The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 838 Killing You (Fifth)

In a short while, Patriarch Poxu was like a crazy gambler, throwing everything on him to Du Yuesheng, a big gambling house.

At this moment, when I look at Patriarch Poxu again, there is no such thing as a fairy-like appearance that Patriarch should have.

The current Patriarch Poxu has a crazy face, disheveled hair, empty hands, bare feet, clothes without a belt, and directly spread out to expose his chest. He is as embarrassed as he wants. People who say that he came back from the disaster will believe it.

A generation of ancestors unexpectedly ended up in such a fate, the monks present were all deeply concerned, and secretly thought in their hearts that they must never make a deal with Du Yuesheng, otherwise they would definitely lose their pants.

"Du Yuesheng, are you satisfied now?" Ancestor Poxu doesn't know how embarrassed he is, but at this moment he has no choice but to continue to increase the stakes, and will continue this crazy gamble.

Du Yuesheng nodded, and was about to agree, but suddenly a gust of cold wind blew.

Du Yuesheng immediately shivered one by one, and said: "It's a bit cold, Paxu Poxu, look, your robe is of good quality, how about..."

Patriarch Poxu was going crazy, just now he was thinking that he almost didn't even have to wear clothes this time, so Du Yuesheng immediately opened his mouth to ask for his clothes.

What is this for? This robe is nothing more than a condensed spiritual force. It is not real clothes at all. Can you wear it for you? You, a monk in the state of distraction, are still afraid of the cold?

Who believes it?

Who believes it?

Suppressing the anger in his heart, Patriarch Poxu gritted his teeth and explained word by word: "Du Yuesheng, this robe is made of condensed spiritual power, and it will turn into nothingness immediately after leaving my body. If you can't wear it, you still have to wear it." Bear with it!"

"Forbearance?" Du Yuesheng frowned, his face changed suddenly, and he sternly shouted: "You let the Emperor of Heaven bear it, and the Emperor of Heaven will bear it? Where will the Emperor of Heaven put his face?"

"You!" Ancestor Poxu thumped in his heart, and his voice suddenly became low: "Then you are going to break your promise?"

"If you can't give what the emperor wants, is the emperor breaking his promise?" Du Yuesheng sneered: "Just say whether you will give it or not!"

"You!" Ancestor Poxu paused, and almost wanted to say no, but after thinking about it, it's nothing more than a robe, anyway, the shoes are given to others, so it's nothing to hand over the robe.

Anyway, the face of thousands of years has been lost today, and it's nothing to lose again.

Thinking of this, Ancestor Poxu became a bachelor, took off his robe without hesitation, stretched out his hand and tapped on the robe twice, and placed a restriction to ensure that the robe would not dissipate after leaving his hand.

Afterwards, the robe was thrown to Du Yuesheng.

Seeing this scene, many monks at the scene couldn't help gasping, and commented in a low voice: "It's amazing!"

"To actually strip off an old ancestor's body, this is Du Yuesheng's good trick!"

"However, after all the calculations, Patriarch Poxu also got the Qi Bead of the Mother of All Things, so it's not a loss!"

When many monks were discussing, Ancestor Poxu also stretched out his hand and said, "Now you can give me the Mother of All Things Qi Bead!"

Everyone also looked into Du Yuesheng's arms, wanting to see what the so-called Mother of All Things Qi Bead looked like, if they couldn't get it, it would be good to open their eyes.

A second passed.

Ten seconds passed.

A minute passed.

Du Yuesheng still stood where he was, looking at the Patriarch Poxu who had been stripped of all his clothes jokingly, but he didn't intend to take out the mother of all things.

Poxu Patriarch's heart gradually sank, but a wave of worry arose.

What is this kid doing?

After thinking for a while, the Patriarch Poxu spoke again, and said with a pleasant face: "Du Yuesheng, you should give me the Qi beads of the mother of all things."

Du Yuesheng finally moved.

All I saw was that he shook his head generously.

What does it mean to shake your head.

do not give?

Patriarch Poxu immediately changed his color: "You want to break your promise?"

As soon as these words came out, the color of the sky changed, and the spiritual power beside the Patriarch Poxu surged wildly.

It's fine for him to lose face and get the treasure today, but now that the face is lost and the treasure is not in his hands, wouldn't it mean that he lost everything?

Du Yuesheng nodded again.

What does it mean to nod now? It means to break my promise!

"What?" Patriarch Poxu finally understood that Du Yuesheng was playing with him.

Poor him still held a sliver of hope, and said in a low voice: "It's hard to follow a gentleman's word, Du Yuesheng, how can you break your word?"

Du Yuesheng looked up to the sky and laughed loudly, and said: "Patriarch Poxu, you can be shameless if you really lose all your face? Tell me, you stole joy, and now you want to use these miscellaneous things to forcefully exchange me for the Mother of All Things. Which of the things about Qizhu is done by a gentleman?"

Indeed, don't look at Patriarch Poxu who has already taken out all his things, but the real value is not worth even a hair of the Mother of Everything Qi Bead.

To put it bluntly, Patriarch Poxu is still a villain.

"Since your Patriarch Poxu wants to be a villain, how can the Emperor of Heaven not play with you well? Today, the Emperor of Heaven has made it clear that the Emperor of Heaven will not give you the mother of all things. How can you help me and you?" ?”

As soon as he said that, the complexion of Poxu Patriarch was even uglier than eating ten thousand flies.

Countless monks also looked at Patriarch Poxu jokingly.

Even the disciples of Poxu Sect covered their faces and dared not see anyone.

This time, Patriarch Poxu and Poxu Sect were not treated as jokes by Brother Tiannan for a thousand years.

This is the real embarrassment at home!

Ancestor Poxu only felt the qi and blood rushing up, and his throat was so sweet that he wanted to vomit a big mouthful of blood, but he didn't dare to vomit, he had to hold back, he was already ashamed today, he couldn't be ashamed any more.

Must hold back!

Seeing this, Du Yuesheng grinned again, and said: "Oh, Patriarch Poxu, you can't bear to vomit if you feel bloody. Come, the Emperor of Heaven will help you!"

While speaking, Du Yuesheng raised his hand and shook it in the air.

I saw a big hand condensed out of thin air, grabbing all the treasures of Patriarch Poxu, only to hear a bang, the big hand clenched tightly, and all the treasures were crushed to pieces immediately.

Lost face, but also lost treasure.

Those treasures are the foundation of the Poxu Patriarch Poxu Sect for thousands of years, without these treasures, his Poxu Ancestor has his appearance!

At this moment, the Patriarch Poxu couldn't bear it any longer, he opened his mouth and a big mouthful of blood spurted three feet away in the wind.

"Devil, today I will kill you even if I try my best!"

After spitting out a mouthful of blood, Ancestor Poxu desperately raised his hand to find out the magic weapon to suppress Du Yuesheng, but after touching for a long time, he realized that he didn't have to wear the clothes he was cheated on, so there was no magic weapon for him, so he threw up again With a mouthful of blood, the seal of both hands is about to cast a spell.

In his opinion, as long as Du Yuesheng is suppressed and the mother of all things is robbed, he can still get back his money!

But Du Yuesheng just laughed, without fear at all, and shouted loudly: "Buying and selling can't be benevolent and righteous, but now you have to do it, Paxu Patriarch, don't blame the Emperor of Heaven for being ruthless!"


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