The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 846 Mission Complete (Third)

Du Yuesheng didn't show any mercy to the ancestor of Yuehuanggu who was greedy for life and afraid of death.

The more he was afraid of death, the more he wanted to drag on and abandon his sect to live, the more Du Yuesheng wanted him to die!

"Brother Du Yuesheng, don't bully me too much..." Patriarch Huang Gu couldn't imagine that Du Yuesheng would not give him even a chance of life!

Du Yuesheng snorted coldly, and said: "Aren't you called the devil of the Emperor of Heaven, which devil will show mercy?"

Patriarch Huang Gu was stunned, and angrily had no intention of adding anything, but he didn't dare to say it, so he could only grit his teeth and said, "Du Yuesheng, tell me, what are you going to do to let me live, let me be like a cow or a horse?" Okay, I just want my life!"

The more Patriarch Huang Gu begged, the more intense the indifference and disdain in Du Yuesheng's eyes.

In the end, even Patriarch Jinmu couldn't stand it any longer, and said coldly, "Hmph, Patriarch Huanggu, the Heavenly Emperor ordered you to die, so you still dare to live?"

"Jin Mu, you!" Patriarch Huang Gu was shocked, he didn't expect that Patriarch Jin Mu, who was closest to him, would suddenly turn against him.

Before he could react, Jin Mu jumped forward, pinched out a finger, flipped his palm, a phantom of a mountain suddenly appeared in the sky, and with a bang, it pressed down on Patriarch Huanggu.

Patriarch Huang Gu was terrified, he quickly raised his hand to defend, and at the same time he yelled: "Jin Mu, if you dare to attack me, treat me as if I dare not tell you..."

At the last moment, Patriarch Huang Gu was ready to tell the story of several patriarchs conspiring to kill Du Yuesheng.

Unexpectedly, before he finished speaking, the other ancestors panicked and took out their housekeeping spells to blast away.

In an instant, countless streamers flickered, and roars shook the sky. Patriarch Huang Gu didn't even have a chance to speak, but was suppressed by many patriarchs together, and exploded with a bang, turning into a bloody mist!

Seeing this, Du Yuesheng couldn't help but sneer. He didn't expect that these ancestors who were forced to fight among themselves. I don't know if they feel good at this moment?

Looking up, the faces of the ancestors were extremely ugly.

Jinmu was the first to bear the brunt, and after a long time, Jinmu Patriarch sighed slightly, and said: "Patriarch Huanggu died with more than enough guilt."

Du Yuesheng grinned, and said: "It's not a pity for him to die, Jinmu Patriarch is really good at it."

After finishing speaking, Du Yuesheng left behind the embarrassing Jinmu Patriarch, and jumped directly onto the Broken Soul Bridge.

Seeing this, those invisible snakes crawled towards Du Yuesheng one after another.

Seeing this scene, Du Yuesheng sneered, and waved the Netherworld Flag in his hand. He is now a master of the nine levels of distraction. Even if he doesn't use Emperor Power and Berserk, his strength is not weaker than any of the ancestors present.

Coupled with the Nether Yellow Spring Banner, which is inferior to the ancestors present, killing these invisible snakes is as easy as pie!

Sure enough, as he waved the Netherworld Flag, many black winds and black fires roared out. Wherever they went, those invisible snakes were either turned into fly ash or ice.

In just a few breaths, many invisible snakes were killed!

After all this was done, Du Yuesheng stretched out his hand, and Xi Le immediately flew forward, and the two passed the Broken Soul Bridge together.

On the other side of the Broken Soul Bridge, several ancestors looked at each other, and secretly began to transmit voices: "Jin Mu, what should we do now?"

"Why do I feel that Du Yuesheng is playing with us?" An ancestor asked.

"Impossible!" Patriarch Jinmu said angrily, "Du Yuesheng can see through the old man's schemes? It must be a coincidence, it was Huang Gu who got into Du Yuesheng's hands!"

After finishing speaking, the ancestors were silent for a long time, and the ancestor Jinmu continued to transmit the voice: "According to the records, after crossing the Broken Soul Bridge, it is the central area of ​​Tongtian Palace. The treasures are there, all of which are ancient treasures. There are treasures that can increase our strength by three or four times, and when the time comes, we can snatch a tyrannical treasure by ourselves, and if we join forces, we won't be able to kill him!"

There are only five ancestors left, and each ancestor will get a magic weapon that can increase their strength by four times. By then, the five of them will be equivalent to the original twenty.

This force cannot be underestimated.

After thinking about it for a while, the other four ancestors finally nodded, and then led their disciples to the Broken Soul Bridge.

On the other side of the bridge, Du Yuesheng came directly to a vast hall.

In this hall, there are indeed countless treasures lying on the ground.

Xi Le just looked at it, and his face was full of surprises, and said: "Brother, look, these treasures are so strong, they can increase their strength by three or four times!"

Du Yuesheng glanced at it, then curled his lips and said, "It's not a great treasure."

"Ah, brother has really good eyesight, what treasure does brother want?" Xi Le asked with her head tilted.

"I..." Du Yuesheng looked around, then waved his hand and said, "I want everything!"

There is no market for Du Yuesheng who can't chew too much.

If you want to take it, then take it all, this is the kingly way!

If you can't use it yourself, you can use it to be devoured by the Zhuxian sword. If you can't finish the Zhuxian sword, you can give it to others. If you can't give it away, you can use it to smash people.

"Ah?" Xi Le was dumbfounded. She glanced at the hall, pointed to a stone tablet at the front of the hall and said, "Brother, but it says that one person can only take one treasure!"

Sure enough, right in front of the hall, there was a throne, and the back of the throne was a stone tablet. There was a line on the stone tablet that said: A person can only take one treasure, otherwise he will be punished by the gods.

Tianyu destroyed?

Du Yuesheng's task is to become the master of Tianyu, of course he can't let Tianyu be destroyed.

But Du Yuesheng still didn't change his original intention. He took a closer look at the throne, and suddenly grinned, walked forward and sat on the throne.

"Brother, is this throne comfortable to sit on?" Xi Le hurried over and asked.

Du Yuesheng grinned and said, "Uncomfortable, cold ass."

"Then brother, you are still sitting!" Xi Le looked disgusted.

Du Yuesheng laughed, took out the key to the sky, and said: "I don't want to sit on this throne, but to unlock it!"

After finishing speaking, he reached out and inserted the key into an inconspicuous keyhole next to the right hand side of the throne, and turned it lightly.

Only a crisp click sound was heard, and a ray of light suddenly came out from above the throne, and then only a wave of light radiated directly from the throne,

This light wave spread out in a blink of an eye, reaching the limit of what the eyes could see, but it only took a moment for the light wave to disappear completely, as if everything just now was an illusion.

But Du Yuesheng knew that this was not an illusion.

Because at this moment, he suddenly heard the system's notification sound in his ears: "Ding, congratulations to the player for completing the mission: Lord of the Sky Domain! Rewarded, Sky Domain Continent!"

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