The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 837 Cosmos Bag in the Sleeve (Fourth)

"Du, Yue, Sheng!"

These three characters popped out one by one from between the teeth of Patriarch Huang Gu, it can be seen that Patriarch Huang Gu is going to die of anger at this moment.

It's a pity that Du Yuesheng looked innocent, and said: "Patriarch Huang Gu, it's no wonder I'm the emperor of heaven. I'm about to give you the Mother Qi beads of all things. Who knew that you, Huang Tianjing, fell off so slippery. And it will break if you drop it?"

"You!" Patriarch Huang Gu was so angry that he pointed at Du Yuesheng but couldn't say a word for a long time.

Du Yuesheng waved his hands and said generously: "Forget it, forget it, I am wronged by the Emperor of Heaven, if you still have a Huang Tianjing, take it out, and the Emperor of Heaven will still give you the mother of all things!"

When Huang Gu Patriarch heard it, he almost bit off his tongue, Huang Tianjing and other treasures you think are Chinese cabbage, and there is a pair?

The more I think about it, the more angry I feel, but this anger can't be vented, one can't hold it back, Patriarch Huanggu only feels a tight pain in his chest, and his throat feels fishy sweet, unexpectedly one can't hold back, he opened his mouth, puffed With a sound, spit out a big mouthful of blood!

Patriarch Huang Gu vomited blood angrily!

Du Yuesheng looked at it and smiled: "Hey, Patriarch Huanggu, it's not that the Emperor of Heaven told you that you should be calm when you are old. Why are you so angry? It will take several days of food to make up for this mouthful of blood!"

What? You still let the old man calm down? You still ask why the old man is angry? You also said that the old man's mouthful of blood can be replenished after a few days of food? ****, spit out this mouthful of blood, it may not be able to make up for a hundred years of food!

Patriarch Huang Gu was extremely aggrieved, wanted to do something, but was afraid of being the target of public criticism, under all kinds of restraint, there was a sound of wow, and another mouthful of blood spewed out.

After spitting out two mouthfuls of blood, Patriarch Huang Gu's complexion was pale, and his aura was exhausted to the limit.

"Patriarch Huanggu, let your disciples take good care of you and rest!" Another patriarch came out, it turned out to be Paxu Poxu!

Ancestor Poxu looked at Du Yuesheng with a smile, but there was a deep sense of vigilance in his eyes.

Now everyone can see that Du Yuesheng probably wants to have fun with the many ancestors present.

However, the Patriarch Poxu believed in his heart that Du Yuesheng had no other way to go besides handing over the Qi beads of the mother of all things, and now it was just Du Yuesheng venting his anger.

If you want Du Yuesheng to hand over the orb, you have to take out a good treasure that Du Yuesheng can't refuse at once!

"Hehe, Patriarch Poxu, long time no see!" Du Yuesheng also looked at Patriarch Poxu with a smile.

Now that he has activated the card function, it can only be said that it is easy and simple to kill this Shaxu ancestor.

But he didn't want Patriarch Poxu to die so easily.

If you want to kill him, you will make him die of pain!

Ancestor Poxu nodded and said: "It's not the first time you and I have met. You know, I'm not bad for you. Ancestor Teng of Fengtianzong wanted me to kill you, but I didn't. Help your sister Xi Le to give you enlightenment, and now she is already a master in the entire Shattering Void Sect who is only weaker than me, you know."

Du Yuesheng sneered after hearing this.

Back then Patriarch Poxu didn't kill Du Yuesheng because he was afraid that Xi Le would feel resentment towards him, but when he came to him, he took the initiative to spare Du Yuesheng.

As for him accepting Xi Le as his disciple, it was because he took a fancy to Xi Le's flying fairy body, and it had nothing to do with Du Yuesheng.

This Poxu Patriarch is really a master of sophistry.

Sweet words come as soon as you open your mouth.

Du Yuesheng sneered again and again, which made Poxu Patriarch look a little embarrassed, but Poxu Patriarch has lived for so many years, his skin is thicker than a mountain, he just doesn't blush, and continues to say:

"But the friendship between you and me belongs to friendship, and the treasure that should be given to you must be given!"

Du Yuesheng nodded, and said: "That's right, I don't know what good treasures you have, take them all out, and let me pick one?"

Ancestor Poxu nodded, waved his big sleeve, and a strip of light flew out of the sleeve robe, and treasures floated up and down in the strip of light, as numerous as stars!

"Patriarch Poxu actually has so many treasures!"

"Did you get the name of Poxu Patriarch for nothing? In the back mountain of their Poxu Sect, there is a continent left behind from ancient times. Although it is not as big as Tianyu, it is not small, and there are many treasures in it." Yes, these treasures must all come from that lost continent!"

"With so many treasures, I'm afraid Patriarch Poxu has also moved all his property out. Du Yuesheng has no reason to refuse this time!"

Everyone looked at Du Yuesheng, wanting to see why Du Yuesheng refused this time.

But after Du Yuesheng glanced at the many treasures, he glanced behind Poxu Patriarch, and found that Xi Le was not here, so he couldn't help but ask, "Where is Xi Le?"

"Joy is in Tianyu, and they are rushing here. If you give me the mother of all things Qi beads later, you brothers and sisters will definitely be reunited." Poxu Patriarch said with a smile.

However, these words are actually a threat, and the meaning in the old ancestor Poxu's words is very clear, that is, Du Yuesheng is unwilling to hand over the mother of all things to him, so Du Yuesheng will not want to be with Xiyue.

Du Yuesheng sneered when he heard the words, as long as he can see Xi Le, can your ancestor Po Xu stop me?

But he didn't say this clearly, but put on a very happy look, and said: "Okay, very good, but Ancestor Poxu, your little treasure is not enough, I see that hair on your head The hairpin is shining, isn't it amazing?"

Patriarch Poxu was taken aback, and subconsciously touched the hairpin on his hair crown. This hairpin was made of meteoric iron, and it was also a magic weapon, so he grinned, reached out and took the hairpin, and threw it directly to Du Yuesheng :"for you!"

Du Yuesheng was delighted, but he didn't feel satisfied. He looked at Patriarch Poxu's feet again, and continued: "The air around your shoes is twisted, isn't it also a magic weapon?"

The corner of Patriarch Poxu's mouth twitched. Indeed, his boots were a magic weapon for flying, and they weren't too bad. Gritting his teeth, Patriarch Poxu took off his shoes and handed them to Du Yuesheng.

But after getting the boots, Du Yuesheng didn't even bother to look at the boots, his eyeballs rolled up again, looking at Patriarch Poxu: "Hey, your jade pendant..."

"It's a magic weapon, here it is!" Ancestor Poxu said directly, extremely decisive.

Anyway, they gave so many treasures, not missing a jade pendant.

"Then your belt is..."

"Yes! Here it is!" Ancestor Poxu clenched his teeth, his belt is very valuable!

"Oh, the whisk in your hand seems to be pretty good!"

"Okay, here you are!" Ancestor Poxu stretched out his hand, and Fuchen also came out.

"I just saw the treasure fly out when you waved your sleeves. Are your sleeves also very powerful?"

"This is the universe bag in my sleeve, it can hold mountains and seas, that's all, here it is!" Ancestor Poxu reached into his cuff, took out a storage bag and threw it to Du Yuesheng. Anyway, the storage bag was empty. It doesn't matter.

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