The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 868 The Holy Son from the Mountain (Fifth)

Hearing this, Du Yuesheng's expression froze slightly.

With the appearance of this rich man, the auction should begin.

The other masters also turned serious, ready to take pictures.

Mr. Cai also understood that none of the masters present were patient people, so he clapped his hands immediately, only to see a beautiful woman, holding a golden bracelet in her hand, walking to the auction stage.

Seeing the golden bracelet, most of the masters present were still confused.

And Cai Lao said: "You don't know, this bracelet is a powerful magic weapon, and its name is the Eight Dragons Prisoner's Heaven Bracelet."

"Eight Dragon Prisoner Sky Bracelet?"

Hearing this sentence, there was a sudden commotion in the audience, many masters looked around, bowed their heads and whispered to their family members sitting beside them.

Although many people were talking in a mess, but Du Yuesheng knew that everyone present must be talking about the Eight Dragon Prisoner's Bracelet. Obviously, this Eight Dragon's Prisoner's Heavenly Bracelet is not an ordinary magic weapon.

Sure enough, when he saw that everyone was thinking, Cai Lao smiled slightly and continued: "This Eight Dragon Prisoner's Sky Bracelet comes from the Dragon Clan. Everyone must be very clear. The eight generations and eight dragon gods of the Dragon Clan, each Each dragon god has left a drop of blood, and in the hands of the ninth generation dragon god, it was added to the meteoric iron from the outer sky and refined into the Eight Dragon Prisoner Heaven Bracelet!"

Hearing this, Du Yuesheng couldn't help but frown.

The Eight Dragon Prisoner's Bracelet is actually a Dragon Clan thing?

Thinking about it carefully, he is also calm. This generation of dragons has begun to decline, and it is not impossible for some magic weapons of the dragons to flow out.

And Cai Lao became more enthusiastic as he talked: "You can imagine the power of the magic weapon condensed by the essence and blood of the eight dragon gods. It can be said that if a master in the realm of fusion uses this eight dragon prisoner bracelet, even if he meets someone who is stronger than himself. Even monks who are at the second level can be powerful in a fight!"

Everyone nodded when they heard the words. Everyone knew that the Eight Dragon Prisoner's Sky Bracelet was powerful, and those who wanted it immediately shouted: "Cai Lao, don't fool us, just say, how many spirit stones!"

Cai Lao laughed, and then said: "If the starting price is low, it is an insult to the Eight Dragon Prisoner's Sky Bracelet. Therefore, the base price of our Tianji Building is 100,000 spirit stones, and each increase is no less than 1,000 spirit stones." stone!"

Even though everyone knew the power of the Eight Dragon Prisoner's Sky Bracelet, after hearing the base price, many people still gasped, and some showed pain, and they knew that there were not so many souls at a glance. stone.

However, there are also rich and powerful masters who shouted, "One hundred and one thousand spirit stones!"

One person started, and the atmosphere immediately heated up: "One hundred and two thousand spirit stones!"

"Hmph, I'll offer one hundred and five thousand spirit stones!"

"I will offer one hundred and ten thousand spirit stones!"

All those present were masters, and most of the masters were very wealthy. In just a short moment, the price of the Eight Dragon Prisoner's Sky Bracelet was directly raised to 210,000 spirit stones.

It's just that at this time, the price is already close to the bottom line in everyone's mind, so it will take a while before someone asks for the price.

Cai Lao also had a smile on his face. If the Eight Dragon Prisoner's Sky Bracelet can be auctioned for 150,000 spirit stones, it is considered a profit, and if it is more than 200,000 spirit stones, it is a huge profit, and he cannot help but be unhappy.

Seeing that the atmosphere began to cool down, Cai Lao also raised the hammer in his hand, ready to make a final decision.

But at this moment, a voice suddenly sounded: "220,000 spirit stones!"

"Who!" The master who had just bid for 210,000 spirit stones stood up with a bang, his eyes scanned around, and finally fell on Du Yuesheng.

Du Yuesheng didn't have the slightest fear, raised his head and smiled lightly, "It's the Emperor of Heaven, what's the matter? Your Excellency refuses to accept it?"

The master who asked for a price of 210,000 raised his brows, and then sank down fiercely. If it was someone else, he would either threaten him or win him over, and he should be fine.

But Du Yuesheng can't use these two methods, intimidation? They are not even afraid of the Holy Land of Shaking Light, but are they afraid of you? win over? The Yaoguang Holy Land will definitely destroy Du Yuesheng, who would dare to win over Du Yuesheng to fight against the Yaoguang Holy Land?

After thinking carefully for a moment, the master raised his hand again and shouted: "Two hundred and twenty-one thousand spirit stones!"

"Three hundred thousand!" Du Yuesheng yawned and said weakly.

The business of hundreds of thousands and hundreds of thousands of Lingshi is really boring, and he gave away tens of millions today without any hassle.

"You!" When the master heard Du Yuesheng's shouted price, he was startled and wanted to call out a higher price, but after thinking about it carefully, his main goal today was not the Eight Dragon Prisoner's Heaven Bracelet. Gritting his teeth, he sat down hard.

Just when everyone in the venue thought that Du Yuesheng was going to take the bracelet, another voice suddenly came: "This Eight Dragon Prisoner's Sky Bracelet is really good, 300,000 is even lower, I want 320,000!"

There are still people bidding?

Du Yuesheng turned his head to look, and then he grinned, and it was the Shengzi Yaoguang who was asking for the price. It seemed that this kid made up his mind to confront him head-on today.

Thinking of this, Du Yuesheng simply raised his hand and shouted: "400,000!"

No matter how much others add, anyway, when he increases the price, he will round up the whole number.

Shengzi Yaoguang's complexion changed slightly, 400,000 spirit stones was not a big amount for him, but it was not too small. If he raised the price, Du Yuesheng would not want it, what should I do?

He hesitated for a while, but after thinking about it, what about four hundred thousand? Even if I lose money, you will not be able to buy what you want.

Thinking of this, Shengzi Yaoguang opened his mouth again, and said in a strange way: "400,000 spirit stones is indeed a lot, but my bottom line is 41,000 spirit stones!"

"500,000!" Du Yuesheng didn't bother to talk nonsense with this son of Yaoguang. This bracelet belongs to the dragon clan, and this time he is looking for Long Wushuang. Shi He is also happy.

It's only half a million now, too little!

But when Shengzi Yaoguang saw Du Yuesheng being so decisive, he couldn't help raising his eyebrows, and wanted to continue to increase the price.

But at this moment, the disciple beside him pulled him and said, "Holy Son, no matter how tall this bracelet is, it won't be much higher. Let's change our target. If a few million bracelets appear next time He, Du Yuesheng, wants Lingshi's treasure, and if we increase the price like this, that would be cool!"

When Son of Light Yaoguang heard this, his eyes lit up immediately, and he was deeply convinced. Then he nodded and said, "500,000 spirit stones, a Taoist friend's handwriting, I admit defeat, hahaha!"

Du Yuesheng curled his lips and said: "Of course you admit defeat, what the Emperor of Heaven wants, even you, a holy son from the mountain, can take it away?"

Shengzi Yaoguang's face suddenly changed. He originally wanted to mock Du Yuesheng for being stupid for spending so many spirit stones for a bracelet.

But now, not only is Du Yuesheng not ashamed, but he also ridiculed that Shengzi Yaoguang came from the mountain. This means that Shengzi Yaoguang is poor and has never seen the world!


ps: The fifth update is here! Ask for a ticket! Guaranteed five changes every day.

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