The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 916 Crossing the Immortal Spring (Sixth)

Du Yuesheng fell slowly from the sky, stepped on the head of the so-called quasi-sage, and immediately directly pushed the quasi-sage who had just climbed out of the pit to the bottom of the pit again.

Chang Chong was suddenly furious: "You treat me like this, believe it or not..."

Before he could finish his sentence, Du Yuesheng saw a black shadow passing in front of his eyes, and landed on Chang Chong's head at the bottom of the big pit with extraordinary precision. He finally stood up and prepared to climb out of the big pit again. Chang Chong's head was hard With a backward swing, another fell to the bottom of the pit on his back.

At this time, Wang Kaixuan came forward wiping his mouth, weighed a stone in his hand and said, "Believe it or not, how about you? They are all quasi-holy sons, why are they still so unclear?"

After all, Chang Chong is a monk who crosses the tribulation, and his cultivation base is not too much higher than Wang Kaixuan. This stone can only knock him on his back. Soon, he struggled to stand up, pointing at Du Yuesheng and Wang Kaixuan. Wang Kaixuan was about to grit his teeth, and then he said a word: "Let me go, next time we meet, I will fight again. This is the rule of Xianxu, and no one in your sect can break it!"

Hearing this, Du Yuesheng couldn't help turning his head to look at Wang Kaixuan. This guy digs a lot of graves and has been investigating the affairs of the Fairy Market. He should know the rules of the Fairy Market better.

Sure enough, Wang Kaixuan immediately explained: "In fact, Xianxu has become a way for many powerful forces to hone their disciples. Most of them don't want their disciples to die, so some powerful sect forces agreed together that they Disciples under the sect are not allowed to fight with their lives unless it is absolutely necessary!"

"Which forces set this rule?" Du Yuesheng couldn't help asking in doubt.

Wang Kaixuan thought for a while, and then said: "I don't know the specifics, but there is a catchphrase called Nine Heavens, Ten Lands, Three Mountains, Five Schools and Two Families. The monks of these forces cannot easily take the other party's life!"

Hearing this, Du Yuesheng looked down at Chang Chong at the bottom of the pit, and asked, "Is your Holy Land of Immortal Ascension one of the ten places?"

"Naturally!" Chang Chong said proudly.

After listening to it, Du Yuesheng grinned, and the murderous intent emerged: "I'm sorry, this Heavenly Emperor doesn't belong to any of you."

"You call yourself the Emperor of are Du Yuesheng?" Hearing this, Chang Chong's face suddenly changed, and he looked at Du Yuesheng as if he saw a ghost.

Wang Kaixuan was taken aback, and said to Du Yuesheng in a low voice: "Boss, why are you so famous? All the quasi-holy sons of the Holy Land of Ascension to Immortals know you."

"Because I killed their holy son." Du Yuesheng curled his lips indifferently. He didn't expect that a holy son in the fusion stage would have such a big force behind him. , is also strange.

Wang Kaixuan looked at Du Yuesheng with admiration in his eyes: "Boss, you are a good person. You have killed all the sons of the Holy Land of Ascension to Immortals. I guess people from the Holy Land of Ascension to Immortals are looking for you all over the world. Shall we Hide your whereabouts?"

Du Yuesheng smiled slightly and said: "Why hide? If they dare to come to find this Emperor, they will kill them."

After finishing speaking, he looked down at Chang Chong, and before Chang Chong could open his mouth to curse, he pointed out, and with a bang, it exploded into a cloud of blood mist.

"Ding, the system prompts, congratulations to player Du Yuesheng for killing Chang Chong and getting 563 million fairy points!"

Only then did Wang Kaixuan frowned and said, "Boss, my stomach hurts a little. The seven-colored mountain lotus must have begun to play its role. I need to find a place to retreat and make a breakthrough!"

Du Yuesheng nodded and said, "No problem, I will protect the law for you!"

But Wang Kaixuan shook his head and said: "No, the people in the Holy Land of Ascension to Immortals must know that we have arrived here. If you stay to protect me, you may be surrounded by people from the Holy Land of Ascension to Immortals, and it will be dangerous at that time." , One-Yuan Sanxian is very common in Xianxuan, and Liangyi Sanxian may appear all the time!"

Wang Kaixuan's words are true. The reason why Xianxu is called Xianxu is because in ancient times, this place was the site of immortals.

Now it has fallen into ruins, and the second is because even today, there are scattered immortals everywhere in the fairy market!

He felt that although Du Yuesheng was tyrannical, he might be able to withstand an ordinary one-yuan Sanxian.

But what if two one-yuan Sanxians came, or more one-yuan Sanxians, or even an extremely tyrannical Liangyi Sanxian?

But to Wang Kaixuan's surprise, Du Yuesheng still grinned in the end, and said: "It's okay, just make a breakthrough, and leave the rest to me!"

After finishing speaking, he stood up with his sword and rushed forward. In his memory, there was a good habitat ahead, which could be a breakthrough for Wang Kaixuan.

Wang Kaixuan frowned, and followed behind Du Yuesheng without saying a word.

Soon, the two of them came to a small mountain depression. There was a ding-dong-dong-dong stream flowing in this mountain depression, and there was also a gentle breeze. It was definitely a good place to break through.

It's just that Wang Kaixuan was stunned, because there was no place to hide here. If he wanted to break through here, it would be no different from courting death.

Du Yuesheng smiled slightly, took out the shadow cloak that had been prepared a long time ago, handed it to Wang Kaixuan, and said: "Put it on, even if the Nirvana Sanxian of the twelve kalpas comes, they may not be able to find you!"

Wang Kaixuan was startled, he was speechless when he saw the shadow cloak, he didn't expect Du Yuesheng to have such a tyrannical treasure in his hands.

And directly gave him such a tyrannical treasure!

The emotion in my heart was touched for a moment, and I didn't know how to express it in words, but Du Yuesheng had already turned around and left.

The people from the Holy Land of Ascension to Immortals will come after them soon. If they stay here at this time, no one else will need to find Wang Kaixuan.

You have to stay away from him.

Wang Kaixuan understood all this, and he didn't say anything, just gritted his teeth, walked to the most conspicuous big rock by the stream and sat cross-legged, then put on the shadow cloak, and began to digest the seven-colored mountain lotus medicine and strive to break through.

The slower he breaks through, the greater the danger Du Yuesheng will encounter. He understands this truth.

After Du Yuesheng left Wang Kaixuan, he didn't advance indiscriminately.

After all, this is Fallen Immortal Mountain, and it is extremely dangerous. If you wander around, the probability of dying in the mountain is much higher than dying in the hands of Shengxian Holy Land.

After carefully recalling the map of Fallen Immortal Mountain for a while, a smile finally appeared on the corner of his mouth.

"Holy Land of Immortal Ascension, since you want to be immortal so much, I wonder if you will be happy to die in Duxian Spring?"

The corner of Du Yuesheng's mouth twitched, his footsteps turned, and he walked directly towards a place called Duxianquan.

And on the map of Fallen Immortal Mountain, Duxian Spring is in the shadows!

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