The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 889 Ji Family Loose Immortals (Part 1)


When the stone thrown this time flew a foot away from the coffin of Ji Family Sanxian, it was smashed to pieces with a bang.

Although he was not hit this time, the Ji family's Sanxian was as angry as he was: "Boy, you dare to hit me with stones again and again, and when my Ji family comes back, you will definitely cramp your bones and ashes! "

What an insult it is for a Sanxian to be stoned like a wild dog. The Sanxian didn't rush out of the coffin to kill someone because he had a calm mind!

But Wang Kaixuan was not threatened at all. When he saw that Sanxian was only threatening but no longer took action, his eyes lit up: "Haha, boss, you are right. This old monster dare not come out. Wait for me for a while, and I will take revenge right away!" !"

After speaking, Wang Kaixuan ran to a rockery, raised his hand and punched down, and the rockery exploded into stones all over the ground.

Afterwards, Wang Kaixuan pinched his fingers, and dozens of arms appeared on his shoulders. From a distance, he looked like a thousand-handed Buddha.

But the Thousand-Handed Buddha stretched out his hand to pick up the stones on the ground, and then threw all the stones towards Ji Family Sanxian.

The stones flew through the air one by one, screaming, and even rubbed against the air to emit a faint flame, which was no less than several times more powerful than the stones thrown before.

bang bang bang!

A few stones flew over and hit the protective cover arranged by Sanxian, and the protective cover trembled immediately.

Ji Family Sanxian trembled from anger.

He is a dignified one-yuan Sanxian who has survived a Sanxian Tribulation, a top figure in Zhongsheng Shenzhou, and the ancestor of the Ji family's secret collection. Now he is being stoned like this, how can this be tolerated!

"Boy, you forced me!" Ji Jia Sanxian yelled angrily, his arms didn't move, but the fingers of both hands pinched a finger respectively.

Hearing a cry, a purple fire dragon suddenly appeared in the air. The fire dragon shone with purple light all over its body, and it was very strange. The air scorched by the dancing purple flames twisted for a while. The stone thrown by Wang Kaixuan had not yet flown to the fire dragon It was directly burned to fly ash!

Wang Kaixuan was dumbfounded for a moment.

Unexpectedly, this Sanxian could cast such a powerful spell while lying in the coffin,

Du Yuesheng directly took out the Nether Sky Fire Flag, and with a wave of the flag, the red Sky Fire roared out, strands of flames entwined and tangled, turned into a fire dragon and rose into the sky, heading straight for the purple fire dragon!

Seeing this, Sanxian kept sneering: "I don't know how to live or die, the fire dragon of this venerable one can be dealt with by the fire dragon summoned by any magic weapon. You must know that this venerable is risking being discovered by the heavens in order to cast this spell..."

He was stunned before he finished speaking.

I saw Du Yuesheng's fire dragon rising against the wind, the fire was getting bigger and bigger, and the temperature was getting higher and higher. In a blink of an eye, his purple fire dragon was wrapped in the very center, and finally divided and eaten away!

Under the power of the sky fire, his purple fire dragon is as weak as a child facing a strong man!

"Impossible!" Ji Family Sanxian yelled, he could see that Du Yuesheng's cultivation had not passed the tribulation yet, so why is his spell stronger than his own!

This Sanxian couldn't imagine that although Du Yuesheng's cultivation base was not high, his strength was stronger than Wang Kaixuan.

Moreover, Du Yuesheng's spells and magic weapons are many times stronger than Wang Kaixuan's!

Du Yuesheng laughed out loud when he heard the purple fire dragon, and said: "It's just a small fire dragon, you think it's impossible, then I'll let you see something even more impossible!"

Before he finished speaking, Du Yuesheng took out the Sword of Immortal Executioner, and with a thought, in an instant, the sky cloud changed color, and the dark cloud instantly covered the entire sky, and lightning bolts froze in the clouds, as if they could not wait to rush down!

"You are..." Seeing this scene, Ji Family's Sanxian's complexion changed drastically: "Such a powerful lightning control spell, can't possibly have not yet reached the stage of crossing the tribulation, and the peak of crossing the tribulation is just like this, no... you It's not a lightning control spell, are you casting an illusion to deceive me?"

"The Emperor of Heaven needs to lie to you if he kills you?" Du Yuesheng looked up to the sky and laughed, pointing at the tomb where the scattered immortals of the Ji family were lying with the Zhuxian sword in his hand, all of a sudden thousands of sky thunders turned into strips of silver, and fell in unison with a bang, straight towards the Let the Ji Family Sanxian bombard and kill them!

The thunder fell, and the dazzling white light made people dare not open their eyes.

On the tomb of the Sanxian of the Ji family, the soil billowed up, green smoke rose slightly, and sparks flew everywhere.

Ji Family Sanxian's angry scolding came out impressively: "Boy, who are you!"

With the sound of cursing, I saw a mask suddenly rise, which turned out to block almost all the lightning from the mask!

Countless thunderbolts hit the mask like rain, and then were bounced off. For a while, silver snakes danced wildly between the sky and the earth, extremely gorgeous!

Wang Kaixuan's complexion changed slightly, he looked at Du Yuesheng, then at the Sanxian of the Ji family, and couldn't help sighing: "Sanxian is really amazing!"

Du Yuesheng nodded, Sanxian is indeed very powerful.

Sanxian has a total of twelve kalpas, one kalpa, one day, and three kalpas to divide yin and yang, transform life and death, and go to Nirvana. The actual strength of Sanxian is already equivalent to the existence of a golden immortal. In an instant, you can ascend to the upper realm, and then step into the Golden Immortal cultivation base!

Even the one-yuan Sanxian of the Ji family who has only survived the one-yuan calamity in front of him is far beyond the peak of Transcending Tribulation. If it weren't for Du Yuesheng himself being extremely tyrannical, the Immortal Execution Sword is very powerful, and this Sanxian lying in the coffin dare not Come out, I'm afraid things will be much more troublesome!

However, after being bombarded by Du Yuesheng with the sky thunder, the Yiyuan Sanxian of the Ji family finally couldn't hold back the anger in his heart, and shouted: "Boy, don't force me, otherwise I will try my best to resist the catastrophe. kill you!"

Hearing this, Du Yuesheng suddenly understood, smiled slightly, and said: "You are lying in this coffin, you are actually avoiding the Liangyi calamity! You are not sure to survive the Liangyi calamity, so you have been hiding here. Once you get out of the coffin , the Liangyi Tribulation will soar into the sky, and when the time will be dead but not alive!"

Ji Jia Yiyuan Sanxian's complexion changed, he did not expect Du Yuesheng to see through his secret, he frowned, and after a long silence, he let out a long breath and said:

"I didn't expect to be seen through by you, so don't force me, otherwise I will come out and fight with you, even if there is a catastrophe, you will not be able to escape in my hands!"

"The Emperor of Heaven never thought of letting you go..."

Du Yuesheng laughed when he heard the words, but then his face turned cold again, and he said: "This Heavenly Emperor never thought of running away, if you want to come out and fight this Heavenly Emperor, then you come!"

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