The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 867: Son of the Light (Fourth)

Today's Floating Cloud City is more heavily guarded than the previous few days, and entire teams of distracted monks are everywhere.

From time to time there are old monsters in the fusion stage flying over the sky, apparently patrolling the entire Floating Cloud City.

At this time, as long as someone in Floating Cloud City dares to make trouble, it will definitely be dead or alive!

The monks on the street were in a hurry, and many of them were heading for the Tianji Building.

Obviously, even if you can't enter the arena today, you still want to feel the shock after the birth of the remnants of the fairy market outside the arena!

Soon Du Yuesheng came to the outside of Tianji Building.

At this moment, the third floor and the outer three floors of the Tianji Building are all packed with monks, but no one can get within three feet of the Tianji Building.

Because outside the Tianji Building, a protective formation has been raised, like a glass cover to block the monks outside.

In the entire Tianji Building, only the gate on the front of the formation can enter now, and on both sides of the gate, there are two fit masters standing there. As long as someone wants to enter, they must take out the Immortal Market Token.

Du Yuesheng took out the Token of the Fairy Market, weighed it, and grinned. It was really a correct decision to snatch a Token of the Fairy Market from the people of the Yaoguang Holy Land three days ago.

Thinking of this, he raised his foot and walked towards the main entrance.

Those onlookers were also very smart, knowing that they could not afford to offend anyone who could have the Order of the Immortal Market, so everyone gave way to the main entrance.

Walking to the main entrance, the two fit monks glanced at Du Yuesheng, with a look of doubt in their eyes, then they stretched out their hands and said, "Please take out the Immortal Market Token!"

Du Yuesheng knew what these two people were wondering about. This auction was unusual, and the people invited were all powerful and powerful sects. Few people would come here alone.

Du Yuesheng didn't bother to explain, and directly took out the Immortal Market Token, and handed it to two fit monks.

After the two glanced at each other, they immediately nodded and said, "Please come in!"

Entering the door was smooth, Du Yuesheng walked into the Tianji building, and immediately a woman with revealing clothes and a pretty face came to lead the way, and directly brought Du Yuesheng to the auction hall.

Looking around, there is no such thing as a private room in this auction hall, but it makes sense when you think about it carefully, because there is no weak person here, all of them are extremely tyrannical characters, and everyone can only sit on an equal footing.

If anyone sat in a luxurious private room, he might be besieged.

Moreover, there are already many tyrannical beings in the hall at this moment, and there are countless fit monks.

Du Yuesheng found a seat according to the seat number on his fairy market order, sat down, and waited quietly for the auction to start.

But at this moment, a loud shout suddenly came out: "You! You are the one who killed my two disciples in the Holy Land of Yaoguang, and also robbed the order of the Immortal Market of the Holy Land of Yaoguang!"

Du Yuesheng was stunned for a moment, turned his head to look in the direction of the source of the sound, and saw a monk in a white robe covered in glittering metal, he couldn't help but raised his brows, and said, "No!"

"No?" Hearing the words, the young monks in the Holy Land of Waving Light suddenly became angry and shouted: "If not, why did you sit where I should be sitting in Holy Land of Waving Light?"

Each Fairy Market Token has a number, and each number corresponds to a seat, which is why the monks in the Shaking Light Holy Land can recognize Du Yuesheng at a glance.

However, he really misunderstood Du Yuesheng.

I saw Du Yuesheng said lightly: "That day, the Emperor of Heaven did kill a disciple of the Holy Land of Waking Light who was rude to me, but... it was just one, and the other one was blown away by the Emperor of Heaven with a sneeze, as if It was the city guard who killed him!"

"You!" Hearing this, the young cultivator of the Shaking Light Holy Land was breathless, blushing and thick neck.

What Du Yuesheng said was the truth, he knew it, and he just forgot about it in a moment of impatience before, but now that Du Yuesheng pointed it out, he just didn't know what to say for a while: "You... you, you... No matter what, you Killing my Yaoguang Holy Land disciple, robbing my Yaoguang Holy Land Immortal Market Commander, this hatred..."

"You want to report it, right?" Du Yuesheng asked back, then grinned, and said: "The Emperor of Heaven is waiting for you, but seeing that you are alone, isn't it a little too small, why don't you call all the people in the Holy Land, The Emperor of Heaven will never back down, how about it?"

Those present are also masters.

But after hearing Du Yuesheng's words, he couldn't help but gasped.

Is this man joking? Doesn't he know that the person standing opposite him is the Holy Son of Waking Light?

Although Shengzi Yaoguang is currently only at the third level of the body, he has a lot of magic weapons and spells. Even in the face of ordinary monks of the fifth level of the body, he has the power to fight.

This is not the most important thing, the main thing is that standing behind the son of Yaoguang is the Holy Land of Yaoguang. The Holy Land of Yaoguang is one of the most powerful forces in Zhongsheng Shenzhou. There are no fewer than dozens of them, and I don't know how much hidden strength they have, and their background is even more profound. No one knows whether Yaoguang Holy Land will come up with a Mahayana monk under the rage!

And this kid in front of him, not counting killing the disciple of the Yaoguang Holy Land, even directly ignored the Shengzi of the Yaoguang Holy Land, and even dared to openly challenge the entire Yaoguang Holy Land.

Everyone didn't know whether Du Yuesheng was brave or just stupid!

As for whether Du Yuesheng is capable or not, no one has considered it. He is just a person, no matter how tyrannical he is, how can he be so tyrannical?

Shengzi Yaoguang stared fiercely at Du Yuesheng, wanting to get angry, but in the end he endured it.

Because a disciple from the Shaking Light Holy Land next to him said in a low voice: "Holy Son, this person's cultivation level seems to be much higher than mine, but it doesn't matter, this time is an auction, we have brought enough spirit stones, and we will be in the auction later." Come on, as long as this son wants something, we can buy it at a higher price, and then this son will have no place to cry!"

Hearing this, Shengzi Yaoguang nodded slightly, sat down, and ignored Du Yuesheng.

Seeing this scene, the other masters were well aware of the plan of the Holy Son of Light, and the upcoming auction might set off a bloody storm of spirit stones.

On the contrary, Du Yuesheng grinned, how could he not see the plan of the son of Yaoguang.

When I think of the spirit stones exchanged by my own system, plus the spirit stones I just got from the battle of the ancient ruins, that amount, let alone the Holy Son of Light, even if all the people present together want to surpass it...I'm afraid It's all hanging!

Before he knew it, Du Yuesheng was looking forward to the upcoming auction even more.

At this moment, a fat old man walked up to the auction stage with a smile on his face, he laughed and said: "I have kept you waiting for a long time, and I am the old man of Tianji Building. Today's Xianxu auction will be held by me." Come host!"

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