The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 847: Killing You (Fourth)

Hearing this system prompt, Du Yuesheng's eyes lit up. He didn't expect that he had completed the task of the Lord of the Heavenly Domain unintentionally!

Moreover, he was rewarded by the entire Tianyu Continent.

That is to say, the entire Tianyu Continent, including the Tongtian Palace, and the magic weapons all over the place belong to Du Yuesheng.

Before Du Yuesheng could laugh out loud, there were a series of system prompts next to his ears.

"Ding, congratulations to the player for completing the mission: Lord of the Heavens! Get the reward: The kingdom of God is open!"

"Ding, congratulations to the player who has unlocked the Kingdom of God, and can summon characters from the Kingdom of God to descend!"

"Ding, the main quest is a battle between our monks and Xi, the quest has entered the second stage, the Dragon Clan has no children, but there is a female warrior!"

"Haha!" Du Yuesheng finally burst into laughter: "The Kingdom of God is unlocked? Now I am no longer alone, and I can summon whoever I want. There will be more people fighting you in the future, and more people will be emperors today!"

As for the task of the second stage, Du Yuesheng didn't bother to think about it. Anyway, he would know why it was called this name when the time came. Thinking of this, Du Yuesheng became more and more happy.

But at this moment, there was a sound of footsteps at the door, only to see Patriarch Jinmu leading many disciples also coming to the front.

As soon as he entered the door and saw the tyrannical treasures all over the floor, Du Yuesheng didn't move a single thing, but sitting on the throne, Patriarch Jinmu and others' eyes almost popped out.

I saw Jinmu Patriarch raised his arms and shouted: "Everyone, the magic weapon is here, Du Yuesheng actually only wants to sit on the throne, then we will use the magic weapon to suppress him!"

In fact, there was no need for Patriarch Jinmu to shout at all, the rest of the patriarchs had already rushed forward, grabbing a treasure one by one.

They are not greedy for too much, just take one treasure and use it well.

But the disciples under their sect didn't care about so much anymore, and they won't have their share in the battle later, so they can take as much as they can.

But those disciples who picked up more than one treasure didn't even have time to take a look at what the treasure they got looked like, when they suddenly heard a crackling sound of thunder falling, directly splitting those disciples into fly ash.

"What's going on?" Many ancestors were shocked. Although the thunder did not strike them that day, they felt the power of the thunder, and even they couldn't stop it.

Could it be Du Yuesheng's weird trick again?

In an instant, all the living people turned their attention to Du Yuesheng.

Du Yuesheng smiled slightly, walked down from the throne with a look of embarrassment, turned sideways and pointed to the words on the throne chair, and said: "I'm sorry, the Emperor of Heaven is wide and fat, blocking this line of words." !"

When many monks saw the line written on the throne, they were so angry that they wanted to vomit blood!

Deliberate, must be deliberate!

Just because Du Yuesheng blocked that line, at least one or two hundred monks died directly just now, and he dared to say that he didn't do it on purpose!

"Everyone, this devil absolutely doesn't want us to have a good time, let's not worry about anything, just kill him!"

Patriarch Jinmu raised a golden sword in his hand and said.

This golden sword is a treasure he can see at a glance. He is good at using swords. If he gets this golden sword, his strength will be increased by more than five times!

Hearing the words, the other ancestors raised their magic weapons one after another. Each of them is a super powerful magic weapon, which can increase their strength by five or six times, which is far more than four times what they expected before!

In this way, the confidence of the ancestors will be even more sufficient!

Du Yuesheng looked at the confident ancestors, couldn't help smiling, and said: "Everyone... I really don't have the heart to tell you the truth!"

"What's the truth?" Jin Mu was taken aback, but didn't dare to make a move directly.

"The truth is... these magic weapons are all mine!" Du Yuesheng said lightly.

When Jin Mu heard this, he looked up to the sky and laughed loudly: "Devil, you are confused because we got the magic weapon, haha, then I will use your magic weapon to suppress you today, everyone, come with me and suppress him!"

After Jinmu Patriarch finished speaking, he jumped up, and the golden sword light bloomed like moonlight, soft but unavoidable.

Seeing this, the rest of the ancestors took action one after another. Some of their ancestors had a good relationship, and some had a bad relationship, but they all knew each other for hundreds or even thousands of years.

So they cooperate perfectly, and now that they have a powerful treasure in their hands, they join forces now, but there are usually thirty or forty people!

Seeing this, Du Yuesheng couldn't help grinning again, raised his hand and pointed at Patriarch Jinmu, and shouted in a low voice: "Get down!"


The Jinmu Patriarch, who had just flown into the air, actually fell from the sky with a low shout and bang, and hit the ground hard.

"What!" The other four patriarchs were startled, and when they were about to speak, Du Yuesheng raised his hand and said, "Get down!"

Boom boom boom!

Four muffled sounds came out, and the other four patriarchs also fell down from the air and hit the ground, splashing a circle of dust, making them disgraced and embarrassed!

"how so!"

Countless monks were shocked, Du Yuesheng's strength has reached such a point?

The ancestors were also surprised, not knowing what was going on.

How did they know that the magic weapon they hold tightly in their hands is now completely listening to Du Yuesheng. When they first got the treasure, they regarded it as their own life and held it tighter than anything else.

But in this case, Du Yuesheng controlled the magic weapon to fall from the sky, and naturally brought the ancestors to the ground directly!

"Wouldn't it be a lot of fun for you guys to fight against the Emperor of Heaven?" Du Yuesheng asked.

Several patriarchs were in doubt, but they were unwilling to admit defeat, especially Patriarch Jin Mu, who mobilized all his spiritual energy, raised the golden sword, swung it out, the sword light splashed out, and went straight to Du Yuesheng.

Seeing this, Du Yuesheng smiled slightly and said, "Go back!"


The sword light that was originally splashed out, after hearing this sentence, actually turned a 180-degree turn, turned around directly, and all fell on Jinmu Patriarch!

Patriarch Jinmu swung his sword with all his strength, he didn't have the energy to defend, he was immediately confused by the sword, lost the golden sword and ran away, even so, he was full of sword marks and wounds all over his body.

"How could this happen!" Patriarch Jinmu couldn't believe everything in front of him.

If they hadn't seen it with their own eyes, everyone present would not have believed it.

If I tell it, no one will believe it. The patriarch of the stately body-fitting stage didn't kill the enemy when he swung his sword, but he almost chopped himself to death with a sword.

This... is simply Tiannan's biggest joke in the past few hundred years!

Du Yuesheng looked at the stunned and distraught Patriarch Jin Mu with a playful face, and said indifferently: "I said before, the magic weapons here are all mine. If you don't believe me, I'll use them for you now!"

As soon as the voice fell, Du Yuesheng raised his hand, only to see many treasures that had been held by other people, bursts of shocking light burst out suddenly, he broke his hands, flew to the sky, and rushed towards Patriarch Jinmu smashed it hard.

Yes, these treasures didn't emit any power, but just smashed towards the Jinmu Patriarch.

At this moment, Patriarch Jinmu was stunned when he saw this scene, and he didn't react at all. He was pressed down alive by the treasures as many as sand, and piled up a mountain of magic treasures.

Du Yuesheng smiled, this is the real magic weapon to kill people, don't feel too good!

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