The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 845 Who is in favor and who is against (second more)

The walls on both sides of the road collapsed, and the scenery in front of him changed rapidly. At this time, Du Yuesheng saw that an exit had appeared in front of him.

"This level is very simple." Du Yuesheng grinned and said to Xi Le.

Xi Le nodded again and again.

If the person who arranged the illusion knew this, he might be so angry that he would jump out of the coffin directly.

I have never seen such a violent person. When I encountered a fantasy formation, I didn't think about how to break the formation, but directly smashed the foundation of the formation with a sword. It was too violent!

Du Yuesheng and Xi Le walked out of the passage to take a look, only to find that they had come to the edge of a cliff.

It is hard to imagine that in a palace, there is a cliff more than one hundred feet wide.

And on the cliff, there is only a narrow bridge with no handrails on both sides of the bridge, so it is easy to fall into the abyss. At the head of the bridge, there is a bridge headstone with three large characters engraved on it: Broken Soul Bridge!

At this moment, a loud voice suddenly came from behind.

Looking back, it turned out that several ancestors had led their disciples out of the passage of the phantom array.

"Brother Du Yuesheng is really fast!" Patriarch Huang Gu came up and complimented with a smile.

Du Yuesheng sneered silently, this Huang Gu Patriarch has malicious intentions, and will definitely encourage him to go to the bridge again, but he doesn't know how disappointed Huang Gu Patriarch will be if he does not die on the bridge this time!

Thinking of this, Du Yuesheng said: "Patriarch Huang Gu, do you know what is so strange about this Broken Soul Bridge?"

Patriarch Huanggu pretended to look forward, then thought for a while, and finally said: "I have received news before that people walking on this Duanhun bridge will be attacked by a strange beast, even if they are in the state of fusion. It's very dangerous for any expert to go up there, little brother Du Yuesheng, let me try it first..."

As he said that, Patriarch Huang Gu still acted as if he wanted to be the first, but he didn't dare to.

Seeing this, Du Yuesheng wanted to laugh for a while, this Huang Gu patriarch was advancing by retreating, pretending that he wanted to go first, and then urged Du Yuesheng to go first.

I can't let him go this time.

Thinking of this, Du Yuesheng said: "Oh, it's rare for Patriarch Huang Gu to have such thoughts, so the Emperor of Heaven will not reject Patriarch Huang Gu's kindness, so you can go first!"

"Ah?" Patriarch Huang Gu was instantly dumbfounded.

Isn't Du Yuesheng a fool, isn't he very impulsive and arrogant? How come the aggressive method doesn't work on him?

For a moment, Patriarch Huang Gu simply froze in place and remained motionless.

"Hehe, why didn't Patriarch Huang Gu stop moving?" Du Yuesheng sneered when he saw this, and said, "Could it be that Patriarch Huang Gu felt that you were too lonely to go on the road alone? Then the Heavenly Emperor will give you more people!"

As he said that, Du Yuesheng directly touched the Nether Yellow Spring Banner, and with a wave of the banner, black wind and black fire roared out, directly surrounding the disciples of the Huanggu Sect who came forward.

But directly in front, leading to the Broken Soul Bridge in front, there is a gap.

Du Yuesheng's idea is very simple, to force the disciples of the Huanggu Sect to walk on the Broken Soul Bridge!

"Fellow Daoist Du Yuesheng, what are you going to do?" Patriarch Huang Gu panicked, never expecting that Du Yuesheng would suddenly attack!

Du Yuesheng grinned, and said: "I am asking the disciples of your sect to accompany you to walk together, lest you be lonely on the road!"

Du Yuesheng made a pun, and at the same time, with a thought, the black fire immediately began to burn the Huanggu sect disciples standing at the back, and immediately more than a dozen disciples were burned to ashes.

Seeing this, the rest of the Huanggu sect's disciples screamed and rushed towards the Broken Soul Bridge.

Although the Broken Soul Bridge is close to death, if you stay here, you will definitely be killed by Du Yuesheng in a short while, so it is better to fight for that life.

Seeing this scene, Patriarch Huang Gu's face turned pale, and he murmured: "It's over, it's over!"

Others don't know how powerful the Broken Soul Bridge is, but Patriarch Huang Gu knows it very well.

Sure enough, after the disciples of the Yellow Valley Sect rushed up the Broken Soul Bridge, they saw almost transparent snakes suddenly appear from the bottom of the abyss, swimming in the air, and quietly flew up the Broken Soul Bridge!

"Be careful!" Patriarch Huang Gu quickly reminded loudly.

The disciples of the Yellow Valley Sect immediately lowered their heads and looked around when they heard the words, but their cultivation was too low to see those invisible snakes at all. Patriarch Xiang Huanggu looked at a loss.

But at this moment, those invisible snakes finally got into trouble, opened their mouths wide, and bit the disciple of the Yellow Valley Sect.


It started with a scream, followed by countless screams.

Those invisible snakes were extremely venomous, with one bite, even if the disciples of the Yellow Valley Sect were distracted, they only had time to let out a scream before falling into the abyss.

In a short while, the more than one thousand Huanggu Sect disciples just now were all buried under the poisonous mouth of the invisible snake.

Patriarch Huang Gu looked like he was about to burst into tears, his gray hair turned completely white at this moment, and his face was covered with wrinkles in an instant.

The tens of thousands of years of the Yellow Valley School's heritage is completely empty in an instant!


Patriarch Huang Gu only felt that he was a sinner of Huang Gu Sect. If he hadn't been greedy for the treasures of Tongtian Palace and wanted to frame Du Yuesheng, how could he have ended up like this today!

For a while, Patriarch Huang Gu even wanted to die, but the timidity deep in his heart made him dare not cut himself off to thank the world, and he was extremely entangled!

"Patriarch Huang Gu!" Du Yuesheng frowned, looked away from the invisible snake, looked at Patriarch Huang Gu, and said: "Your disciples are all on their way, should you go too?"

Du Yuesheng's tone was as cold as ice, and Patriarch Huang Gu shuddered when he heard it. Just when Du Yuesheng thought that Patriarch Huang Gu was going to violently kill people, Patriarch Huang Gu suddenly forced a smile and said:

"Brother Du Yuesheng, this Broken Soul Bridge is extremely dangerous. The old man was abrupt before, but now that I know that I am not strong enough, I dare not go forward. I should ask little brother Du Yuesheng to use his supernatural powers to destroy those invisible snakes!"

Hearing this, a look of disdain appeared in Du Yuesheng's eyes immediately.

This Huang Gu patriarch actually gave in.

If he rises up to kill people, Du Yuesheng will still feel that the ancestor of Huang Gu has some integrity, and maybe he will pay homage to him in the coming year.

Unexpectedly, Patriarch Huang Gu was subdued.

Thousands of his own disciples died, and the sect's 10,000-year accumulation was exhausted. The Huanggu Patriarch was able to bear the humiliation and endure humiliation to survive. He simply brought the old tortoise's temper to the extreme!

For a moment, Du Yuesheng only felt that killing this Huanggu Patriarch was dirtying his hands, he couldn't help but sneered, looked around, and said word by word:

"Patriarch Huang Gu must go to the Duanhun Bridge today. After I finish speaking, who agrees and who opposes?"

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