The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 842 The Power of Throwing Knives (Fourth)

"Ding, the system prompts that Li Xunhuan's possession card has been successfully used, and the time limit is five minutes!"

An unprecedented energy poured into the body, compared to when using Li Xiaoyao's possession card before, it was only stronger but not weaker.

Du Yuesheng just grinned and was quite satisfied. Although it was only five minutes, it was enough.

He turned his head to look at Patriarch Ziyang, and said leisurely: "Patriarch Ziyang, I will give you a chance to kneel down and kill yourself, and I will spare the life of your disciple!"

"Noisy!" Ziyang Patriarch hadn't spoken yet, and a disciple of Yuanying stage in Ziyangmen couldn't help standing up first, pointing at Du Yuesheng and yelling:

"An unknown person, relying on the presence of a master, can still make a breeze, now that the master has left, what do you have to be majestic?

I also want my ancestor to kneel down and kill himself, I advise you to kneel down and kill yourself first.

Otherwise, I, Ziyangmen, will dig up your ancestral graves and flog your corpses in the future! "

Du Yuesheng raised his brows, he didn't expect this Ziyangmen disciple to talk so much, and he was still so vicious.

Immediately, there was a flash of anger in his eyes, and he turned his head to look at the Nascent Soul disciple, and the endless coercion in his body also ruthlessly pressed towards the Nascent Soul disciple.

Many Ziyang disciples still wanted to applaud that Nascent Soul disciple, when they heard a bang, a burst of blood mist exploded directly, and the smell of blood permeated the air.

All Ziyang disciples were stunned, and no one could figure out what happened.

Did Du Yuesheng make a move? No, he just stood in the distance and looked at it from a distance.

But just this one glance, full of coercion from a master of the Mahayana stage, how can a mere Nascent Soul disciple withstand it, it is normal to be crushed to burst!

Several ancestors saw all this clearly.

For a while, several ancestors began to send crazy sound transmissions in private: "See, Du Yuesheng killed that junior in the Nascent Soul stage at a glance, who can do this?"

"I can't do it. To kill a disciple of the Nascent Soul stage, at least a master of the Mahayana stage can do it. Du Yuesheng can't be a master of the Mahayana stage!"

"Impossible, Du Yuesheng must have used some kind of weird trick, don't worry, let's watch him fight with Patriarch Ziyang!"

Patriarch Ziyang was not too far away from that Nascent Soul disciple, because that Nascent Soul disciple was his beloved apprentice, but now that his beloved disciple died at a glance, how could he accept it.

"Du Yuesheng, hurry up and make a move, or the old man will make a move!" Ancestor Ziyang almost gritted his teeth until bleeding came out.

Du Yuesheng chuckled, then raised his hand and put his index finger and middle finger together, as if something thin was sandwiched between the two fingers.

This scene fell into the eyes of Ziyang Patriarch, causing a burst of ridicule: "Are you going to throw a throwing knife? It's a pity that you don't have a flying knife in your hand!"

Du Yuesheng frowned, and said lightly: "Hey, you have a good eye, I really want to use a throwing knife, but... you say I don't have a throwing knife, so I don't have a throwing knife?"

After finishing speaking, Du Yuesheng bent his arm, then straightened it suddenly, a standard throwing knife movement.

Extremely ordinary, without any spell bonuses, without any fluctuations in spiritual power, just like the movements of people in the world.

Following this throw, the air trembled slightly, only to see a flying knife quickly condensed out between Du Yuesheng's two fingers, and flew away with a whistling sound.

The speed of this throwing knife is not too slow for ordinary people, but for an ancestor in the fit state, the flying speed of this flying knife is like an ant crawling.

"Trash!" Patriarch Ziyang sneered, opened his mouth and blew, and suddenly a gust of wind picked up, rolled up the sky full of sand and stones, and swept towards the flying knife.

Seeing this scene, Xi Le quickly yelled: "Old guy, you are cheating, you made a move!"

Patriarch Ziyang sneered: "Little traitor, I didn't lie. I didn't take action. I just took a big breath. Could it be that you want me not to take a breath?"

"Xi Le, don't argue with him." Du Yuesheng smiled and watched the flying knife slowly flying towards the sand and gravel in the sky, not in a hurry at all.

"After all, there's no point in arguing with a dead man!"

Xi Le was very obedient, and immediately stopped saying a word to Ziyang Patriarch, but her gaze on Ziyang Patriarch changed to that of a dead person.

Everyone didn't pay attention to the changes here, their eyes were all focused on the flying knife, which had already plunged into the hurricane blown by Ziyang Patriarch.

In an instant, the flying knife was completely covered by sand and stones all over the sky, and the eyes could not see the situation inside at all, only heard the crisp sound of jingling, and one knew it was the sound of sand and stones hitting the flying knife.

"Humph!" Hearing this, Ziyang Patriarch couldn't help but smile triumphantly. The tone he just blew was not random, but secretly used a great magic of Ziyang. It's too easy to deal with a flying knife by blowing it into meat slag.

The other patriarchs also nodded secretly, they were very familiar with each other, of course they could see that Patriarch Ziyang was up to no good.

But just when the ancestors thought that Du Yuesheng was already familiar, they saw only a little cold light bursting out of the wind.

It's Du Yuesheng's flying knife!

"What!" Patriarch Ziyang's complexion changed, before he could react, the speed of the throwing knife suddenly increased, as fast as lightning.

Without giving Ancestor Ziyang the slightest chance, the flying knife penetrated Ancestor Ziyang's dantian and flew out with a stream of blood arrows.

The flying knife was stained with blood and turned bright red.

And after the flying knife rushed past Ziyang Patriarch's dantian, it didn't stop for a moment, and the speed became faster and faster, as you can see it at a glance.

Because the speed of the flying knife was too fast, a long series of afterimages were left behind.

The afterimages were connected together and directly turned into a red ribbon.

Moreover, the red ribbon became more and more colorful, and the smell of blood in the air became more and more intense.

Because after the flying knife passed through Ziyang Patriarch's dantian, it directly killed those Ziyang disciples. How could those disciples be able to dodge the flying knife that Ziyang Patriarch couldn't avoid.

Each of the disciples only saw a little red light flashing in their eyes, and then their vision was plunged into darkness.

plop plop...

All of a sudden, the muffled sound of falling to the ground came from behind Patriarch Ziyang one after another.

It didn't take two breaths for everyone to look up, only to find in horror that more than a thousand disciples of Ziyang who were still alive just now, at this moment, all of them fell to the ground, lost their breath, and died!

Moreover, on every Ziyang disciple's corpse, one can clearly see a deep blood hole between the brows and the back of the head, and the blood is flowing out along with the brain.

What is even more shocking is that at this moment, Patriarch Ziyang suddenly uttered a terrifying roar: "My cultivation level... Du Yuesheng, you actually destroyed my dantian and abolished my cultivation level!"

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