The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 862 All the way to the summit (fourth update)

Almost everyone who stands on the top of the ancient pagoda will say such a sentence.

But not everyone will listen to this sentence.

Even at the moment when Du Yuesheng just uttered these words, dozens of monks took a step forward, sneered and said: "You are that ignorant man who claims to be the emperor of heaven? Now I am taking a step forward, What can you do to me?"

Du Yuesheng looked up and saw that these monks were all coming up from other directions.

In the direction he walked, there is no one left at this moment!

So, he smiled slightly and said, "This Heavenly Emperor always keeps his word, so you can go to hell!"

As the voice fell, countless thunderbolts surged in the sky. Before those people could speak again, countless thunderbolts crashed down, directly blocking the entire top of the ancient pagoda. Thunderbolts crackled, and many experts looked up. His complexion changed drastically.

They could feel that the thunder and lightning in the sky that day were no worse than the thunder and lightning they encountered in Tianjie!

"Thousands of thunder burning the sky!"

As Du Yuesheng uttered these four words, countless electric snakes cut through the sky and landed on the top of the ancient pagoda.

Many monks wrapped in the power grid couldn't even speak a word, and they were directly bombarded into flying ash.

The monk who was lucky enough not to die immediately begged for mercy loudly and shouted: "Emperor, we didn't take a step forward, please let the Emperor let me go!"

The voices of these people seemed extremely miserable under the roar of thunder and lightning.

But Du Yuesheng sneered, and said: "Did you climb to the top of the ancient pagoda to see the scenery? If you dare to go up, you will die!"

Indeed, whoever climbed to the top of the ancient pagoda was not a cruel and ruthless person, how could they just take a look. The reason why they didn't take a step forward was just to see the situation before making a move.

It's just that I didn't expect Du Yuesheng to be so cruel and ruthless. Whether you stepped forward or not, it was just one word, kill!

But after a few breaths, Du Yuesheng was the only person standing on the top of the ancient pagoda.

Looking at the scorched corpses all over the ground, Du Yuesheng curled his lips, took out the Netherworld Flag and waved it, and a black fire swept away, directly burning those scorched corpses.

Immediately, the sky was filled with white and ash, and from a distance, the top of the ancient pagoda where Du Yuesheng was located seemed to be snowed heavily.

But looking down again, no one dared to climb up to the top of the ancient pagoda where Du Yuesheng was.

Many monks looked up at Du Yuesheng at the top, with a hint of fear in their eyes and said: "Did you see, that man didn't form an formation, he just cast a random spell, and killed hundreds of masters directly!"

"What's that? You didn't go to the ancient pagoda in the north that Du Yuesheng walked by. It's full of ice sculptures and ashes. Everyone is dead!"

"What, this person is so tyrannical, so shall we break in?"

"Come on, if you can kill all the masters on one side, you can kill all the masters on the other three sides. This Du Yuesheng's strength is really too strong. He is an existence that is not afraid of siege. Let's go to other ancient towers." !"

The same conversation spread among many people, and soon, monks made up their minds, leaving the ancient pagoda where Du Yuesheng was, and rushed towards other ancient pagodas.

All of a sudden, the masters at the top of the other ancient pagodas felt the pressure doubled. They still didn't understand why there were so many more people all of a sudden.

Many monks who hadn't seen Du Yuesheng killing all directions took a look, and found that Du Yuesheng was the only monk on the ancient pagoda where Du Yuesheng was.

The movement of the monks is not small, it is nothing if the people in one ancient tower make a big move, but the people in two ancient towers and three ancient towers are moving, which inevitably arouses the panic of all the people in other ancient towers. It's moving.

In an instant, the ancient pagoda where Du Yuesheng was located attracted the attention of at least a dozen ancient pagodas and hundreds of thousands of monks!

"Haha, are these people fools? Why don't you leave an empty ancient pagoda and run here to grab it? Okay, then I'll leave this place to you, and I'll go to the tallest ancient pagoda No. 1!"

The monks also numbered many ancient pagodas in a short period of time, the tallest ancient pagoda is number one, and so on!

Therefore, Du Yuesheng's ancient pagoda was vacant for less than a quarter of an hour, and it was the most violent impact. The monks who came down from other ancient pagodas all rushed towards Du Yuesheng's side.

In a blink of an eye, tens of thousands of monks climbed to the half of the ancient pagoda, and they were about to rush to the top of the ancient pagoda. This speed was countless times faster than the spread of the flood!

At this moment, Du Yuesheng sneered again and again, and simply took out his Nether Yellow Spring Banner, and poured a huge amount of spiritual power directly into the Nether Yellow Spring Banner.

In an instant, the Netherworld Banner, which had never been infused with so much spiritual power, suddenly burst into bursts of black light. In an instant, a trace of red emerged from the position of the flagpole and spread upward, turning the flame pattern on the originally pure black banner into a blur. , dyed blood red!

Looking at it now, the black and red Netherworld Flag seems to be more majestic!

"Ding, the system prompts, congratulations to the player, since the number of kills in the Netherworld Banner has reached the limit, it has been upgraded to the Netherworld Skyfire Banner, which doubles its power!"

Hearing the ringtone of the system, Du Yuesheng laughed. The Youming Huangquan Banner has been upgraded to the Youming Tianhuo Banner, but I don't know how powerful the Youming Tianhuo Banner is now!

It just so happens that there are enemies all over the mountains and plains now, so let's try it out!

Thinking of this, Du Yuesheng waved the Nether Sky Fire Flag, and with a whoosh, strands of crimson flames rose into the sky and flew directly into the sky.

After the red flame flew into the sky, it rose against the wind, and within a few breaths, it covered almost half of the sky, and the sky and the earth were filled with a strange red light!


At this moment, Du Yuesheng raised his hand and pointed down, shouting loudly.

In an instant, the flames on that half of the sky fell from the sky like water poured from a tilted basin.

For a time, it was appropriate to describe such a situation with a catastrophic fire.

Skyfire fell from the sky, and many monks who were climbing the No. 1 ancient pagoda sneered when they saw it.

Someone even yelled: "This flame also wants to kill me? Du Yuesheng, are you..."

Before the man finished speaking, a spark broke through the protective magic weapon outside his body and hit him head-on, instantly turning him into ashes all over the ground.

The other monks were also attacked by the sky fire almost at the same time, the magic weapon was burned into iron paste, and their bodies were burned into white ashes.

Under the fire that was falling all over the sky, the magic weapons and spells sacrificed by one hundred thousand monks disappeared without even a single wave rising.

The ground has been covered with white ashes from the bones.

The molten iron melted by the magic weapon is flowing tightly and meanderingly.

Blood-red sparks from the sky fell one by one, dotted on the ground.

Many scenes are intertwined together, forming an incomparably beautiful and moving, but also thrilling and gorgeous picture scroll!

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