The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 841 Labor and management are crazy (third)


Du Yuesheng narrowed his eyes, he didn't expect that there would be danger on the stairs of Tongtian Palace.

He couldn't help but hold his breath and look intently, and sure enough, he saw a lot of traces of spiritual power fluctuations on the steps of Tongtian Palace.

Only then did Du Yuesheng say: "Okay, let's proceed carefully, let's go, just in front of us, many monks have also found this place, and it seems that they are going to Tongtian Palace!"

As they said that, the two rushed forward, and at this moment, there were indeed quite a few monks gathered under Tongtian Palace.

Taking a closer look, I found that the ancestors of the Fusion Realm who escaped before also came here with their disciples.

"Old Patriarch Jinmu, this time we gave up the Mother of All Things Qi Bead, which is already a big loss. If we give up the treasure of Tongtian Palace again, this time we will really lose everything!"

Patriarch Huang Gu said to Patriarch Jinmu beside him.

Thinking of the appearance of Du Yuesheng's Poxu Patriarch, Huang Gu Patriarch couldn't help but shudder.

Patriarch Jinmu also seemed to think of his own sword, and his teeth itched angrily, and he said: "I hope that devil Du Yuesheng won't come here to make trouble again, with him around, we will be in danger!"

"Don't worry!"

Hearing the report from his disciples, Patriarch Huang Gu suddenly looked happy and said: "My disciples have heard the news that the powerful expert Du Yuesheng found has left!"

"What?" As soon as Patriarch Huang Gu said this, several other patriarchs around him immediately surrounded him.

"Is this true?" Patriarch Huang Gu glanced at the other patriarchs with a smile, but said nothing.

When the other ancestors saw this, they couldn't help calling Huang Gu an old fox, but they all smiled.

He took out valuable treasures from his bosom, and stuffed them directly into Patriarch Huang Gu.

Seeing this, Patriarch Huang Gu said: "Fellow daoists, it's not that I'm greedy, it's because I was miserably cheated by Du Yuesheng this time, and I must recover some of my losses."

"Now I can tell fellow Taoists responsibly that the expert Du Yuesheng recruited left after destroying the Shattering Illusion Sect. Later, my disciples searched around, but there was no trace of that expert!"

Hearing this, a group of ancestor-level figures who have never been happy laughed in unison: "Haha, sure enough, I said that such a master, how could he be ordered by a little kid in the distraction period!"

"Without that expert to help Du Yuesheng, I don't think that Du Yuesheng is so rampant. We won't be afraid when he comes!"

The many ancestors were overjoyed, and their minds were wide open. Immediately, an ancestor stood up and said: "Everyone, tell me, should we take back the mother of all things? Let's not talk about distribution, just grab it!" With it in hand, let's make plans slowly!"

When the other ancestors heard it, their hearts moved immediately, but after a while of careful thinking, someone still stood up and said: "I don't want it anymore, this time I come to Tianyu, although the mother of all things is very important, it is not the main purpose. , let's concentrate on preparing to seize the treasures of Tongtian Palace!"

As soon as this remark came out, many people immediately agreed: "Yes, yes, the treasures of Tongtian Palace are the most important, and we can't make extra troubles!"

The few old ancestors who wanted to take action against Du Yuesheng thought about it, but they could only agree.

"Hehe, what are you all talking about about this Heavenly Emperor?"

At this moment, Du Yuesheng's voice suddenly rang in the ears of several people.

Several ancestors turned their heads to look at Du Yuesheng, frowned, and were about to speak, but saw Xi Le again, felt Xi Le's domineering aura, and couldn't help but change slightly.

A yin and yang voice sounded at this moment: "Is this little girl the future successor of the Poxu Sect that Patriarch Poxu said?"

"Sure enough, he is tyrannical. With a single enlightenment, his cultivation base has been raised to the level of the body. He is worthy of being a super genius. Unfortunately, the ancestor Poxu never thought that the genius he cultivated would become a traitor!"

Hearing this sentence, Du Yuesheng narrowed his eyes immediately, and looked at the ancestor who spoke.

That patriarch is Ziyang Patriarch.

But no matter who he is, if this person dares to sneer at Xi Le, he is courting death.

Du Yuesheng immediately sneered, stood up, and said coldly: "Ziyang Patriarch, it seems that your life is too long!"

While speaking, Du Yuesheng was ready to make a move.

Dare to ridicule joy, is courting death!

Patriarch Ziyang snorted coldly and said, "Aren't you being too arrogant? You just rely on the master to help you. Now that the master is gone, I can crush you with just one finger!"

"Damn!" Du Yuesheng couldn't help but sneered when he heard this, raised his hand and pointed at Patriarch Ziyang, and said: "One trick, I will abolish your cultivation and kill your entire sect, you can be trusted!"

"Arrogance!" Patriarch Ziyang shouted in a low voice.

"Crazy?" Du Yuesheng looked up to the sky and laughed loudly, a gust of wind suddenly hit, blowing his clothes and making noise.

Suddenly, Du Yuesheng's laughter stopped abruptly, he lowered his head and looked serious, pointed at Ziyang Patriarch and shouted loudly: "I'm crazy, you fucking can't help me and me!"

so what? Du Yuesheng has a lot of capital madness!

So what if you're crazy, can you kill me?

Proud of life, young and crazy! Don't be crazy, is it possible to be a person with your tail between your legs for the rest of your life?

As soon as Du Yuesheng said these words, Ziyang Patriarch's angry face immediately turned into a pig's liver color!

No matter how crazy Du Yuesheng is, he is still a member of the younger generation. Ziyang Patriarch, who is usually a high-ranking patriarch, is now pointed at his nose and scolded.

Now he understands how Patriarch Huanggu was so angry that he vomited blood, and how humiliating Paxu Poxu was before he died!

After a long time, Ziyang patriarch came to point at Du Yuesheng, and said word by word: "Arrogant boy, you make a move, I will let you do one move, no, I will let you do ten moves, I want to see how you can destroy me!" Cultivate, destroy my entire sect!"

Patriarch Ziyang was also confused by anger, and even said crazy things like ten tricks.

The other ancestors and monks saw this scene, although they thought in their hearts that it was not wise for the ancestor Ziyang to do so, after all, the lion fights the rabbit with all his strength.

However, they all understood very well in their hearts. If this matter was placed on them, they might have to make ten tricks, and then brutally kill Du Yuesheng.

They all felt that Du Yuesheng really had no chance of winning. After all, Du Yuesheng could only focus on distraction, while Patriarch Ziyang was in the Fusion Realm!

It's a pity that they forgot one thing, that is, when the Blue Thunder Sect was destroyed, no master appeared beside Du Yuesheng!

Du Yuesheng just sneered after listening to Ziyang Patriarch's words: "Ten tricks? Old man, I advise you to discuss with your own mouth before speaking, lest the wind will flash your old tongue!"

After finishing speaking, he shouted directly in his heart: "System, use Li Xunhuan's possession card!"

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