The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 866 Immortal Emperor Ancient Jade (Third)

Originally, Du Yuesheng didn't plan to gain much experience when the battle of ancient ruins started, after all, the level of these geniuses is really too low.

But I didn't expect that in the end, the massacre would add up to a lot, and it was still upgraded to a fourth level, which is very good.

The most valuable thing is that he even got a chance to directly upgrade the equipment.

You must know that this time the Youming Huangquan Banner was suddenly raised to the Youming Tianhuo Banner, displaying incomparably tyrannical power. If it was raised again, wouldn't it be much stronger, even if it met those so-called reincarnated geniuses, it would be able to sweep past them.

But after thinking about it, it seems that the Jade Sword has not been upgraded for a long time. Wouldn't it be better if the Jade Sword could be upgraded.

Moreover, it seems that Youming Tianhuo Banner can be upgraded only by killing people. It is meaningless to waste an opportunity to upgrade. But Zhu Xianjian needs to keep feeding treasures, but he has fed a lot of treasures recently, and he has not seen him upgrade. Why not just take this opportunity to rush? Forget it!

Thinking of this, Du Yuesheng said to the system without hesitation: "System, help me upgrade Zhuxian Sword!"

"Ding, the system prompts, the player is sure to upgrade Zhuxian Sword?"

"Sure!" The Immortal Sword is already very powerful, and I don't know what it will look like after the upgrade. Thinking about it, Du Yuesheng was very excited.

"Ding, the system prompts, the upgrade is successful!"

Afterwards, the new digital display of Zhu Xianjian appeared in front of Du Yuesheng:

Equipment Card: Zhuxian Sword

Level: Fairy Treasure (Constant upgrade)

Description: The Immortal Execution Sword is the supreme killing sword that was born in the age of endless chaos.

The ancient sword to kill immortals, the ancient sword to kill immortals, all things surrender, go up to kill immortals and devils, and go down to kill ghosts.

The effect of skill 2 "destroying demons" is improved: when facing any monsters such as monsters, demons, ghosts, monsters, gods, immortals, Buddhas, saints, etc., the attack power is increased by 100%!

Skill 3 "Zhu Xian" and skill 4 "Destroy Demon" are merged into a new skill: One Sword Zhu Xian.

One Sword Execution: Just one sword, 20 times critical strike, no unparalleled value consumption, three-day cooldown, can consume unparalleled value to speed up the cooldown!

Skill five "Sword Formation" is enhanced to: Skylight Sword Formation.

Heavenly Light Sword Formation: Launched with the Zhuxian Sword, countless sword lights descend from the sky, like sunlight shining on the earth, covering a vast area and powerful, it is a tyrannical group killing skill!

Seeing Du Yuesheng here, his mouth is almost crooked. After the quality of Zhu Xianjian itself has been improved, the improvement of these skills has made him even more powerful.

Although he only has the cultivation level of the eighth level of body building now, but let him meet the master of the eighth level of crossing the robbery, he has the ability to fight with his own strength!

This is the effect of good equipment.

Du Yuesheng couldn't help laughing out loud.

His smile fell into the eyes of other monks, and it suddenly became extremely strange.

"This Du Yuesheng is really powerful. He knows that his future opponents will be those reincarnated geniuses who have lived for several lifetimes, but he can still laugh!"

"Looking at him smiling so happily, he must not be pretending. He claims to be the emperor of heaven, and he still has this strength!"

Even when the referee saw Du Yuesheng laughing again and again, he couldn't help but said: "Young hero, it seems that the future seizing the sky ranking battle will not be as boring as before!"

After laughing, Du Yuesheng opened the box and took a look, but couldn't laugh anymore.

Who would have thought that the box contained spirit stones one by one!

"Damn! Just for a box of spirit stones, this group of people are desperately working?" Du Yuesheng couldn't help frowning and cursing.

The referee twitched his mouth and said, "These boxes... are magic weapons of space. A box of spirit stones can range from tens of millions to hundreds of millions!"

Hundreds of millions of spirit stones, or tens of millions of spirit stones, even if placed in Zhongsheng Shenzhou, that is a big sum.

That is to say, a rich man like Du Yuesheng who already owns hundreds of millions of spirit stones would not think how good this spirit stone is.

But since the matter is already like this, there is no need to be picky. Du Yuesheng stretched out his hand and put away all the spirit stones on the thirty ancient pagodas.

Then he looked at the referee and said, "The next time I go to Duotian Ranking Tournament, will my opponent be those reincarnated geniuses?"

"Yes!" The referee nodded and said, "Those reincarnated geniuses have lived for at least two lives, and as many as ten or eight lives. Their cultivation is unfathomable. Don't underestimate them!"

Du Yuesheng cupped his hands and casually threw a small box to the referee. There should be tens of millions of spirit stones in it, so thank you for the reminder.

The referee was dumbfounded when he caught the box, who would have thought that he would get so much reward for just a casual word he said out of good intentions!

If it weren't for the fact that there were too many people here, the referee would almost have Du Yuesheng kneel down with a plop.

You know, this referee is also from another continent, and the family has recently encountered a big crisis, and urgently needs a sum of spirit stones. With this sum of spirit stones, his family's crisis will be resolved.

In other words, Du Yuesheng became the savior of their entire family in an instant!

"Senior Du Yuesheng!" The referee couldn't kneel down to speak, but it didn't affect him to bow his waist and speak respectfully: "Thank you, Senior Du Yuesheng, for the gift. Next Zhang Zhen, there is nothing good here, so I can only give one to Senior Du Yuesheng." Senior Du Yuesheng, please accept the token of the next family!"

Du Yuesheng paused, looked up, and saw an ancient blue jade lying in the hand of referee Zhang Zhen.

This ancient jade is extremely round and radiant, but it doesn't look like something with a story.

However, Du Yuesheng couldn't refuse someone's kindness, so he accepted it.

Unexpectedly, he just got the ancient jade when he heard a ding from the system:

"Ding, the system prompts, congratulations to player Du Yuesheng for getting the Immortal Emperor Ancient Jade!"

"Ding, the system prompts that the ancient jade of the Immortal Emperor can be used to open the ruins of the Immortal Market!"

Hearing this, the dumbfounded person immediately turned into Du Yuesheng.

Who would have thought that he would send out some spirit stones at random, and in exchange for such an ancient jade from the Immortal Emperor!

And this Tuodi Ancient Jade is still related to Xianxu.

You know, he is about to participate in the auction in Floating Cloud City, and the auction is for the remnants of the Immortal Ruins. Who knows what will happen when the remnants of the Immortal Ruins encounter the ancient jade of the Immortal Emperor!

But what is certain is that the ancient jade of the Immortal Emperor that I got will definitely be of great help to the trip to the Immortal Market!

For a moment, Du Yuesheng couldn't help sighing, this is why a person's life is unpredictable, and all karma and reincarnation are all in a single thought.

He bowed his hands to Zhang Zhen again, thanked him, and then teleported back to Floating Cloud City.

Originally, he didn't pay much attention to the auction of Floating Cloud City, but now that the Immortal Emperor Guyu got his hands, it proves that he and Xianxu still have fate.

Anyway, the price to be paid at the auction is nothing more than spirit stones, but for Du Yuesheng now, the most expensive ones happen to be spirit stones!

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