The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 856: Labor and Capital Named Du Yuesheng (Part 3)

Long Wushuang understood instantly.

She has been abandoned by the Dragon Clan, it's a pity that she is still thinking about fighting for the Dragon Clan!

Thinking of this, Long Wushuang couldn't help saying: "Okay, very good, since you have betrayed this princess, then this princess has nothing to do with you. As for wanting to keep this princess and marry Ji Chunfeng, it's your idiotic dream. Let's see who among you can keep this princess!"

"She wants to escape! Stop her!" Ji Kuang raised his brows and shouted.

Immediately, countless masters flew out from both sides, and they were all dragon masters.

"I have the mother-of-all-things qi bead, do you dare to attack this princess?" Long Wushuang's eyes turned cold. If she wants to leave, even Ji Kuang won't be able to keep her!

"Hehe, little girl, don't be too confident about the treasures in your hands. If you have treasures, my Ji family may not have them!"

At this moment, an old voice sounded, and Long Wushuang looked up, only to see that the sky suddenly darkened, and the originally bright sun in the sky turned purple at this moment. A towering old man, Walking down directly from the purple moon, it's like an immortal descending into the world.

"Old ancestor of the Ji family?" Seeing the person coming, Long Wushuang's beautiful eyes froze, and a finger shot into the mother of all things qi bead, and the orb suddenly shone brightly, and a mask was formed instantly, blocking her in front of her!

But the ancestor of the Ji family reacted faster, pointing out with a finger, and in an instant, the sky cloud changed color, and a purple finger light attacked and killed, and the beam of light from the mother of all things was shattered in an instant.

Then the ancestor of the Ji family volleyed a little more, and a stream of light directly entered Long Wushuang's body.

In an instant, Long Wushuang felt that the spiritual power in his body seemed to be frozen, making it difficult to mobilize.

Her cultivation was directly sealed!

For a split second, Long Wushuang subconsciously recited a secret method, preparing to commit suicide by using energy.

But at this very moment, Long Wushuang suddenly thought of Du Yuesheng, who was already heartbroken, suddenly smiled and said: "He said that he will definitely come to pick me up on the colorful clouds... This time, do you trust him?"

Thinking of this, Long Wushuang suddenly put away the mother of all things air beads, and said: "Everyone, stop!"

"Huh?" Many dragon masters looked at Long Wushuang suspiciously.

The ancestor of the Ji family waved his hand to make many dragon masters retreat, and then said: "Have you figured it out?"

Long Wushuang said: "Think clearly, don't bother me until we get married."

After all, Long Wushuang walked straight into the Dragon Palace, and the gate was closed tightly.

Only then did Long Yun and the other elders look at each other and let out a long sigh of relief. Although Long Wushuang's attitude was weird at the end, he finally agreed.

But the old ancestors of the Ji family were mature enough to see through Long Wushuang's thoughts at a glance, and said: "I am afraid that Long Wushuang is waiting for her lover. It is definitely not easy for Long Wushuang to fall in love with him. We must find a way to kill him, immediately Let the world know that Long Wushuang promised to get married, start receiving guests from today, and get married in a month!"

Long Yun nodded after hearing this, and said: "Hearing this news, Long Wushuang's lover must not be able to hold back, he wants to come to find her, when the time comes, we can just kill her..."

The ancestor of the Ji family nodded and said, "Let's do it."

Long Yun immediately took a group of dragon elders to leave.

Afterwards, the ancestor of the Ji family said to Ji Kuang: "Long Wushuang's cultivation base has been sealed. Even if he can mobilize some spiritual power with secret methods, he is not your opponent. I will leave it to you here!"

Ji Kuang nodded quickly, and said, "Don't worry, old ancestor, there will be absolutely no mistakes!"

The ancestor of the Ji family smiled slightly, stepped on the void, and disappeared into the sky in a blink of an eye.

A day later, Du Yuesheng crossed the sea and came to Zhongsheng Shenzhou.

As soon as he arrived at a city, he saw that the city was decorated with lanterns and festoons, looking like celebrating with the sky.

Du Yuesheng paused, when he was about to enter the city, the monks guarding the city gave everyone an invitation card, even Du Yuesheng got one!

Du Yuesheng was puzzled, and when he opened the invitation, he frowned, and the invitation in his hand exploded with a bang.

"Cultivators are not allowed to cast spells in the city!" A team of law enforcement monks rushed over and scolded Du Yuesheng immediately.

Du Yuesheng narrowed his eyes and said, "Get lost!"

He is not in a good mood at the moment.

Please post that the marriage between Princess Long Wushuang of the Dragon Clan and Ji Chunfeng, son of the Ji family will be held in the Dragon Palace of the Dragon Clan in January. Monks from all over the world are invited to watch the ceremony. Both the Dragon Clan and the Ji family will welcome them!

It seems that something has changed, otherwise Long Wushuang, who returned to the Dragon Clan with the Mother of All Things Qi Bead, would definitely be able to withstand the pressure.

"The Ji family is looking for death!" Du Yuesheng only thought for a while, and then came up with the guess that the Ji family was playing tricks.

And he knew very well in his heart that the Ji family had posted this invitation all over the world, and it was definitely trying to lure him into the bait.

It's a pity that it's not certain who is the prey and who is the hunter this time!

"Hey! Did you just say who is looking for death? The Ji family?" Those law enforcement monks who were responsible for Du Yuesheng suddenly shouted.

Du Yuesheng narrowed his eyes and asked, "So what if the Ji family is looking for death?"

"How?" A group of law enforcement monks yelled: "Today, Fengcheng belongs to the Ji family. I think you are looking for death. You dare to scold the Ji family in the Ji family's city. Fellow Taoists, come with me and kill me!" This kid!"

When Du Yuesheng heard the words, he looked up to the sky and laughed, you Ji family, the power is not small, it is everywhere, just right, let's use it to vent your anger first!

Thinking of this, he directly took out the Netherworld Banner, and with a wave of the banner, the black wind and black fire roared out.

With his cultivation at the 4th level of the fusion stage, and using the Netherworld Banner, the black wind and black fire that flew out with a single wave directly submerged half of Tianfeng City.

Countless Ji family mortals and monks kept screaming, and countless streamers shot up into the sky, trying to escape.

But Du Yuesheng immediately let out a low shout, and saw a circle of ripples visible to the naked eye rippling directly from his mouth, and those monks who had just flew hit the ripples, as if they had hit a mountain, and were directly smashed Fall to the ground!

For a moment, the entire Tianfeng City could only enter but not exit, the black wind was roaring, the black fire was spreading, the screams of Ji's family resounded in the sky, and the whole city was like a hell on earth.

"Who, who dared to kill my Ji family like this!" the city lord of Tianfeng City, an old man in the Yuanying stage of the Ji family, shouted loudly.

"My name is Du Yuesheng, so what if I let you know, I spare your life to pass on the message to the big men of your Ji family, and when you see me next time, I will definitely let your Ji family stay!" Du Yuesheng shouted loudly. Do not hide your identity.

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