The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 890 This is my catastrophe (second update)

When Wang Kaixuan heard this, Du Yuesheng's eyes were full of stars: "Boss, you are really good, at least the scene is tense!"

Du Yuesheng didn't know whether to laugh or cry, looked at Wang Kaixuan, and said, "You think I'm joking!"

Wang Kaixuan was stunned: "Are you really going to force him out to beat him? That's Sanxian! Even if he is carrying the Liangyi robbery, we can't beat him with a single finger!"

As soon as Wang Kaixuan finished speaking, Ji Family Sanxian suddenly screamed: " actually killed all the monks of my Ji Family, ah! I want to kill you!"

While speaking, the Ji family Yiyuan Sanxian slapped the coffin with his hand, and with a whoosh, he flew out of the coffin.

It turned out that the Yiyuan Sanxian of the Ji family had been using secret methods to find out where his Ji family monks had gone. Later, he discovered that in the Ji family mansion, where the soul jade slips of the monks were stored, all the soul jade slips, All broken!

After knowing that all the monks of the Ji family were dead, how could the Sanxian of the Ji family bear it anymore, and finally decided to desperately desperately.

As the Ji Family Yiyuan Sanxian flew out of the coffin, the sky became dark again at this moment. The thunder and lightning formed almost instantly, and then there was a bang, pouring down like a waterfall, towards the Ji Family Yiyuan Sanxian. Boomed past.

This is the fall of the Liangyi Tribulation of the Sanxian of the Ji family. The Liangyi Tribulation that had been waiting for hundreds of years did not even need the time to condense, it fell directly!

"Magic Moon Shield!"

The Yiyuan Sanxian of the Ji family seemed to have expected this a long time ago. With a wave of his hand, a huge purple moon suddenly appeared above his head, covering the top of his head tightly, and even blocked the lightning for seven weeks. Seven or eight.

The rest of the lightning bombarded him, although it made the Ji family Yiyuan Sanxian spit out a mouthful of blood, but it didn't hinder much.

"Boy, if you destroy my Ji family, today I will destroy you!" Ji family Sanxian gritted his teeth and said fiercely, and then he was about to cast a spell and charge towards Du Yuesheng.

But at this moment, Du Yuesheng heard a system prompt:

"Ding, the system prompts that there is a catastrophe coming nearby, causing a chain reaction. The player "Du Yuesheng" has a catastrophe coming, and there is only one second left!"

As soon as the system bell finished, a bang sounded above Du Yuesheng's head. When he looked up, there was also a thunderbolt falling on Du Yuesheng's head at an incomparable speed, hitting Du Yuesheng on top.

Wang Kaixuan looked dumbfounded: "Boss, there is something wrong with Ji Family Sanxian's Heavenly Tribulation, why did it hit you..."

Du Yuesheng directly knocked Wang Kaixuan out of the scope of his own catastrophe with a backhand palm: "This is my catastrophe, idiot!"

After finishing speaking, he couldn't help but twitched his mouth, looked at Ji Family Sanxian, and said, "This Heavenly Emperor wants to see, whose Heavenly Tribulation is more powerful!"

Du Yuesheng also jumped up and rushed towards Ji Family Sanxian on his own initiative.

Jijia Sanxian saw the catastrophe falling from Du Yuesheng's head, but he also subconsciously thought that it was his own catastrophe, not Du Yuesheng's.

But when Du Yuesheng rushed in front of him, Ji Family Sanxian suddenly felt the Liangyi Heavenly Tribulation falling from his head, and its power doubled.

The purple moon, which could have been supported for a moment, exploded with a bang, and countless thunders fell directly on top of his head, sending his whole body flying more than a hundred feet away, and smashed hard on the ground.

"How could this be?" Ji Family's Sanxian said in disbelief, "How can my Liangyi Jie be so powerful?"

"This is not at all!!"

"Ha ha!"

"Because you also carried the Heavenly Emperor's Tribulation Tribulation!"

Du Yuesheng grinned and looked up at the sky.

At this moment, he was also under the joint bombardment of Liangyi Jie and Du Jie Tian Jie, his whole body was bathed in thunder, and the electric light flowed on him as densely as rain.

But he was unscathed.

The reason is very simple. Although he only has the peak body cultivation, his actual strength has already passed the catastrophe. Facing his own catastrophe, it doesn't matter at all.

And when he was close to Ji Family Sanxian, he was also bombarded by Ji Family Sanxian's Liangyi Tribulation, but the power of these two Yi Jies was also judged according to his strength.

In other words, the Liangyi Tribulation that fell on Du Yuesheng was almost the same as the Transcending Tribulation, and Du Yuesheng could still easily resist the two tribulations!

But on the other hand, Ji Family Sanxian, what he resisted was the power of the two Yangyi Tribulations!

Ji Family Sanxian couldn't even handle one Liangyi Tribulation, let alone two Liangyi Tribulations. As soon as the Liangyi Tribulation fell, his magic moon shield shattered.

"You can resist two catastrophes so easily!" Ji Jia Sanxian flashed a cold light in his eyes, wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth, looked up at the catastrophe still condensed in the sky, gritted his teeth, and said:

"Okay, very good, Qingshan will not change, we will have a chance to see you again!"

After speaking, I saw Jijia Sanxian suddenly slammed into the coffin, pinched the magic formula in his hand, and the coffin lid automatically flew up and closed. The Liangyi Jie in the sky suddenly couldn't find where the target was. can dissipate.

And the coffin also flew up, Ji Family Sanxian actually wanted to escape!

"Want to escape?" Du Yuesheng completely ignored the thunder and lightning bombarding him, and jumped up, stepping on the fairy sword, holding the Nether Sky Fire Flag, and was going to burn the Sanxian and his coffin with the sky fire.

Unexpectedly, Wang Kaixuan shouted from the side: "Boss, it's my turn!"

Then Du Yuesheng saw a fat figure rushing up to the sky and suddenly turned into a mountain of flesh. It turned out that Wang Kaixuan also had a spell similar to Fa Xiang Tian Di.

His body suddenly soared a hundred times, but his speed did not decrease at all, and he caught up with the flying coffin in a blink of an eye. Then he looked down at the coffin, found the right direction, and fell down with one buttock, just like Mount Tai collapsed Same.

With a loud noise, Wang Kaixuan's buttocks fell to the ground while pressing on the coffin.

The corners of Du Yuesheng's mouth twitched when he saw this, this Ji Family Sanxian should have been a hero of his generation before, but now he has ended up sitting on his butt to death, that would be too tragic!

"Huh! Burn Fatty's ass, will Fatty forgive you?" Wang Kaixuan then came down contentedly, put away the photo, grinned, and used his spiritual power to condense a new dress and put it on, satisfied.

When he walked by, the coffin had been reduced to pieces all over the place.

But Du Yuesheng frowned, and looked up at the sky. The Liangyi Jiejie cloud that had just dispersed in the sky suddenly condensed again!

"Be careful!" He quickly shouted at Wang Kaixuan.

Wang Kaixuan was taken aback: "What's wrong?"

Du Yuesheng walked like flying, rushed forward, and directly threw Wang Kaixuan into the air, and in the pile of ruins, a defensive mask lit up again.

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