In the other ancient pagodas, the monks who originally thought of trying their luck on the No. 1 ancient pagoda were dumbfounded when they saw this scene.

In such a short period of time, he was killed completely in one breath?

Then what kind of character is Du Yuesheng?

The same question popped up in the minds of countless monks.

But there were also monks who yelled furiously: "Du Yuesheng, I have no grievances with you, why did you kill my junior brother too!"

Hearing this angry shout, Du Yuesheng couldn't help turning his head to look in the direction of the source of the sound, and then he was stunned.

It seems that because the attack range of the Youming Tianhuo Banner is too large, after this blow, it accidentally killed all the people on the No. 2 ancient tower next to it.

On the No. 2 ancient pagoda, Du Yuesheng unintentionally broke the formation of three people attacking at the beginning, and one of the monks who set up the formation was killed on the spot.

Du Yuesheng pouted, he didn't expect such a situation to happen.

It seems that because Du Yuesheng didn't speak, the cultivator guarding the No. 2 ancient pagoda became more and more angry: "Du Yuesheng, if you don't give us an explanation this time, we will definitely not let you go!"

Hearing this, Du Yuesheng frowned, everyone is already dead, how can I explain, can I give you my life?

Before he could speak, the cultivator guarding the No. 2 ancient tower actually spoke again: "Unless you give us the No. 1 ancient tower, otherwise, we will attack immediately. Although your fire spell is powerful, it is difficult to think about it." It is difficult to cast it a second time!"

Hearing this, Du Yuesheng finally understood.

It turned out that the two monks finally decided to hit the ancient pagoda under his feet.

You must know that the height of each ancient tower is different, and the contents of the treasure chests in the ancient towers are also different. The only thing that is certain is that the higher the ancient tower, the better the things in the treasure chest!

Thinking of this, Du Yuesheng grinned and said, "Want my No. 1 Ancient Pagoda? Come grab it!"

"This is your own death!" The two monks believed that Du Yuesheng dared to say such a thing under such circumstances. It was obvious that the outsiders and middle-ranking people forcibly pulled up the banner as a tiger's skin, and it was not worth being afraid of.

Du Yuesheng was too lazy to talk nonsense with the monks of the No. 2 ancient tower. Instead, he turned his attention to the other ancient towers. Leng Xia asked, "Is there any other person in the ancient tower who wants the No. 1 ancient tower under the Emperor of Heaven?" ?”

The voice spread out mixed with the cultivation level, and the rest of the tower guard monks on the ancient pagoda couldn't help but feel a wave of emotion after hearing this sentence.

The strength that Du Yuesheng showed just now was indeed tyrannical, and none of the monks present thought they could beat him.

However, if he thought about it carefully, how many times he could cast such a powerful spell, could his spiritual power be unlimited? Didn't he get hurt when he cast spells beyond his cultivation?

So after thinking about it carefully, many monks secretly made a judgment in their hearts. At this moment, Du Yuesheng is already at the end of his strength, so there is no need to be afraid!

"Hehe, Du Yuesheng, I don't want your ancient pagoda, but your title of Emperor of Heaven really makes me uncomfortable. If you revoke your title of Emperor of Heaven, I can't do anything!"

Hearing this sentence, Du Yuesheng just laughed out loud. The monk on the No. 3 ancient pagoda spoke really ridiculously. The name of the Emperor of Heaven doesn't care about him.

So Du Yuesheng replied loudly: "Pretending to be timid, the Emperor of Heaven remembers you, who else wants the ancient pagoda under the Emperor of Heaven?"

"Hehe, I really want it!"

"I want it too!"

The tower guard monks on the other ancient pagodas opened their mouths one after another. After careful calculation, Du Yuesheng suddenly discovered that all the tower guard monks wanted the No. 1 ancient tower under him, and judging from their tone, it was inevitable to make a move.

Only then did Du Yuesheng laugh up to the sky, and said: "Since you all want the ancient pagoda under the Emperor of Heaven, it is only natural for the Emperor of Heaven to rob you of the ancient pagoda under the Emperor of Heaven. Now the Emperor of Heaven announces that all ancient pagodas are The pagodas belong to the Emperor of Heaven, whoever stays on the ancient pagoda within ten breaths will be punished by the Emperor of Heaven!"


"Du Yuesheng, you are so arrogant!"

"One person actually wants to occupy all the ancient pagodas? Could it be that you think we are all paper!"

"Okay, okay, I also said that so many people kill you, it seems benevolent and unrighteous, but now it seems reasonable, boy, die!"

While speaking, five or six masters from the ancient pagoda rose into the air and charged straight at Du Yuesheng.

They all occupied that ancient tower with absolute strength, so they are not afraid that someone will take advantage of it after they leave.

It is this kind of strength that makes them have great confidence in their own strength, so they dare to take the initiative to attack at the first time.

Seeing this, Du Yuesheng did not hesitate to grab the Zhuxian Sword and slashed into the sky. In an instant, the sword light above the sky exploded as dazzling as the suns.

There are more than 30 monks guarding the five or six ancient pagodas, and the more than 30 people seem to know each other. The first time they assembled, they formed a huge sword formation, and countless swords bloomed Furious, he flew up and down, attacking and killing Du Yuesheng!

Seeing this, Du Yuesheng sneered, and directly shouted: "Earth Explosive Star! Ten Thousand Immortal Sword Formation!"

In an instant, three black balls flew out. Wherever the black balls went, the sword light emitted by the more than thirty monks with all their efforts was absorbed by the black balls in an instant.

"What?" The faces of many monks changed greatly, but before they could react, they suddenly felt a chill in their hearts.

When he looked up, he could only see sword lights hanging in the sky above his head.

"It happened!"

Almost everyone flashed these two words in their hearts, and then tens of thousands of sword lights descended from the sky, and everywhere they looked, they were all sword lights that could almost blind people's eyes.

The five or six tower guard monks of the ancient pagoda were as inconspicuous as a leaf on the sea under the ten thousand sword lights. When the sword light fell, they were all beheaded by the way, leaving no one behind. !


Seeing this scene, countless monks couldn't help gasping in their hearts.

They never expected that Du Yuesheng not only possessed such tyrannical methods as Tianhuo, but also such tyrannical sword skills as Ten Thousand Immortal Sword Formation.

And he is not as imagined, he has reached the end of his strength, and looking at it now, he is clearly still at his peak!

The monks who just said that they wanted to rob Du Yuesheng's No. 1 ancient pagoda all stared at each other from a distance, and they all saw infinite regret in each other's eyes.

But it's too late to regret it now. Du Yuesheng finished killing the monks who took the initiative to attack, and his eyes fell on the many tower guard monks who hadn't made a move yet, and said lightly: "Now, do you still think that the title of Emperor of Heaven is not worthy of the name? Now... Do you still want the No. 1 Ancient Pagoda under the Emperor of Heaven?"

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