The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 894: Grave Digging Operation (addition for friends who support me)



In the distance, a nine-fold monk who had fought Zhao Yun for 300 rounds and still hadn't lost was watching this scene intently, mumbling incessantly.

"nothing is impossible!!"



A long spear directly pierced his chest. At this moment, Zhao Yun said lightly: "How can the power of the Emperor of Heaven be beyond the imagination of ants?"

At the same time, examples like this abound in the surrounding battle groups. Many members of the Liu family were terrified and unable to fight any more after seeing this scene.

The Heavenly Court monk took this opportunity to kill him in one fell swoop.

For a moment, many golden lights lit up, which means that the characters of the Kingdom of God have been directly upgraded.

Du Yuesheng, who was above the sky, squinted his eyes and looked around.

Wang Kaixuan flew over and praised: "The boss is amazing. He killed a monk who passed the third level of robbery so easily. Now I am afraid no one will dare to come and grab the territory with you!"

Du Yuesheng shook his head for a while and said: "I'm afraid not, now maybe more experts will come to grab it!"

Wang Kaixuan was taken aback for a moment, he was not good at trying to figure out other people's thoughts, so he could only ask: "Why?"

"The Liu family also knew about me just now, but they didn't believe it."

Du Yuesheng smiled bitterly and said: "They dare not believe it, and I am afraid that others will not believe it either, so even if the Liu family is destroyed by me now, there will still be people who will come to snatch it. After all, I have just arrived in Zhongsheng Shenzhou not long ago. Prestige, so these people are not afraid of me!"

When Wang Kaixuan heard it, he couldn't help curling his lips and said: "Then what should we do? You can't wipe out all the great sects of Zhongsheng Shenzhou, right? Even if you have the strength, you don't have time. You can go to Fallen Immortal Mountain in a month. Already!"

Du Yuesheng smiled, and said: "Then find a way to prevent them from coming here to mess with me again!"

Speaking of this, Du Yuesheng took a look at Wang Kaixuan, and said, "Have you still set your sights on someone's grave?"

Wang Kaixuan's eyes lit up: "You want to go with me? Haha, then I have a lot of favorites. You know the Peerless Sect. They have produced several Loose Immortals before, and now they are still among the top ten sects.

There is also Stepping Xianmen, this sect is very powerful, their graves are even more powerful, occupying a mountain range, by the way, and..."

When Wang Kaixuan counted the tombs of other people's families, he could describe them as countless treasures.

And he actually started to drool while talking, I don't know what this guy is trying to do by digging up other people's graves and not wanting treasures.

Du Yuesheng quickly asked him to stop, and said: "Okay, okay, it will be next year to dig up all the graves you mentioned, let's go, you lead the way!"

"Where are you going?" Wang Kaixuan asked. He was so excited that he took out a big shovel. The shovel was shining brightly. It was a powerful magic weapon. He had leveled Ji a while ago. The family's ancestral grave must rely on this.

Du Yuesheng smiled helplessly and said, "Let's go to whichever one you want to dig the most."

Wang Kaixuan nodded repeatedly, but soon he was full of doubts and said: "Wait, don't you want to intimidate others, why do you want to accompany me to dig graves, don't dig more and more people will grab your site!"

Du Yuesheng laughed, and said: "It's okay, you will know when the time comes!"

After finishing speaking, Du Yuesheng turned his head and shouted: "Zhuge Liang!"

Zhuge Liang flew forward immediately, and said respectfully to Du Yuesheng: "What orders does the Emperor of Heaven have?"

"I'm going to do something, you let the disciples of the Heavenly Court guard here, and kill whoever comes!" Du Yuesheng said.

After Zhuge Liang heard this, he frowned slightly, and couldn't help but said worriedly: "Heavenly Emperor, you have also seen the situation today. My heavenly court is not stable, and there must be a steady stream of enemies behind it. I am afraid it will be difficult for us to defend!"

Zhuge Liang sees things very clearly. He said so, which means that even if Du Yuesheng kills here, it doesn't matter too much.

"No problem!" Du Yuesheng laughed loudly: "In less than ten days, the name of this Emperor of Heaven will spread throughout Zhongzhou, and no one will dare to disobey me!"

While speaking, Du Yuesheng ignored Zhuge Liang's doubts and let Wang Kaixuan lead the way. The two of them turned into a streamer and headed for the distance.

Holding Fang Tian's painted halberd in his hand, Lu Bu rode over on a red rabbit horse, and looked at Du Yuesheng who disappeared after stepping on the cloud.

Lu Bu descended from the red rabbit horse in one step, walked up to Zhuge Liang and asked, "Master, what should we do now?"


"Lu Bu, Zhao Yun, the two of you led the army to continue the attack!"

"Yes, military advisor!" Lu Bu and Zhao Yun knelt on the ground and said, then got up and left with the endless army of heaven.

"Galen, Yasuo, you two immediately summon the League of Legends army and attack the enemies who invaded my heaven!"

"It's a military division!!"

After Zhuge Liang gave the order, the heavenly court started to run quickly, and the endless army began to move.

After Du Yuesheng and Wang Kaixuan flew for a full three hours, they had already traveled thousands of miles.

Along the way, Du Yuesheng saw that all the forces that wanted to go to the Ji family's territory were easily eliminated, but later he still encountered a steady stream of forces going to the Ji family.

Du Yuesheng also asked these people if they knew how powerful Du Yuesheng was, and they all said they knew, but they didn't believe it.

This also made Du Yuesheng more determined about what to do next.

In fact, let him kill all the way, as long as he kills to a certain extent, when his reputation spreads throughout Zhongsheng Shenzhou, no one will dare to disobey him.

But that is both troublesome and a waste of time.

Wang Kaixuan also frowned, he could see Du Yuesheng's thoughts, that is to let Tianting stand firm, but looking at the situation in front of him, it seemed that there was no other way but to kill a bloody road, he couldn't help feeling a little sad.

"Hey, is the place in front of you the place you are looking for?" At this moment, Du Yuesheng's voice suddenly sounded.

Wang Kaixuan looked up, only to see a stretch of mountains in front of him, but in this mountain range, there is a mountain range that winds forward like the back of a dragon, and it is extremely steep, and it is also extremely beautiful and full of aura , the breeze is warm, and you can tell that it is a geomantic treasure at a glance!

"This is a good place to bury people, it should be here!"

Wang Kaixuan grinned, and immediately forgot about Du Yuesheng, took out the shovel and rushed forward without hesitation.

Taking a closer look, I saw several buildings at a glance, all of which were the entrances to the underground palace of monks' tombs.

The tomb has been built into an underground palace, so this tomb must be amazing.

Wang Kaixuan was as happy as if he had arrived at his own home. He chose a grave at random and fell down, picking up a shovel and digging around for a while!

The shovel in his hand was indeed a magic weapon. With one shovel down, half of the mountain would be shoveled away. After a few shovels down, an underground palace was exposed.

Unexpectedly, Fatty Wang was dissatisfied, he smacked his lips and shook his head, turned around and ran towards the next grave.

With the magic weapon in hand, not long after, all the tombs on this mountain range were dug clean, except for the big tomb on the dragon's head, there was not a single one left!


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In addition, let me tell you a good news, this week's 11.11 (Singles' Day), the tortoise is ready to explode!

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