The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 854: Bu Jingyun (Part 1)

Du Yuesheng moved forward all the way, and soon left Tianyu.

At this moment, outside the Zhongshen Mountain Range, there is silence, and the grand scene of the millions of monks at the beginning is no longer seen. In the Tianyu, I am afraid that more than half of the million monks died due to various reasons. As for the other half, it is estimated that All will be included in the Heavenly Court by Liu Bowen.

At that time, the Heavenly Court may be a tyrannical force even in the entire cultivation world, and even the Dragon Clan cannot be underestimated.

After collecting his thoughts, Du Yuesheng turned around and walked towards Feng Tianzong with his sword.

Not long after, he arrived outside Fengtian Sect.

The name of Fengtianzong is very majestic, and the sect is also extremely magnificent. A stone step seems to lead to the sky, and in the clouds, one can vaguely see a green mountain floating in the air, and Fengtianzong is located here On top of a suspended mountain!

Du Yuesheng glanced at Feng Tianzong, and couldn't help but sneered, "Hmph, Feng Tianzong, this time you didn't go to Tianyu to let you live longer, but now, your deadline has come!"

While speaking, Du Yuesheng grinned and said, "System, use ten lucky draw chances!"

"Ding, the system prompts, congratulations to the player Du Yuesheng for drawing the character summoning card: Bu Jingyun!"

Afterwards, Bu Jingyun's message appeared in front of Du Yuesheng:

Name: Bu Jingyun

From: Fengyun

Strength: Mahayana period

Introduction: Bu Jingyun has a fiery temper and kills people like hemp. Wherever he goes, not a single blade of grass grows. He has the title of God of Never Crying Death. His cloud clapping palm is superb. With a peerless sword in his hand, it is even more difficult to find an opponent!

Seeing this, Du Yuesheng laughed, Bu Jingyun? Another well-known tyrannical figure, judging from his title of God of Never Crying Death, this Feng Tianzong is probably not going to get better!

With a thought, he directly summoned Bu Jingyun to appear.

As a ray of light pierced through the clouds, Bu Jingyun appeared directly in front of Du Yuesheng, cupped his hands, and said respectfully: "Why did the Emperor of Heaven call me here?"

"Destroy Feng Tianzong!" Du Yuesheng gave the order directly without talking nonsense.

Bu Jingyun nodded, immediately raised his sword and turned around, looked up at Fengtianzong suspended in the air, sneered, swung the peerless sword, and a sword light seemed to directly penetrate the entire world, sweeping directly from the middle of the mountain.

Only a loud bang was heard, and the mountain was cut off in half by this sword.

The mountain was supposed to be supported by formations. When the mountain was broken and the formation was broken, the entire mountain began to tilt slowly and fell towards the ground.

"What's wrong!"

"What happened!"

"Someone attacked me to seal Tianzong!"

"You're really courting death. How dare you attack me, Feng Tianzong? Didn't you know that after my Fengtian Zong Teng ancestor advanced to the Fusion Body, he already has two masters of the Fusion Realm!"

Streams of light kept flying out from Fengtianzong, and the monks looked at Du Yuesheng and Bu Jingyun in shock and anger.

Before Du Yuesheng could speak, Bu Jingyun slashed out with his sword again, and the brilliance dissipated immediately, and those noisy Fengtianzong monks were instantly obliterated by the sword light.

"Hmph, where is the evildoer, you actually feel that I, Feng Tianzong, are here to make trouble!" An old voice sounded.

Immediately afterwards, two tyrannical auras rose up, and two beams of light burst out from the Fengtian Sect, appearing in front of Du Yuesheng's eyes.

Both of these two are towering old men, feeling their aura, they should be masters of the Body Fit Realm, so one of them is Patriarch Teng.

Sure enough, seeing Du Yuesheng, one of the gray-clothed old men changed his face, pointed at Du Yuesheng and shouted angrily: "Du Yuesheng, you still dare to come to Fengtianzong? If I don't beat you to ashes today for my grandson Revenge, I swear not to be human!"

"Oh, you are Patriarch Teng..." Du Yuesheng narrowed his eyes, and said lightly: "You will definitely not be able to avenge today's revenge. Humans, of course you can't do it. You can only be a ghost!"

When Du Yuesheng's voice fell, Patriarch Teng immediately turned into a streamer and galloped towards him, intending to kill Du Yuesheng.

Du Yuesheng sneered again and again, didn't bother to move his fingers, but Bu Jingyun looked stern, raised his hand and slapped Patriarch Teng directly.

That slap obviously didn't land on Ancestor Teng, but Ancestor Teng still fell from the air to the ground with a bang, as if being hit by a big mountain. A big pit suddenly appeared on the ground, and Ancestor Teng was lying in it, He vomited blood, his internal organs were displaced, his bones were shattered, and he couldn't move an inch.

Seeing this, the other ancestor of Fengtianzong showed a look of horror, and hurriedly shouted: "Both, if Patriarch Teng provokes you, please don't implicate us Fengtianzong, Patriarch Teng wants to kill or cut , any two!"

"You Fengtianzong is a family sect, and all of you are from the Teng family. The ancestor Teng might also be your brother, and you didn't save him?" Du Yuesheng sneered coldly: "For people like you who are ungrateful and ungrateful, it is a waste to live. Air, go to hell!"

Hearing this, Bu Jingyun raised his hand and shouted loudly: "Slap Cloud Palm!"

With a palm shot, only a palm print as big as a mountain was condensed in the air, and the palm was ejected horizontally. Everywhere the eye could see was occupied by that palm. The clouds in the sky, the mountains on the earth, Everything that could be seen was blasted into nothingness.

The entire Fengtian Sect and Fengtian Patriarch were killed without even a chance to snort.

But at this time, Bu Jingyun looked down at Patriarch Teng who was still breathing but couldn't move, and was about to make a move when Du Yuesheng reached out to stop him and said, "Let me do it."

Bu Jingyun nodded, and immediately said: "The subordinate is resigning!"

After speaking, Bu Jingyun's figure blurred for a while, and he disappeared in place.

Du Yuesheng was also used to these callers with aloof character. He fell from the sky, looked at Patriarch Teng on the ground, and said, "Do you regret it?"

Patriarch Teng coughed up blood, and said, "Why, for the sake of a few mortals, you are willing to go to war like this!"

Du Yuesheng narrowed his eyes, and said lightly: "It's still the same sentence, I just draw my sword to help when I see injustice. When your grandson kills mortals indiscriminately by relying on his own cultivation, he should be ready to be killed by someone stronger. Get ready, when you let those sects come after me, you should think that one day, I will come up and destroy your Fengtianzong, and trample you underfoot!"

Ancestor Teng gritted his teeth tightly, his eyes were full of unwillingness, but in the end, the unwillingness finally turned into fear: "Okay, okay, I understand, please let me go this time, just this time, in the future I will definitely Stop doing evil, and restrain the disciples! If you kill me, the forces behind my Fengtian Sect will not let you go..."

Du Yuesheng pouted, and simply kicked Patriarch Teng's head. With a bang, Patriarch Teng's head exploded into a cloud of blood mist.

At this time, Du Yuesheng said lightly: "Up to now, I want to threaten the Emperor of Heaven, but the Emperor of Heaven doesn't believe that you can touch the Emperor of Heaven!"

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