The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 844 The Six Great Ancestors Join Forces (Part 1)

As the light of the sword enveloped the bodies of the two, thousands of sword lights came attacking and striking the light of the sword, splashing out waves of light.

But that's all.

It was difficult for those sword lights to break through even the outermost periphery of Du Yuesheng's sword light, let alone hurt the two of them.

"Let's go!"

Du Yuesheng glanced at the countdown of Li Xunhuan's possession card that was prompted by the system, and knew that he couldn't delay for too long, so he jumped up immediately, turning into a long stream of light with joy, and went straight up.

This time, almost all the restraints on the climbing ladder were activated, and the sword light that covered the sky and the sun continued to attack, but it couldn't stop the two of them.

Then another phantom of an ancient giant beast appeared in front of the two of them, but Du Yuesheng's body-protecting saber light was not only for defense.

A low shout came out of Du Yuesheng's mouth, and a golden and bright sword light burst out around him instantly, and the sword light swept away, and the seemingly ferocious phantoms with raised hands were cut off one after another, and all turned into nothingness.

All the way up, Du Yuesheng didn't even spend a minute, he just stood at the top of the ladder.

And many restrictions on the ladder to the sky also collapsed one after another.

Although these restrictions are very powerful, after all, they have been around for a long time, and now they have finally collapsed after a full-strength stimulation.

But even if the restriction collapsed, many monks below still did not move.

They all stood where they were, dumbfounded.

Don't blame them, just blame Du Yuesheng's way of rushing up the ladder is too rough and too simple, which made them unable to accept it for a while.

You must know that before Du Yuesheng, there were more than a dozen masters in the distraction stage teamed up to climb the ladder, but they were killed by many ancient prohibitions after walking less than ten steps.

Before thinking about it, and looking at Du Yuesheng again, they couldn't help but be shocked.

The ones with the ugliest faces are probably Jinmu Patriarch and Huang Gu Patriarch.

The two of them thought that this restriction could kill Du Yuesheng, but they didn't expect this result in the end!

"Should we...don't fight against this devil anymore?" After a long time, Patriarch Huang Gu came back to his senses and said through voice transmission.

Patriarch Jinmu was also shaken all over, and came back to his senses, but what he said was still firm: "Why not, this kid must be extremely arrogant if he has broken through the ladder to the sky now, but the danger in Tongtian Palace is compared to the ladder to the sky. It's just a little bit more, as long as we do a little bit of tricks, this kid will definitely die!"

As he said that, Jinmu Patriarch also sent a voice transmission to several other Patriarchs, saying: "Everyone, you have also seen Du Yuesheng's strength. If he is allowed to live well, there will be nothing for us in Tongtian Palace." .”

"What the ancestor of Jinmu said is true!" An ancestor agreed immediately through voice transmission: "We have worked so hard to open this world. If Du Yuesheng took advantage of it, wouldn't we be in a blood loss?"

"Anyway, my time is approaching. If I don't get the treasures in Tongtian Palace, I'm afraid I will die. I'm willing to fight!" Several ancestors said the same thing.

Hearing this, Jinmu Patriarch smiled with satisfaction, and said through voice transmission: "Okay, now the restrictions on climbing the ladder are gone, judging by Du Yuesheng's appearance, he must have a way to enter the Tongtian Palace, when the time comes, we will play by ear , must kill this son!"

"Okay, Brother Jinmu later, send us as you like!" The six surviving ancestors immediately agreed.

Du Yuesheng, who was on the top of the climbing ladder, saw this scene, couldn't help but twitched the corner of his mouth, and murmured: "So you all want to kill me, hehe, then I don't have any scruples when I do it, I just hope you don't kill me before you die." I am so sorry!"

With that said, Du Yuesheng directly took out the key rewarded by the system, walked to the gate of Tongtian Palace, inserted the key into the keyhole, and twisted it lightly.

There was a tooth-piercing metallic sound, and the gate of Tongtian Palace opened slowly.

The first thing that came into view was a magnificent hall. There was no one in the hall, but there were thousands of futons placed on the ground one by one.

Apparently, there used to be people preaching scriptures here, but unfortunately now things have changed and people have changed, leaving only an empty hall.

Du Yuesheng sighed, looked up at the front of the main hall, and found that there were actually eight passages leading to the depths of Tongtian Palace.

"In the past, this place was a place for preaching scriptures, not a place for killing people. This means that these eight roads are likely to lead to the same end. It is not a dead end, just choose one at will!"

Du Yuesheng thought for a while, walked into one of the passages with joy.

Not long after Du Yuesheng walked into the passage, the rest of the ancestors also came here. They glanced and felt the fluctuation of the air in the place where Du Yuesheng just passed, and the corners of their mouths could not help but twitch.

Patriarch Jinmu took out a piece of parchment and said: "Everyone, according to the map in our hands, these eight passages lead to the same destination. Don't rush to follow Du Yuesheng. We will meet each other when the time comes, and after meeting, it will be his Time to die!"

The other ancestors nodded immediately, and led their disciples into the other six passages scatteredly. The only passage was occupied by monks from those small sects.

In the dark passage, Du Yuesheng's possession card has lost its effect, but with his current cultivation level, he is fearless in this passage.

The passage was extremely long, and after walking for a long time, I couldn't see the end. After an hour passed, Du Yuesheng couldn't help narrowing his eyes, and said, "Xi Le, do you have any strange feelings?"

Xi Le shook her head and said, "What's wrong, brother?"

Du Yuesheng pointed to the passage that still had no end in sight and said: "This passage has no bends. We have walked for an entire hour. The speed of the two of us is not slow. If it is normal, we should have walked out of Tongtian Palace. Still in this passage?"

Xi Le nodded, and finally understood: "Yes, this Tongtian Palace is not so small, and it is not so big, why is it like this?"

"Hehe, we should have entered the formation!" Du Yuesheng narrowed his eyes and looked at the walls on both sides. Suddenly, he raised his hand and slashed towards the wall with a sword: "Swallow the sky!"

Countless sword lights bloomed, illuminating the entire passage, and the sword lights instantly attacked and slashed on the wall. The wall was like a water surface, with ripples, and finally swallowed the sword lights completely went in.

"Hehe, it's quite hard, I want to see how much sword light you can swallow from me!"

While speaking, Du Yuesheng shook his Zhuxian sword and shouted directly: "Diwei!"

As soon as Emperor Wei came out, his strength increased tenfold.

At this time, Du Yuesheng was not afraid even if he faced those old ancestors and teamed up.

"Swallow the sky!"

Swallowing the sky again, the sword light shot like a long rainbow, and when the sword came out, there was a turbulent wave on the wall, and it seemed that it could still hold on, but soon, the wall that was still extremely solid just trembled violently, with a bang, and there was a loud bang. collapse!

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