The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 864: Killing (Part 1)

The last time Du Yuesheng asked the same question, countless people jumped out to grab it.

But this time, when Du Yuesheng uttered a word, everyone seemed to hear the devil laughing at him. Not only did they dare not answer, they didn't even have the courage to look at Du Yuesheng.

Silence, silence between heaven and earth, a gust of cold wind hits, and real snowflakes fall from the sky.

Du Yuesheng spoke again, his voice was as cold as snow: "If that's the case, then it's time for the Emperor of Heaven to come and fetch your ancient pagoda!"

With a wave of Zhuxian Sword, the sword light shot hundreds of feet long. Du Yuesheng's height seemed incomparably smaller than that of the sword light, but all the terrifying aura erupted from him.

"Emperor, we were only deceived by lard before, please don't attack us, you can't occupy so many ancient pagodas alone!"

Seeing this scene, the guards of the No. 2 ancient tower were shocked and shouted.

"Whoever dares to snatch the pagoda of the Emperor of Heaven, kill him!"

Du Yuesheng responded with a low shout, and with a movement of his body, dragging the hundred-foot-long sword light, a long afterimage flashed across the air, and he came to the No. 2 ancient tower in an instant.

"Don't bully people too much!" the monk guarding the No. 2 ancient tower couldn't help shouting.

"The Emperor of Heaven is going to bully you, how about it!" Du Yuesheng sneered, swept the Zhuxian sword, and the sword light circled around his body, and the two monks guarding the No. 2 ancient pagoda were directly chopped off in the middle!

Not only them, within 360 degrees and within a radius of 100 feet, everything was instantly cut in two, and with a bang, the pavilion storing the treasure chest was cut off, and the roof of the pavilion collapsed and hit the treasure chest!

Du Yuesheng didn't even look at the treasure chest, and jumped straight to the No. 3 ancient pagoda.

Seeing this, many monks guarding the ancient pagodas understood that Du Yuesheng didn't want all the ancient pagodas just for talking.

"Everyone, we have a chance to join forces. If we are divided and attacked by this kid, we will definitely die!" Someone shouted loudly.

Someone immediately responded: "Okay, Brother Yuan Li is right, let's join hands!"

At this moment, everyone is Du Yuesheng's enemy, so naturally these enemies can join forces easily, immediately the remaining monks guarding the more than 20 ancient pagodas rose up with their swords and flew into the air to join forces.

Du Yuesheng glanced at the crowd, twitched the corner of his mouth, and said calmly: "There are more than a hundred people, not enough for the Emperor of Heaven to put his teeth between them. Anyone else who wants to fight with the Emperor of Heaven, please stand up!"

Those monks guarding the tower couldn't help but blushed and felt ashamed. Although they were all top talents, even if they teamed up together, they still didn't have the slightest confidence to win against Du Yuesheng.

However, there are also clear-headed monks who immediately yelled at other monks who have not occupied the ancient pagoda: "Everyone, this Du Yuesheng is cruel. If he wins, we will not have one of the thirty pagodas, but if he dies, we will lose all of them." You can redistribute thirty pagodas, fellow Taoists who want pagodas, come with us!"

Du Yuesheng stood in the air, and he didn't bother to stop them from pulling people. After all, what he wanted was to let all the people who wanted to take the tower with him stand up and kill them in one fell swoop.

Sure enough, as soon as this sentence was said, many monks immediately turned into streamers and joined the side of the tower guard monks.

Among these people, there are many good players, some of them are even stronger than the monks who defended the tower. They are all prepared to wait until the last moment before attacking and killing the ancient tower.

But now it seems that if Du Yuesheng is not taken care of, it will be foolish to want to seize the tower in the future!

So they stood up one after another and joined the side defending the tower, hoping that Du Yuesheng would be killed directly in this battle.

In just a quarter of an hour, when I looked up at the side of the guard tower, the number of people had increased from more than one hundred to thousands!

Seeing this, Du Yuesheng's mouth revealed a smile. It seems that everyone is here. As long as these people are killed, all thirty ancient pagodas will be his.

Du Yuesheng's smile immediately made many experts look ugly: "Du Yuesheng, you can still laugh, we have so many top talents, even if we face a hundred thousand monks head-on, they are not afraid, do you think you can still win? "

Hearing this, Du Yuesheng laughed even more happily, only to hear him ask back: "Didn't you see that the Emperor of Heaven killed 100,000 monks like chickens and dogs?"

"Hmph, you killed those 100,000 monks because of your powerful spells. I don't believe you can use your spells again!" Someone immediately sneered.

Du Yuesheng didn't bother to argue, and directly took out the Nether Skyfire Flag. As soon as the Nether Skyfire Flag came out, the sky and the earth began to change color in an instant.

A trace of black and red aura swirls and flutters on the Nether Skyfire Flag, solemn and gorgeous.

When many monks saw this, their complexions sank slightly, and they all took out their own magic weapons, ready to fight to the death.

But at this moment, Du Yuesheng moved. He held the Nether Skyfire Flag with both hands and waved it. With a whoosh, red flames roared out of the Nether Skyfire Flag continuously, and went straight to kill the opponent!

"Shangshui magic weapons and spells!" A shout came from the monks guarding the pagoda, and immediately hundreds of monks with water-type ice-type magic weapons stepped forward, threw out the water-type magic weapons in their hands, and cast the water-type spells they knew.

All of a sudden, thousands of water jets flew out from the group of monks, there were also all kinds of cold winds, and many ferocious and tyrannical water beasts appeared, all of them attacked and killed Tianhuo.

The attack speed of the two sides was extremely fast, and in the blink of an eye, the water and fire collided together.

The water spells and magic weapons rushed over aggressively and plunged into the sky fire. The momentum of the sky fire stagnated and seemed to stop.

There was a gleam of joy in the eyes of many monks.

But in a blink of an eye, an incredible thing happened. Under the bombardment of water spells and magic weapons, the sky fire only stagnated for a while, and then it boomed, as if being poured with oil, soaring into the sky, and the speed was faster. The momentum became stronger, and with an unrivaled posture, it rushed to the sky, spread out, and enveloped the heads of all the guarding monks!


"Why is this happening!"

The guardian cultivator turned pale with fright. He didn't know why so many water spells and magic weapons not only failed to extinguish the sky fire, but also made the sky fire burn more violently!

"Heaven fire, sky fire, how can you mortal waters be able to extinguish sky fire?" Du Yuesheng laughed loudly, stretched out his palm and pressed down in the air: "Kill me!"


A burst of fire suddenly fell from the sky, rushing into the crowd of guarding monks, like a wolf entering a flock of chickens, killing wantonly, white ashes scattered all over the sky, and the screams were deafening!

"Heavenly Emperor, we won't rob, we won't rob, please forgive us, I'm willing to be an ox or a horse for the Heavenly Emperor!" Many guard monks fled in all directions, in a state of distress, screaming even more miserably!

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