The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 865: The Reincarnated Genius (Second Change)

"The Emperor of Heaven never said that he would raise cattle and horses!"

Du Yuesheng sternly shouted, the sky fire fell, and many so-called geniuses were burned to ashes without the slightest resistance under the sky fire.

After all the monks guarding the tower were dead, Du Yuesheng waved the Nether Skyfire flag, put away the skyfire, looked down at the other geniuses, and said lightly: "Now, no one wants to rob the ancient pagoda of the Emperor of Heaven. Bar!"


Who dares to grab it.

More than a thousand of the most powerful geniuses were rounded up by Du Yuesheng with one hand. Isn't it courting death for other people to go up? No matter how many people there are, they are courting death!

At this moment, many geniuses have understood the gap between them and Du Yuesheng.

Someone couldn't help whispering: "This Du Yuesheng is so powerful, logically speaking, he should be a genius at the reincarnation level. How could he come to ordinary geniuses like us? Isn't this bullying!"

"I'm also wondering if this guy is a reincarnated genius, but Seizing the Heaven Ranking Tournament has always been fair, so it stands to reason that such a situation will not happen!"

Although Du Yuesheng was standing high in the sky, he could hear clearly, what is a reincarnated genius?

He quickly asked the system: "System, what does it mean to look up the reincarnated genius in the Duotian Ranking Tournament?"

"Ding, the system prompts that in the Tier 4 Regional Seizing the Sky Ranking Tournament, geniuses are divided into ordinary geniuses and reincarnated geniuses. Ordinary geniuses are geniuses who live in the first life like players, and reincarnated geniuses are geniuses who survived the catastrophe in their previous life. Even a Mahayana master reincarnated as a genius who began to practice as a human being!"

Hearing this, Du Yuesheng understood, and said: "That is to say, these reincarnated geniuses are all reborn with great power?"

"Ding, the system prompts that the player's understanding is completely correct, so the strength of these reincarnated geniuses is boundless and boundless, far exceeding the strength of ordinary geniuses. Under normal circumstances, the battle of the ancient ruins in the seizing the sky ranking tournament is to separate the reincarnated geniuses from the ordinary geniuses. !"

Hearing this, Du Yuesheng suddenly realized, no wonder he was able to sweep all directions here, and the cultivation of geniuses here is only around the distraction stage, and there are even a lot of low-level nascent souls.

It turned out to be like this, all the great geniuses were singled out.

Boring, for a moment Du Yuesheng couldn't help sighing, if he could have a good fight with those so-called reincarnated geniuses, that would be refreshing.

But at this moment, he has no way to find those reincarnated geniuses, so he can only hover in the sky, quietly waiting for the three-day deadline to come.

Because no one dared to attack Du Yuesheng anymore, the ensuing battle of the ancient ruins became extremely peaceful.

Three days passed in a flash.

When the referee set foot on the ancient ruins again, his complexion suddenly changed.

"Why are there so many people missing!"

In previous battles of ancient ruins, tens of thousands of monks were most poisonously killed, but this time, nearly 200,000 monks died, which is five or six times as many as before.

But before he recovered from the death toll of the monks, he suddenly discovered that there was no one on the thirty ancient pagodas except for Du Yuesheng floating above all the ancient pagodas.

"In the end what happened?"

The referee looked shocked, this had never happened before.

Du Yuesheng grinned, and said lightly: "I occupied thirty ancient pagodas by myself, it's as simple as that!"

"What! You occupied thirty ancient pagodas by yourself!" The referee was dumbfounded. He is also a monk in the fusion stage, but even so, he dare not say that he can occupy thirty ancient pagodas. What method was used!

If there were not many monks killed in battle, he thought it was Du Yuesheng who bought other monks.

But the number of monks killed in battle was much higher than usual, which proved that Du Yuesheng not only didn't bribe other monks, but started a huge killing instead!

For a while, the referee didn't know what to do, after all, this situation had never happened before.

"Referee, it's not fair. This kid must be a reincarnated monk. Why did he come here?"

Suddenly someone yelled.

Du Yuesheng grinned and looked at the man. The man quickly shrank his neck and hid behind the referee.

The referee frowned and looked at Du Yuesheng, and said: "Impossible, all reincarnated geniuses must have the karma of the previous life, and this kid does not have the karma of the previous life's powerful monk, so he must have only cultivated for one life!"

Everyone was stunned when they heard the words.

They absolutely believed what the referee said, but in this way, it was even more shocking that Du Yuesheng, as an ordinary genius, did what a reincarnated genius could do.

"Then with his strength, he should be classified as a reincarnated genius. What's the point of bullying ordinary geniuses like us?" Someone said dissatisfied.

Du Yuesheng grinned and didn't refute. He also felt that it was really meaningless to play with these ordinary geniuses.

The referee frowned, but his lips were moving. He could tell that he was talking to someone else via voice transmission. Without asking, he was discussing Du Yuesheng's affairs.

Not long after, the referee finally raised his head and said word by word: "Given that Du Yuesheng's strength is so ancient and tyrannical, he can indeed be included in the ranks of reincarnated geniuses. He will not be your enemy next time."

Hearing this, all the genius monks cheered excitedly in unison, happier than New Year's Eve.

Du Yuesheng curled his lips helplessly, turned around and flew towards the ancient pagoda. Now that the restrictions on the ancient pagoda have been lifted, he can take out the contents of the treasure chest at the top of the ancient pagoda.

At the beginning, he was full of expectations that the rewards from the ancient tower would be good, but now that he knew that the battle of ancient ruins was just a low-end battle of the fourth-tier regional ranking battle, he had no expectations for it.

At the same time, system prompts kept ringing in his ears:

"Ding, the system prompts, congratulations to the player "Du Yuesheng" who won the first place in the low-end ancient relics battle, and won the reward. The character has ten lucky draw opportunities, and can draw character summoning cards, character possession cards, etc.!"

"Ding, the system prompts, congratulations to the player for killing the Nascent Soul cultivator, one hundred and three thousand eight hundred and sixty-two people. Since the opponent's level is too low, there is no fairy point reward!"

"Ding, the system prompts, congratulations to the players who killed the out-of-body monks, 37,633 people, because the opponent's level is too low, there is no fairy point reward!"

"Ding, the system prompts, congratulations to the player for killing 5,672 monks in the distraction stage. Due to the low level of the opponent, the experience points gained are reduced, and the reward of fairy points is 2.37860 point!"

"Ding, the system prompts, congratulations to the player "Du Yuesheng" for leveling up: current level: Fusion Five!"

"Ding, the system prompts, congratulations to the player "Du Yuesheng" for leveling up: current level: Fusion Sixth Level!"

"Ding, the system prompts, congratulations to the player "Du Yuesheng" for leveling up: current level: Fusion Seven!"

"Ding, the system prompts, congratulations to the player "Du Yuesheng" for leveling up: current level: Fusion Yae!"

"Ding, the system prompts, congratulations to the player who has successfully advanced to the high stage of the Tier 4 Regional Seizing the Sky Ranking Tournament, and has received rewards and a chance to upgrade equipment!"

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