The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 840 Goodbye Joy (Second Update)

The streamer dissipated.

Walk out of the streamer joyfully.

Every time she took a step, a lotus flower would condense in the air, under her feet, and petals would also fall from the air, extremely gorgeous.

And what makes Du Yuesheng happy is that at this moment, the strength of Joy is not weaker than the Poxu Patriarch, and even faintly surpasses the Poxu Patriarch.

It can be seen from this that the joy and strength at this moment are at least in the state of distraction.

This Patriarch Poxu is really powerful, in just a few days, he has raised Xi Le's cultivation to this level.

However, Du Yuesheng also knew in his heart that if the left hand was an ordinary person, I am afraid that even Patriarch Poxu would not be able to do this if he tried his best.

Many Disciples of the Poxu Sect knelt down to worship Xi Le, already treating Xi Le as the last straw.

Du Yuesheng smiled and looked at Xi Le, Xi Le saw that Du Yuesheng was obviously trembling all over, and then, under the begging eyes of many Poxu Sect disciples, she opened her arms and ran towards Du Yuesheng bouncingly.

"elder brother!"

Xi Le bumped her head into Du Yuesheng's arms and called out affectionately.

In an instant, the complexions of many Poxu Sect disciples changed drastically.

They couldn't figure it out, how could Xile call Du Yuesheng brother.

Du Yuesheng patted Xi Le's head, smiled and said, "What is your cultivation now?"

"Brother, Xi Le has already become a double body, it's amazing!" Although Xi Le has become the top existence in Tiannan, she is still a child at heart, and she is still asking for credit from Du Yuesheng.

Du Yuesheng laughed and said: "That's right, he's stronger than my brother, and my brother's cultivation level is not as high as yours now."

Although Du Yuesheng's cultivation is not as good as Xile's, but with the system, Du Yuesheng is not afraid even if he meets a Mahayana master.

But when the two were loving each other, the disciples of the Shattering Xu Sect shouted unrelentingly: "Master Xi Le, why do you want to walk with this devil? He just killed Patriarch!"

"Hmph, that old man made me eat a lot of nasty pills. I hate him so much. If my brother didn't do it, I would do it too. Hmph, you still want me to kill my brother, I want to die!"

What Xi Le said next made the hearts of many Poxu Sect disciples feel ashamed.

What was even more frightening was that when Xi Le moved her little hand, the petals falling from the sky became as sharp as knives, with awe-inspiring aura.

Du Yuesheng saw it, and said quickly: "No joy!"

Xi Le was taken aback for a moment, but she waved her hand obediently, and the petals all over the sky burst open immediately, turning into scattered petal fragments.

"Brother, why don't you want me to kill them!" Xi Le asked with her head tilted, her little face full of doubts.

Du Yuesheng said with a smile: "Let's leave it to my brother to kill people. Don't dirty Xi Le's hands."

After speaking, Du Yuesheng turned to look at Ximen Chuuxue, and said: "Behead all the disciples of Poxu Sect!"

Ximen Chuuxue nodded, looked around, and found that monks from other sects had already taken the opportunity to flee for their lives when Xi Le appeared, and now only the disciples of the Poxu Sect were left here, so he immediately rushed over without saying a word, holding his sword.

For a moment, the sword light was brilliant, and the disciples of Poxu Sect screamed again and again. After a while, Ximen Chuuxue returned to Du Yuesheng's side, and said calmly: "Emperor, I have completed the task, see you next time!"

After finishing speaking, a white light appeared beside Ximen Chuuxue, and the whole person disappeared.

Du Yuesheng was speechless, this Ximen Chuuxue really had a personality, originally wanted to keep him for a few more days, but he didn't expect this buddy to leave after saying hello, he was really indifferent.

Beside his ears, a series of system prompts sounded.

"Ding, congratulations to the player who killed 1624 disciples of the Shattering Void Sect and got 348495548 fairy points!"

"Ding, congratulations to the player for killing the Poxu Sect, completing the mission: Great Siege Killing, and getting a top character possession card as a reward: Li Xunhuan!"

"Ding, congratulations to the player for killing the Poxu Sect and completing the mission: Great Siege Killing, and you will be rewarded with a key to the sky!"

"Ding, congratulations to the player "Du Yuesheng", the level has been improved, and the current level is six levels of distraction!"

"Ding, congratulations to the player "Du Yuesheng", the level has been improved, and the current level is seven levels of distraction!"

"Ding, congratulations to the player "Du Yuesheng", the level has been improved, and the current level is eightfold!"

This time it was a bumper harvest.

Not only did he upgrade his registration to three levels, he got a character card, and he also got a Tongtian key.

The system has said that the Tongtian Key is an important item for completing the task of the Lord of the Sky Domain, and it is absolutely indispensable.

Taking out the Tongtian key, it is just an ordinary stone key, unremarkable, but the pattern engraved on it makes people feel the profound history from the bottom of their hearts.

"I just don't know what this key can open." Du Yuesheng curled his lips and said to himself.

Seeing the key in Du Yuesheng's hand, Xi Le couldn't help saying: "Brother, this key looks familiar, I seem to know where this key is."

"Oh?" Du Yuesheng's eyes lit up, he never expected that Xi Le would know where this Tongtian key can be used.

"How does Xile know, and where can this key be used?" He asked hastily.

Xi Le stretched out her hand and pointed in the direction she came from just now, and said: "This Tongtian key can be used in the Tongtian Palace deep in Tianyu. After I entered Tianyu, I went directly to Tongtian Palace. I just came back from there. The gate of Tongtian Palace is tight. Close, there is a pattern on the door lock that is exactly the same as this key!"

Hearing this, Du Yuesheng was overjoyed, it seemed that Tongtian Palace was the end of the mission of the Lord of the Heavenly Territory.

The way to become the master of the heaven must be in Tongtian Palace.

Thinking of this, Du Yuesheng said directly: "Let's go, let's go to Tongtian Palace to have a look."

Xi Le nodded, and then the two rushed towards Tongtian Palace directly through the air.

This time, after walking directly for a day and a night, the two of them saw the Tongtian Palace from a distance.

I saw only a palace suspended in the air, motionless, and above the palace, there were countless lightning flashes across the sky from time to time, making people worry about whether they would be struck by lightning.

And right in front of the palace, there is a long staircase, each of which is suspended in the air, rickety, as if it will collapse if you are not careful.

Xi Le said: "Brother, that is Tongtian Palace. Look carefully at the gate of Tongtian Palace. Is there such a pattern?"

With Du Yuesheng's current strength, he can naturally see at a glance that there is indeed a pattern on the main entrance of Tongtian Palace that is exactly the same as the Tongtian Key.

Seeing this, Du Yuesheng directly expressed his joy and said, "Let's go to Tongtian Palace to have fun!"

But unexpectedly, Xi Le shook her head and said, "Brother, don't be careless, there are organs everywhere in Tongtian Palace, even the stairs leading directly to Tongtian Palace are full of dangers, so don't be rash!"

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