The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 839: Ximen Fuxue (Part 1)

At this moment, there is no room for maneuver between Du Yuesheng and Poxu Patriarch.

The Patriarch Poxu raised his hand and began to condense spells.

Du Yuesheng did not show any weakness, and directly growled in his heart: "Use up all the chances of the card lottery draw!"

"Ding, the system prompts, congratulations to the player "Du Yuesheng", who has won the summoning card: Ximen Chuuxue!"

At the same time, the attributes of Ximen Chuuxue immediately appeared in front of Du Yuesheng.

Name: Ximen Fuxue

From: The Legend of Lu Xiaofeng

Level: Mahayana

Introduction: There is a kind of person who is close to the realm of God. Because he is ruthless and has a sword technique that no one can see. Because everyone who was lucky enough to see it has been buried.

Description: Disposable card

"You actually got Ximen Chuuxue?" Du Yuesheng looked up to the sky and laughed. Ximen Chuuxue is the number one swordsman in Gu Long's works.

And he was the first to draw him.

Du Yuesheng thought: "System, use the summoning card!"

A beam of light directly pierced through the clouds and descended into the sky, and fell in front of Du Yuesheng. When the light dissipated, a man in fluttering white clothes and holding a sword appeared in front of Du Yuesheng.

He is Ximen Chuuxue!

I saw Ximen Chuuxue cupped his hands to Du Yuesheng and said, "What orders does the Emperor of Heaven have?"

Du Yuesheng stretched out his hand, pointed at Patriarch Poxu, and said without talking nonsense, "Kill him!"


As soon as Ximen Chuuxue's words came out, the killing intent filled the air. Feeling the master's killing intent, the sword in his hand came out of its sheath automatically with a clang, and a cold light flashed out.

All those who saw the cold light had cold eyes and could not help trembling in their hearts.

Ancestor Poxu saw Ximen Chuuxue, although he didn't know where he came from, he felt fear from the bottom of his heart.

Especially Ximen Chuuxue's tyrannical breath made him feel great pressure.

That kind of feeling is like the ancestor who just started to cultivate and saw the ancestor of the body, the whole soul is trembling.

He didn't dare to do anything wrong in front of such masters, so he quickly put away the magic spell and said respectfully: "Senior, I have a grudge with the devil Du Yuesheng. If Du Yuesheng gave senior some treasure, please take it. I am willing." Double the payment to the seniors, and please don't stop the seniors!"

The Patriarch Poxu was also fooled by anger, and he still wanted to bribe Du Yuesheng's summoner.

Du Yuesheng laughed jokingly, but said nothing.

The eyes of the others were all on Ximen Chuuxue.

But in the next second, everyone suddenly realized that Ximen Chuuxue had disappeared from sight.

"Where are people?" Many people were stunned and subconsciously asked.

"Behind Patriarch Poxu!" Someone exclaimed!

People hurriedly raised their eyes to look over, only to see that Ximen Chuuxue was standing behind Poxu Patriarch out of thin air, and was slowly withdrawing his sword.

"Is this the end?" Du Yuesheng was taken aback. Although he saw Ximen Chuixue move, he only saw an afterimage passing directly in front of Patriarch Poxu's body. He didn't see the specific moves at all. He didn't expect Ximen Chuuxue began to withdraw his sword.

If such a master withdraws his sword, he must have already killed someone!

The other monks didn't know why, but soon, they discovered the strangeness, because Patriarch Poxu still kept the appearance of just talking with his hands folded, and didn't move at all.

A gust of cold wind hit, Patriarch Poxu suddenly shook slightly, then fell to the ground like a piece of wood.

"Patriarch Poxu is dead?"

The monks present couldn't believe their eyes, that Patriarch Poxu, who was regarded as a top master in Tiannan, died so quietly.

For a moment, countless monks felt fear, and the way they looked at Du Yuesheng changed again and again.

No one could have imagined that the patriarch Poxu was killed by Du Yuesheng.

What's more terrible is that before Patriarch Poxu died, Du Yuesheng cheated him of everything, not even a single piece of clothing was left behind. He was humiliated and humiliated before he died.

I'm afraid that Patriarch Poxu will not rest in peace even if he dies!

Patriarch Jinmu and Patriarch Huanggu looked at each other, and they both saw a trace of happiness in each other's eyes. Fortunately, Du Yuesheng didn't kill them, and they didn't attack Du Yuesheng either.

Otherwise, I am afraid there are still them who are dead now.

"This Du Yuesheng actually has a second-rate and tyrannical assistant, so he can't do anything!" Every monk told themselves in their hearts.

And the other ancestors also closed their eyes and pretended to be ostriches, pretending that they did not see the death of the ancestor Poxu.

Seeing this scene, many disciples of the Poxu Sect were furious, but they dared not say a word, for fear that Du Yuesheng would take his anger out on them.

Ximen Chuuxue was still standing there.

Next to Du Yuesheng's ear, a system prompt sounded: "Ding, system prompt, congratulations to player Du Yuesheng for killing Poxu Patriarch and getting 554687954 fairy points!"

"Ding, congratulations to the player for killing 1,158 disciples of the Yellow Valley Sect and getting 148,987,485 fairy points!"

"Ding, congratulations to the player "Du Yuesheng" for killing the Patriarch Poxu, and get ten chances to draw cards. You can draw cards for summoning characters, possession cards, etc.!"

"Ding, congratulations to the player "Du Yuesheng" for leveling up, the current level is double distraction!"

"Ding, congratulations to the player "Du Yuesheng" for leveling up, the current level is triple distraction!"

"Ding, congratulations to the player "Du Yuesheng" for leveling up, the current level is four levels of distraction!"

"Ding, congratulations to the level up of the player "Du Yuesheng". The current level is five levels of distraction!"

Hearing this, Du Yuesheng was overjoyed, it's very good, he killed a Poxu Patriarch without any effort, and he was even promoted to level four, and the system thoughtfully sent the experience of the previous Huanggu Sect disciples.

It's a pity that when killing the ancestor of Lan Lei, the experience points were used to shorten the time of the catastrophe, otherwise the level must be higher now.

However, it seems that there are still a lot of experience points present.

Thinking about it, Du Yuesheng glanced at the other seven patriarchs, and a playful smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

These people all want the mother of all things Qi beads in his hands, which is not a good thing. Wouldn't it be better if they were slaughtered together?

As if feeling Du Yuesheng's killing intent, the ancestors who closed their eyes and pretended to be ostriches quickly opened their eyes, and each of them made a gesture to escape.

Du Yuesheng also noticed it, but he didn't worry, in the hands of Ximen Chuuxue, these people could escape!

But just when he was about to make a move, a ray of light flew over from the sky, and a familiar aura immediately made Du Yuesheng's eyes tremble, and he frowned when he saw the ray of light.

And the many surviving Poxu Sect disciples also stared at this stream of light, with a hint of joy on their faces.

The streamer had just arrived here, and before people emerged from the streamer, the disciples of the Shattering Void Sect rushed up one by one, knelt down in unison, and cried loudly: "Master Xiyue, You must kill the devil Du Yuesheng to avenge your ancestor!"

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