The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 895: The Tomb from the Immortal Market (Part 1)

"This Fatty Wang will not be reincarnated as the Great God of Tomb Robbers?"

"This method, this speed"

Du Yuesheng looked at Wang Kaixuan who was constantly digging graves below, and was also shocked by his speed. In less than a minute, countless graves were dug up.

Fatty Wang raised his head and glanced at the riddled dragon-shaped mountain range that had been dug by himself, and finally his eyes fell directly on the big tomb on the dragon's head.

"These tombs are too bad. We can only go to that big tomb to try our luck!" After finishing speaking, Wang Kaixuan immediately walked towards the big tomb of the dragon head, carrying the magic weapon shovel.

Seeing this, Du Yuesheng smiled slightly, feeling that the time was almost up, and immediately waved his hand, a wave of spiritual power rushed into the sky, condensed into a ball, and bloomed a brilliance as bright as the sun and the moon.

This brilliance can be seen clearly even hundreds of miles away.

Wang Kaixuan was taken aback, looked up and found that it was Du Yuesheng's hand, he couldn't help but said anxiously: "Boss, what are you doing, you made such a big commotion, the people who stepped on the fairy gate will come later! "

Du Yuesheng smiled slightly and said: "I just want to let the people who step on the fairy gate come over. You can just keep digging. If something goes wrong, I will stop it!"

Wang Kaixuan was taken aback for a moment, and after thinking about it carefully, he felt that with Du Yuesheng's current strength, he was indeed not afraid of stepping into the fairy gate.

After all, it is all luck to have a Sanxian in the Ji family, and it is not necessarily possible to step on the fairy gate.

In the end, Wang Kaixuan felt that he was an ordinary cultivator who came here to give Du Yuesheng his head.

Thinking of this, Wang Kaixuan grinned, immediately relieved, lowered his head and continued digging, but this time, he was not as ruthless as he started, and the shovel in his hand was only gently touched once and for all, unlike when digging other graves , basically three shovels are done.

But after a while, there were bursts of piercing sounds coming from a distance. Du Yuesheng looked up and found several streamers of light approaching here from afar.

It should be the person who stepped on the fairy gate!

Du Yuesheng grinned, suspended in the air, quietly waiting for the person stepping on the fairy gate to come up.

Soon, the person who stepped on the fairy gate flew close to reveal his true face.

It is a group of six people, three masters of the sixth level of transcending tribulation, and three masters of the peak of integration. This lineup can be called luxurious in Zhongsheng Shenzhou.

At the beginning, these people had smiles on their faces.

There was even a middle-aged man who was still talking: "Haha, elders, if there are treasures under the splendor this time, should we share some with other sects?"

"What do you give them?" A white-haired monk said: "This Huaguang was found in the tombs of our Stepping Xianmen. If there are treasures, it should be my Stepping Xianmen..."

Halfway through the speech, the white-haired monk was stunned.

Not only him, but the other five monks who stepped on the immortal gate were also stunned.

At this moment, the mountain range where the Taxianmen tombs are located is missing a piece here, and there are more piles there. The original green clothes are covered with brown soil and black stones. The originally clear stream, like a flood, has become It became a yellow-brown mud.

It can be said that the entire mountain range has become a mess, as if thousands of troops have just fought a battle.

"who is it!"

After a moment of stupefaction, the white-haired monk couldn't help but shouted in grief: "Who dares to step on my fairy gate!"

But the rest of the monks turned their eyes and immediately fell on Wang Kaixuan and Du Yuesheng respectively!

"You two are so bold that you dare to attack my ancient tomb of Stepping Xianmen. Report your name quickly, otherwise the sect you two belong to will be wiped out!"

Hearing this, Wang Kaixuan directly put down the shovel in his hand and said: "Then what, I have quit the Tianxiameng now, you won't go to the Tianxiameng!"

"Tianxiameng? You are from Tianxiameng? Huh? Aren't you Wang Kaixuan, the young leader of Tianxiameng? I have heard that you like to dig people's graves, and now I see that it is indeed so!"

The Tianxiameng is also one of the top ten forces, comparable to Taxianmen, and they dare not go to the Tianxiameng to destroy the sect.

However, this time it was Wang Kaixuan who was wronged, so many monks who stepped on the fairy gate were still very tough: "Humph, but so what if you are the young leader of the Tianxia League, how can we be afraid of you, your Tianxia League has no tombs to dig, we I need the spirit stones from the three counties and counties under the jurisdiction of the Tianxia League to step on the fairy gate for me!"

After finishing speaking, they looked at Du Yuesheng again, and said coldly: "Are you also a member of Tianxiameng? Huh, just right, the two of you stay as hostages. If you don't pay for stepping on the fairy gate, you will be killed to set an example for Tianxiameng." !"

"Hehe... Stepping on the Immortal Gate is really powerful. The ancestral grave has been dug up, and I just want to use the spirit stone to make up for it, and you want to use me to scare others?"

Du Yuesheng sneered, and said word by word: "The Emperor of Heaven is going to tell you that there is no spirit stone. I will dig this tomb today!"

After finishing speaking, he looked at Wang Kaixuan and said, "Dig!"

Wang Kaixuan's eyes lit up. If Du Yuesheng helped him stand up like this, if he still didn't dare to do it, he would miss this opportunity.

So Wang Kaixuan picked up the shovel and shoveled down hard, only to see the landslide and the earth crack, and the mud flew up. The boy shoveled down and directly shoveled off half of the dragon's head, and the tomb was immediately exposed.

The tomb of the dragon head should belong to the founder of Taxianmen, but it is all made of white jade. Under the sunlight, the white jade exudes bursts of soft light, and Wang Kaixuan was stunned to see it.

"This tomb... really has the demeanor of a fairy family. The founder who stepped on the fairy gate said that he went to the fairy market and came back alive. It really is true!"

Suddenly, Wang Kaixuan jumped up, as if he had discovered some great treasure: "Maybe there is a magic weapon from Xianxu in this tomb!"

"What, there is a magic weapon from the Immortal Market?" Hearing this, those who stepped into the Immortal Gate forgot that their ancestors' tombs had been dug up. Their faces were full of surprise, and the greed in their eyes couldn't be hidden!

"Of course!" Wang Kaixuan said solemnly: "The white jade in this kind of tomb is not from Zhongsheng Shenzhou at all!"

Hearing this, those masters of stepping on the immortal door and crossing the tribulation glanced at each other, and immediately frowned and said: "Hmph, so what, but since you are all members of the Tianxia League, and our two sects have been friends for generations, so today you We dug my tomb of Stepping Xianmen, we will not pursue it, get out!"

"Huh? You guys want me and the boss to leave, and then you guys come to open the tomb to get the treasure yourself?" If Wang Kaixuan still can't see what these masters who are stepping on the fairy gate want to do, he is an idiot up.

"Nonsense!" The white-haired monk who stepped on the immortal gate was furious!

But Du Yuesheng said with a smile: "I'm sorry, this tomb was dug up by the Emperor's people, and the things inside are also the Emperor's. If you want to grab it, the Emperor will accompany you!"

"Huh?" Hearing this, finally a master who stepped on the immortal door and crossed the catastrophe noticed that Du Yuesheng claimed to be the emperor of heaven: "You are Du Yuesheng?"

Another monk frowned: "So what if it's Du Yuesheng, who knows whether his legends are true or not? If he dares to provoke me into the fairy gate, he will die!"

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