The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 892: Demacia (Fourth)

But Rao is not so simple.

For example, with his sword strike just now, he even beheaded a one-element Sanxian who had been robbed.

Although the strength of the Ji Family's Sanxian is not as good as the peak, and he is still carrying the double-day calamity, Du Yuesheng is still going through the calamity, which is enough to prove that fifty times is already against the sky!

With another tyrannical skill, Du Yuesheng smiled very satisfied.

But Wang Kaixuan walked up in a stumbling manner.

He was almost scared to the ground by the violent Zhu Xian just now, and when he came up, he was also speechless, he could only point to Du Yuesheng and then to the mountain that was cut in half in the distance.

The shock is beyond words!

Du Yuesheng smiled slightly, and said comfortingly: "You can do it in the future."

Who knew that the fat man shook his head for a while, and finally said: "Your sword technique is invincible in digging graves!"

Du Yuesheng almost fainted, this fat man knew how to dig other people's graves after tossing and turning.

He left Wang Kaixuan and turned around to leave. Wang Kaixuan quickly caught up and said, "Boss, don't be angry, I was just joking. Didn't you say you were going to Xianxu? I can go!"

"One more month?" Du Yuesheng blinked and asked.

Wang Kaixuan nodded, and then said seriously: "After all, Xianxu is not a place for mortals, so you can't go there just by saying it. Even if you have a map of Xianxu in your hand, you have to wait for the gate of Xianxu to appear before you can enter."

"What's the name of the gate of the Immortal Market?" Du Yuesheng asked.

"It's called Fallen Immortal Mountain!" Speaking of Fallen Immortal Mountain, Wang Kaixuan's eyes were covered with a layer of dark clouds: "It's extremely dangerous there, full of poisonous insects and beasts everywhere. The mosquito bites and dies!"

"What?" Du Yuesheng was startled: "A mosquito killed a one-yuan Sanxian?"

It's no wonder Du Yuesheng was surprised.

He just fought with Yiyuan Sanxian, and he has a good understanding of Yiyuan Sanxian's strength, let alone mosquitoes, even if you stick a needle, you can't pierce Yiyuan Sanxian's skin.

Wang Kaixuan's face was unpredictable: "Although this incident is a legend, I can assure you that it is absolutely true!"

"Why?" Du Yuesheng was puzzled.

Wang Kaixuan opened his mouth lightly, and said: "The one-yuan Sanxian was buried when he returned to Zhongsheng Shenzhou. I dug out his grave, and this guy has turned into bones, but I saw on the wall of his tomb. The painting has a picture of him being bitten by a mosquito."

"Could it be that mosquito is some kind of strange monster?" Du Yuesheng asked.

Wang Kaixuan shook his head: "If it is a strange monster, there is no reason why a one-yuan Sanxian cannot recognize it."

Du Yuesheng nodded, and he had a little bit of vigilance in his heart towards the Fairy Market. Even a gate falling into the Immortal Mountain is so powerful, so who knows how many powerful characters there are in the Fairy Market?

Wang Kaixuan also seemed to know that it was useless to scare himself like this, so he said: "It doesn't matter, when the time comes, there must be a way for the car to reach the mountain. Let's think about whose grave to dig this month. It's yours." Sword, my vision, we cooperate seamlessly!"

Du Yuesheng was speechless: "I can only use that trick once every three days, and it's impossible to dig a grave with you. If you like it, go by yourself!"

But at this moment, Zhuge Liang suddenly stopped in front of Du Yuesheng with Liuguang from a distance, and said, "I tell the Heavenly Emperor, we have detected more than 30 sects, and they are respectively heading towards the Dragon Clan, the Yaoguang Holy Land and the Ji Family." Killing, it seems that they want to occupy these places and become their territory!"

Hearing this, Du Yuesheng grinned: "Look, my business is coming."

Wang Kaixuan looked at Zhuge Liang in surprise, and said, "You seem to have just been teleported from somewhere else, where did you get the intelligence network from?"

Zhuge Liang smiled slightly: "When I was in Tianyu, I started to build an intelligence network. Although the time is not long enough, it is still impossible to hide some big news from me!"

Wang Kaixuan couldn't help giving Du Yuesheng a thumbs up: "Boss, the people under your command are very good!"

Du Yuesheng smiled slightly, jokingly, if Zhuge Liang can't even handle this trivial matter, what kind of wise man is he?

After thinking about it, he opened his mouth and said: "Let the word out, these three places belong to me, Du Yuesheng, whoever dares to snatch them, Yaoguang Holy Land and Ji's family are his role models!"

Zhuge Liang cupped his hands and immediately went down to arrange the matter.

However, before Zhuge Liang left, he suddenly heard the sound of a rumbling battle.

Du Yuesheng and Wang Kaixuan quickly flew up to the sky to have a look, only to find that, dozens of miles away, two monks had already fought together!

"Come so soon?" Du Yuesheng's eyes turned cold. He naturally saw that one of the monks was a monk from the Heavenly Court, while the other monk was a sect who wanted to take advantage of the destruction of Ji's family and occupy Jiwangcheng!

"The Emperor of Heaven fights the world, you come here and want to occupy the magpie's nest? You want to die!" A sneer appeared on the corner of his mouth, and Du Yuesheng moved straight towards the battle group.

Zhongsheng Shenzhou also has top ten strong gates, but there is no ranking.

As for the sects and forces under the top ten powerful sects, there are actually many sects and forces that are strong enough to challenge these ten powerful sects, but they lack an opportunity.

Now that the Yaoguang Holy Land is gone, the Ji family is gone, and even the original dragon clan has been deprived of their dragon blood by Long Wushuang, turning them into a group of dragon clan with no strength or cultivation.

This is a rare opportunity, how could these sects and forces let it go?

As long as they seized the territory of these sects, with those beautiful mountains and beautiful waters, they would be one of the new top ten forces, famous in the central holy state!

But today, the Liu family, which has been passed down for thousands of years in Zhongsheng Shenzhou, immediately dispatched the whole family to kill Ji Wang City as soon as they discovered that all the monks of the Ji family had been wiped out.

But I didn't expect that there was already a group of monks here, but they were not afraid. The opponent's cultivation was not high, and the highest was only in the fusion stage, so they could completely crush them.

Liu Qingyuan, head of the Liu family, trembled with excitement when he thought of the supreme glory of his Liu family replacing the Ji family and becoming one of the top ten powerful families in Zhongsheng Shenzhou.

"My great sword..."

"My sword!"


"In the tower in!"

"Life is endless, fighting is endless!"

"This world needs hope"

"Fight for those who cannot fight!"


But at this moment, a burst of shouting and killing suddenly brought Liu Qingyuan back to reality, and after a closer look, he couldn't help being furious!

I only saw a man wearing armor and wielding a big sword. Although he was only at the 1st level of fitness, he killed several back and forth in the battle group. Even the monks of the second level can't stop it!

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