster is a special monster, there is no fairy point reward!"

"Ding, congratulations to the player who killed the "Skull Demon God" and got three chances to draw cards!"

"Ding, congratulations to the player for getting the magic weapon: Mother of All Things Qi Bead."

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