The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 896 Conquering the Stepping Immortal Gate (Second Change)

"Ha ha!"

Hearing this, Du Yuesheng laughed out loud.

His biggest trouble now is that everyone doesn't believe in his strength, that's why people keep looking for things in Heaven.

Even the big sects like Stepping Xianmen don't believe it, but other small sects can be imagined!

But what if Stepping on the Immortal Gate believed it?

The effect is obvious, his prestige is about to rise, and today, he is here to step on the fairy gate to establish his prestige!

Thinking of this, he said directly: "I didn't intend that you would believe it now, so now I will beat you to believe it!"

After finishing speaking, Du Yuesheng stretched out his hand for a move, and with Zhu Xianjian in his hand, a gust of cold wind blew across, pulling his clothes and rattling, making Du Yuesheng look very chic!

"Small candlelight, dare to compete with the sun and the moon?" The white-haired monk was at the seventh level of the tribulation.

In Stepping Xianmen, he is already a top-notch strength, and there are always high-ranking existences inside, and no one dares to disobey him!

Now being provoked by Du Yuesheng, who has only passed the sixth level of tribulation, how can he bear it?

"I'll meet you and see how amazing you are!"

After all, the white-haired monk raised his hand and shook it in the air, and a whisk directly appeared in his hand.

Not much to say, the white-haired monk waved the dust whisk in his hand, and the dust whisk silk, which was only two feet long, turned into more than a hundred feet long, with thousands of dust whisk silks, each of which seemed to have life, sharp Howling, winding towards Du Yuesheng galloping.

Seeing this, Du Yuesheng just grinned, Zhu Xianjian shook, a silver sword flower flew out, the sword flower bloomed, and several sword qi flew out, the sword qi turned into a sword flower again, and the sword flower bloomed again, and so on. , In the blink of an eye, sword flowers and sword energy are everywhere as far as the naked eye can see.

The whistling sound of sword flower and sword energy was extremely ear-piercing, and the momentum was quite huge.

But when the other masters of Stepping Xianmen saw it, they couldn't help but sneered: "Hmph, this kind of sword technique looks gorgeous, but it's actually useless!"

"That's right, his cultivation base is not as high as his senior brother's. He doesn't seek to be pragmatic and take the initiative to defend, but he still uses such fancy swordsmanship to attack the uncle's fly. Isn't this courting death? Sure enough, this Du Yuesheng is a waste of fame." Your generation!"

But not long after the words of these two tribulation masters were finished, they suddenly heard a crisp sound as if the strings of a piano were broken!

They hurriedly looked up, only to see that the seemingly incomparably tough silk whisk was slashed by Du Yuesheng's sword energy, but it was as fragile as cotton thread, which would break when touched!

But a moment passed, and when I looked up at the field again, all the dust floating in the sky were broken into dust whisks less than a foot long!

"How is it possible?" At this moment, those cultivators who stepped on the immortal gate were dumbfounded.

And the white-haired monk who was fighting against Du Yuesheng was even more shocked. He knew how powerful his fly whisk was, even if he was facing an opponent with a general cultivation level, he had to defend himself well against this move. .

Even against an opponent with a higher cultivation base, if the opponent is not paying attention, he will suffer a big loss.

He directly used this trick to make Du Yuesheng not dead but also disabled, so as to teach Du Yuesheng a profound lesson.

But I never thought that Du Yuesheng's trick not only cracked his spell, but also cracked it so thoroughly that all the hair whisks were cut into small pieces!

What does this prove?

This proves that Du Yuesheng's strength is far above him, if Du Yuesheng intends to kill him, he can be killed just now!

In an instant, the white-haired monk didn't even have the most basic courage to attack.

He kept asking himself in his heart, is this really just a cultivator who has crossed the sixth level of tribulation?

Du Yuesheng put away the Zhuxian sword, grinned, and said: "What? You can't even get away with one move from the Emperor of Heaven, and dare to take the Emperor of Heaven as a hostage, and kill chickens to scare monkeys!"

Hearing this, the white-haired monk suddenly turned paler than his hair!

"Brother, don't be discouraged, let me give him a try!" A master who stepped on the immortal gate and crossed the catastrophe who was watching the battle didn't believe what he saw, and he was about to make a move immediately.

"What are you? The Emperor of Heaven allowed you to come out and fight with the Emperor of Heaven?" Du Yuesheng yelled loudly, and directly cast Ten Thousand Thunders to Burn the Sky. The sky, which was still brightly sunny just now, was covered by dark clouds from nowhere in an instant. live.

"What's going on?" The tribulation master was still wondering, a thunderbolt suddenly appeared in the sky, and it struck down with a click!

"Sky Thunder?" The tribulation master was startled, he quickly raised his hand and cast a spell, which barely stopped the sky thunder.

"Only this level of strength? Quickly tell me what kind of tricks you used to defeat senior brother. If you don't say today, I will kill you!"

Blocking a thunderbolt, the tribulation master couldn't help being overjoyed, and laughed at the same time.

"It's just one, what are you in a hurry for?" Du Yuesheng sneered.

As the last word popped out between the teeth, the space between the sky and the earth was suddenly shrouded in white light, which made people almost unable to open their eyes.

The cultivators present were all of good cultivation, Qiang opened his eyes and looked, and was almost scared out of his wits.

I saw thousands of thunderbolts crashing down, mercilessly, and directly blasted on the monk who was still laughing just now.

The cultivator who crossed the catastrophe had already experienced several thunder catastrophes, but he had never been hit by so many tyrannical thunder catastrophes at one time.

There was only a flurry of bang bang bang bang, and the thunder and lightning continued to explode on his body, damaging his vestment and destroying his magic weapon, and his whole body was burnt into a scorched corpse by the lightning in an instant.

The lightning slowly disappeared, the sky and the earth reopened, and once again everything was clear.

But looking up, there was only a pitch-black charred corpse left by the cultivator who crossed the tribulation. It can be said that he was dead and could not die anymore.

"This..." The white-haired monk was taken aback. In fact, he just wanted to stop his junior brother from making a move, but when he thought of Du Yuesheng's strength and the bad relationship between himself and that junior brother, he didn't stop him.

Unexpectedly, in the next second, the two will be separated by yin and yang!

The only remaining cultivator who crossed the tribulation was startled. He wanted to make a move at first, but seeing this appearance, he dared to talk nonsense.

This time, he was completely sure that the legend about Du Yuesheng was true.

He has only crossed the sixth level of the tribulation, and defeated the master of the seventh level of the tribulation with one move. Apart from the legendary Du Yuesheng, who else has such strength?

Thinking of the fate of the Yaoguang Holy Land and the Ji family who were against Du Yuesheng, the only remaining cultivator who had crossed the catastrophe felt a chill in his heart, and he almost didn't even think about it.

Kneeling directly on the ground on one knee, he shouted loudly: "The Emperor of Heaven is extremely powerful. It is really a blessing for me to see you today. Please forgive me for my rudeness before!"

The white-haired monk looked at Du Yuesheng, then at his senior brother, sighed helplessly, and finally knelt down on one knee, and said: "The Emperor of Heaven is magnanimous, please forgive me for my mistakes!"

Du Yuesheng smiled slightly, not talking nonsense, and immediately said:

"I can forgive you, but after you step into the immortal gate, you belong to the heavenly gate of the heavenly emperor. Do you have any objections?"

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