The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 855 Great Change of the Dragon Clan (Second Change)

"Ding, the system prompts, congratulations to the player for defeating Feng Tianzong and getting 360 million fairy points!"

"Ding, the system prompts, congratulations to the player who killed Fengtian Patriarch, and got 532 million fairy points! You get ten lucky draw chances for character cards, and you can draw possession cards, summon cards, etc."

"Ding, the system prompts, congratulations to the player for killing Patriarch Teng and getting 513.4 million fairy points! You get ten chances to draw character cards, and you can draw possession cards, summon cards, etc.!"

"Ding, the system prompts, congratulations to the player "Du Yuesheng" for leveling up, the current level is double!"

"Ding, the system prompts, congratulations to the player "Du Yuesheng" for leveling up, the current level is a three-fold combination!"

"Ding, the system prompts, congratulations to the player "Du Yuesheng" for leveling up, the current level is a quadruple!"

The harvest was not bad, Du Yuesheng grinned, jumped up, stepped on the Zhuxian sword and soared into the sky.

"System, tell me where the Dragon Clan is?"

Du Yuesheng asked in his heart.

"Ding, the system prompts that the Dragon Clan is located in the Zhongsheng Shenzhou in the north and south of the sky, which is the center of the entire Fairy Continent. There are thousands of races and sects like clouds, and the strong will lay down millions of corpses!"

Hearing this, Du Yuesheng couldn't help squinting his eyes, and couldn't help but feel a sense of anticipation in his heart. The Tiannan layout is still too small to be interesting, but the Zhongsheng Shenzhou introduced by the system seems to be pretty good!

"Hey, Zhongsheng Shenzhou should have been quiet for a long time, the Emperor of Heaven is here, so you don't want to live a stable life!"

Looking for the direction, Du Yuesheng immediately left with the sword.

At this moment, Long Wushuang had already returned directly to the interior of the Dragon Clan through the teleportation array set up by the Dragon Clan.

An elder in a golden dragon robe stepped forward, and his face changed drastically just by looking at Long Wushuang: " lost your virginity, you bastard, you and Ji Chunfeng will be together in a month's time." You lost your life outside, do you want the Ji family to be an enemy of our Dragon Clan, and cause our Dragon Clan to fall!"

Long Wushuang's face was calm, his golden eyes flashed slightly, and he said lightly: "Elder Long Yun, my dragon clan claims to be the leader of thousands of creatures, but now I am threatened by a human clan, you don't feel ashamed, but come to ask me Do you want to cause the dragon clan to decline?"

"You!" Long Yun's complexion changed drastically, unexpectedly Long Wushuang, who had always been obedient to him, dared to refute him.

Long Wushuang raised his head, glanced at Long Yun, and continued: "Ten years ago, I was seriously injured for the Dragon Clan to destroy the Northern Demon Wolf Clan by myself. Eight years ago, I was injured and played for the Dragon Clan. , wiped out the Southern Sea Snake Clan, and almost died. Three years ago, I didn’t need the Dragon Clan’s talents and treasures to heal my wounds, so I fought for the Dragon Clan again, destroying the Eastern River God Clan and the Western Red Tiger Clan!”

Speaking of this, Long Wushuang stared at Long Yun closely, and said word by word: "Over the years, I have helped the Dragon Clan destroy the opponents from all directions, and survived in this corner of Zhongsheng Shenzhou. Without me, the Dragon Clan is now It has long been dilapidated, and you elders, you will only hide in the Dragon Palace and enjoy the world I created!"

"You are presumptuous, I did not deny your achievements, but you need to contribute more achievements, including yourself, must be dedicated to the entire Dragon Clan, and marrying Ji Chunfeng is the greatest contribution to the Dragon Clan!" He was ashamed of what he said, his shame turned into anger, and he shouted loudly.

"You are presumptuous!" Long Wushuang shouted coquettishly, not afraid of Long Yun at all, said: "I am a princess, my father is the dragon god, how dare you interfere in my marriage instead of my father!"

"The Dragon God is dead!" A group of elders in dragon robes came out of the Dragon Palace, surrounded Long Wushuang, and said in a hurry: "Because your father is the Dragon God, you should dedicate yourself to the Dragon Clan!"

"You marrying Ji Chunfeng is a decision made by our elders, you must obey!"

"If you don't obey, our elders will have the right to seal your cultivation level, and the seal will be released after you marry Ji Chunfeng!"

"I don't see who dares!" Long Wushuang sneered, and with a movement of his jade finger, the mother of all things Qi beads emerged in the palm of his hand.

At that moment, Long Wushuang's aura suddenly shook and became extremely tyrannical. Even the surrounding elders of the dragon clan retreated a few steps in shock under this tyrannical aura.

"Mother of all things Qi bead, you actually got the mother of all things Qi bead!" Long Yun was shocked.

"The Mother of All Things Qi Bead is the token of my Dragon Clan. Seeing the Mother of All Things Qi Bead is like seeing the Dragon God. Kneel down!" Long Wushuang shouted softly, looking around, and said:

"Now this princess orders that the marriage between Ji Chunfeng and me be canceled immediately. If his Ji family wants to turn against my dragon clan, my dragon clan will definitely not be afraid!"

The elders present looked at each other in blank dismay. Thanks to Long Wushuang's efforts, they had lived a stable life for many years. They were used to letting Long Wushuang solve all their troubles instead of fighting.

Now that Long Wushuang actually wants to provoke a war with a giant, the elders are all terrified.

But they dare not oppose the holder of the Mother of Everything Qi Bead.

But at this moment, a sneer came suddenly: "There are no dragon sons in the dragon clan, but there is a female dragon Wushuang, haha, seeing you today, it really deserves its reputation!"

While speaking, a middle-aged human in a purple robe came out from the Dragon Palace.

Although this person looks to be only middle-aged, but his aura is powerful and invincible, one can tell that he is a top expert.

"Ji's family?" Long Wushuang's face darkened, he didn't expect that these elders brought the Ji family to the Dragon Palace not long after she left the Dragon Clan, it's abominable!

"Niece Wushuang, don't worry, I won't take action against you Dragon Clan, after all, you will soon become the wife of my nephew Chunfeng." The middle-aged man in Ji's family smiled and said:

"Although you have a lover outside, I don't think Chunfeng will care about it, so you two still have to get married in January, but since you are so opposed to marriage, I have to use some tricks."

Long Wushuang was startled, gritted his teeth and said, "What method?"

"It's not a very clever way to say it, but my Ji family promised that as long as you, Long Wushuang, successfully marry into my Ji family, my Ji family will give all the elders, and every Dragon Clan member enough natural talents and treasures."

"You Dragon Clan has gained countless benefits, but you only need to contribute yourself, Long Wushuang!" Having said this, the middle-aged man suddenly laughed maniacally: "Speaking of which, you Dragon Clan have made a lot of money!"

Hearing this, Long Wushuang trembled all over, and looked at the elders present in disbelief.

She couldn't believe that almost everyone in the Dragon Clan united and betrayed her for the benefit of the Ji family, which was equivalent to selling her to the Ji family!

Long Yun was looked at by Long Wushuang, but he didn't feel guilty at all. Instead, he said: "Princess, you are the princess of the Dragon Clan. You should make a little contribution to my Dragon Clan, that's what you should do!"

The other elders also nodded one after another, and there was no anxiety or guilt on their faces at all!

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