The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 891 Fusion Skills (Third)

Rumble! !

The two ritual robberies also fell at the same time, and the two were evenly matched!

Wang Kaixuan stared at Adi: "Young master's ass is one of the most powerful spells in the Tianxia League. Could it be that you can't kill a seriously injured Sanxian..."

"He would definitely be worse off than dead now!" Du Yuesheng said with a sneer.

Sure enough, the Ji Family Sanxian stumbled up from a pile of coffin residues, his clothes were torn, his hair was disheveled, there was blood on his face, and his eyes were full of humiliation.

He is a loose fairy, and he was almost killed by someone sitting on his buttocks.

What's worse, Wang Kaixuan definitely farted just now!

What an insult it is to be sat on the face by someone's buttocks. If it was normal, this Ji Family Sanxian might have committed suicide in shame at that time.

Of course, if Jijia Sanxian knew that the ass is actually one of Wang Kaixuan's spells, I'm afraid it wouldn't be so humiliating.

"Boy, you insulted me by destroying my monks. If I don't kill you, even if you go to hell, you will die with regret!"

Ji Family Sanxian almost gritted his teeth, but suddenly he slapped his forehead and spurted a mouthful of blood.

After the blood essence flew out, it was suspended in the air directly, flowing slowly, which was very strange!

"This is the Ji family's secret art blood sacrifice, which can temporarily increase a person's strength, but after the improvement, his cultivation will decline forever. This guy sees that he can't survive, so he will use this kind of vicious trick!"

Wang Kaixuan on the side saw this and quickly reminded Du Yuesheng: "Let's slip away first, the blood sacrifice has a time limit, after the time, he will die himself!"

"Why do you need to run away?" Du Yuesheng grinned. Now the strength of the Ji Family Sanxian is not as good as before. Even with the blood sacrifice, he is still not as good as before. coward?

"It's fine if you don't escape, die!"

While speaking, Ji Family Sanxian stretched out his hand to touch the blood in front of him, and the blood immediately turned into a ray of red light, rushed into the center of his eyebrows, and turned into a little red light.

But at this moment, when the Liangyi Heavenly Tribulation fell again, Ji Family Sanxian waved a round of magic moon to rise again, blocking all the Heavenly Tribulations.

"Sure enough, it has become a little bit stronger!" Du Yuesheng took out the Nether Skyfire Flag and waved it, and the Skyfire roared away immediately.

Ji Family Sanxian's eyelids twitched when he saw it. If the power of the sky fire had been placed just now, it would be difficult for him to resist, but now, it is very uncomfortable for him to resist.

However, he didn't hesitate in his hands, his fingers interlaced, and counted until the purple light shot out directly, attacking and killing Du Yuesheng's sky fire.

The power of Tianhuo is strong, but the purple light is not weak, and it can match it 50-50. Seeing this, Du Yuesheng simply put away the Nether Yellow Spring Banner, and the Immortal Execution Sword flew into his hand, and he swung the sword straight to kill.

"Well done!"

At this moment, the Sanxian of the Ji family was not afraid of Shuangtian Lei's attack, so he gave a cold drink, opened his mouth and spit out a sword with a cold light, and also attacked and killed Du Yuesheng!

"Swallow the sky!"

Du Yuesheng slashed out with a sword, the sword light criss-crossed, and the Ji Family Sanxian was not far behind: "The waning moon!"

Two precious swords, the sword light burst out like a rainbow, and the sword energy criss-crossed all directions. The surrounding trees and stones were all shattered, even half of the distant mountain was cut off, and the ground was all cut out by the sword energy. ravine!

Seeing this scene, Wang Kaixuan in the distance couldn't help being excited: "Boss, your swordsmanship is so good, if you hold on for a while, that guy won't be able to hold it anymore!"

"Why delay!" Du Yuesheng laughed loudly: "This Heavenly Emperor wants to kill him when he is the strongest!"

While speaking, Du Yuesheng turned his sword move, and a low shout came from his throat: "Rage! One sword... Zhu Xian!"

Kill the Immortals with One Sword!

Twenty times the crit!


Ten times stronger!

How powerful is the one sword Zhu Xian used in a state of rage?

At that moment, the sword light emanating from the Immortal Execution Sword in Du Yuesheng's hand made Wang Kaixuan in the distance couldn't help but close his eyes!

A sword fell!

A big mountain ten miles away, immediately split it!

And the Ji Family Sanxian who just thought he could have the power to fight in front of him suddenly stopped at this moment, his eyes were dull, his throat moved to speak, but at this moment his whole body was suddenly split in two from the middle, and his internal organs It's all over the place!

Coincidentally, at this moment, Du Yuesheng's catastrophe also happened to end.

The system's notification sound suddenly sounded.

But the first prompt sounded was not a level increase: "Ding, the system prompts, congratulations to the player for comprehending the skill, Furious Zhu Xian!"


"Rage Zhu Xian?"

Du Yuesheng frowned, and in a state of rage, he used a sword to kill the immortals. Could it be that the violent celestial beings were referring to this?

Berserk is ten times stronger than the current strength, and Yijian Zhuxian is twenty times stronger than the current strength!

If the two are combined... wouldn't it be two hundred times the attack?

The system bell didn't give Du Yuesheng time to think, and it continued to ring:

"Ding, the system prompts, congratulations to the player for killing the Ji family Yiyuan Sanxian and getting 2.35 billion fairy points!"

"Ding, the system prompts, congratulations to the player "Du Yuesheng" for successfully surviving the catastrophe!"

"Ding, the system prompts, congratulations to the player "Du Yuesheng" for leveling up, the current level: Crossing Tribulation Level 1!"

"Ding, the system prompts, congratulations to the player "Du Yuesheng" for leveling up, the current level is the second level of crossing the catastrophe!"

"Ding, the system prompts, congratulations to the player "Du Yuesheng" for leveling up, the current level is triple tribulation!"

"Ding, the system prompts, congratulations to the player "Du Yuesheng" for leveling up, the current level is the 4th level of crossing the tribulation!"

"Ding, the system prompts, congratulations to the player "Du Yuesheng" for leveling up, the current level is at the fifth level of tribulation!"


"Congratulations to the player 'Du Yuesheng' who took the initiative to comprehend the skill, and the reward level has increased by one level."

"Ding, the system prompts, congratulations to the player "Du Yuesheng" for leveling up, the current level is the sixth level of the tribulation!"

Having survived the catastrophe in one breath and raised his cultivation level to the sixth level of the catastrophe, it is definitely a bumper harvest, but Du Yuesheng still turned his attention to the violent Zhu Xian!

If he could really attack two hundred times, wouldn't he be invincible?

"System, show me the introduction of Furious Zhu Xian!"

Afterwards, the introduction of various attributes of Furious Jade Immortal appeared directly in front of Du Yuesheng.

Skill: Furious Executioner

Attribute: Fusion Skill (Rage + One Sword Execution)

Exercising Cultivation Base: The Peak of Fit

Description: It can burst out a blow equivalent to 50 times the player's own strength, but as the skill level increases and the opponent strengthens, it can finally issue a perfect 100 times attack!

Cooling time: three days!

Seeing this, Du Yuesheng let out a long breath.

It turned out that it was only fifty times, and the highest was only one hundred times. It would be great if the multiplier could be upgraded infinitely.


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