The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 917: Loose Immortals Like Ants (Seventh)

Safe places are all clearly visible on the map.

Areas with different colors represent various dangers. For example, it is said that the place where a mosquito killed a Sanxian was shrouded in shadows, and there was a big mosquito phantom on it. This shows that this matter is not entirely false.

But when Du Yuesheng went to Duxian Spring, the shadow was covered by a drop of water, which meant that there was a problem with the water here.

Du Yuesheng is not afraid of one-yuan loose immortals or two-yield loose immortals, there is a system, and it is useless to come to a hundred one-yuan loose immortals, but now Wang Kaixuan is practicing nearby, and he can't go too far in a short time. The battle was too fierce, it might still affect Wang Kaixuan.

So what he asked for was to be as quiet as killing a few ants, and to kill the enemies who are coming next!

Duxianquan is not far from here, but it takes about an hour, and he has arrived.

The scenery here is very ordinary. There is only a small valley and a clear spring.

But I don’t know how many years ago, a Nirvana Sanxian who had passed through the Nirvana Calamity was sitting here, just in front of such a spring, and suddenly he sat down. Some people said that the Nirvana Sanxian was transformed by this spring, so This spring is called Duxian Spring!

What's even more strange is that the Sanxian who had passed through the Nirvana Tribulation actually transformed from the spring water and killed many monks who passed by.

It is precisely because of this that this place is listed as a dangerous area, and it is not easy to enter.

But Du Yuesheng didn't have the slightest fear, because it was clearly written on the map that only monks who had survived the one-yuan kalpa entered would attract the attack of the phantom of Nirvana Sanxian.

At the same time, two monks had already arrived at the place where the quasi-holy son Chang Chong died in the Holy Land of Immortal Ascension.

The two were wearing the same clothes, apparently from the same door, and after looking at each other, one of them said, "The murderer may have escaped."

"I can't escape." Another Sanxian took out a compass, muttered a few words, pinched out a few instructions, the pointer on the compass turned sharply, and finally stopped pointing forward suddenly.

"Duxianquan!" The expressions of the two of them changed suddenly, but soon, they showed a strange smile.

One of the slightly fatter monks even said: "Mu Han, this kid is quite good at hiding. He knows that the one-yuan Sanxian dare not go to cross the fairy spring, but he never thought that the Sanxian can also suppress his cultivation base." It's really stupid to enter in the tribulation period!"

The monk named Mu Han smiled slightly, and said, "Senior brother Qiu Qi, we shouldn't be too careless, after all, he can kill Chang Chong, who is at the eighth level of the tribulation, and his cultivation is probably at the ninth level or even at the peak of the tribulation."

Qiu Qi immediately laughed and said: "What are you afraid of, we have suppressed our cultivation to the peak of the tribulation, are we really the peak of the tribulation?

With our Yiyuan Sanxian's perception of the world and the manipulation of spells, it is easy to kill the peak of Dujie! "

Mu Han nodded, he naturally understood this truth, so he relaxed in his heart, and walked towards Duxianquan.

The two of them have profound cultivation bases, and they have been wandering in Fallen Immortal Mountain for the Holy Land of Immortal Ascension, and they know the location of Fallen Immortal Mountain very well.

Not long after, they came to a small road, which was almost non-existent. The reason why they could be recognized was that someone seemed to have just walked here.

"I found the right place."

The two looked at each other and smiled, and made a strange decision one after another. After the decision was made, the aura around them suddenly plummeted like the Yangtze River, and they completely lost the strength of a one-yuan Sanxian. But the strange thing is that their The breath is already steady and long.

But the two of them obviously didn't care about this issue, and they walked towards Duxianquan with their feet up.

Beside Duxian Spring, Du Yuesheng also looked into the spring water curiously. Back then, how could such a tyrannical person like Nirvana Sanxian die just looking at this spring water?

But after an hour passed, he didn't see why, and he was still alive and well.

But at this moment, there was a rustling sound not far away.

Looking up, two monks, one fat and one thin, with the opposite figure but the same clothes as Chang Chong, arrived.

Feeling the aura exuded by the two of them, it is no different from the peak crossing robbery, but the breath of the two is long, which is not what a monk at the peak crossing robbery can have.

"Suppressed cultivation?" Du Yuesheng couldn't help smiling, it seemed that his strategy was working.

"Boy, don't you think that no one can do anything to you if you hide here?" Qiu Qi also smiled, and the smile on his face made it impossible to see that he came to kill people.

But Mu Han's face became much colder, he stepped forward, stood still, and said, "Since we're here, come and suffer your death.

I didn't expect it to be just a kid who crossed the sixth level of tribulation. I really don't know how that trash Chang Chong died in your hands. "

Du Yuesheng grinned, and said: "The Emperor of Heaven stretched out his finger, and he died. Your holy son is in my hands, and he is not much better than Chang Chong."

As soon as the Holy Son was mentioned, Mu Han and Qiu Qi's expressions became obviously ugly.

Qiu Qi couldn't help shaking the fat on her face and said: "Boy, I was just going to kill you and return to life, but now, I'm going to torture you first, and then kill you and return to life!"

"Since you only dare to release the cultivation base at the peak of Transcendence Tribulation, then you have no chance of killing me. You can only be killed by me quietly, just like killing an ant!"

As Du Yuesheng spoke, he stood up, and when he stood up, he accidentally trampled an ant to death under his feet, without making a sound.

Mu Han narrowed his eyes and shouted coldly: "You're courting death!"

"Let's see who dies first, the Emperor of Heaven!" Du Yuesheng waved his hand before finishing his sentence, Zhu Xianjian appeared, his figure turned around, and the speed was like lightning, and it passed in front of Mu Han in an instant.

When Du Yuesheng's figure reappeared, he was already behind Mu Han, but Mu Han still stood there motionless, as if he was frozen.

"Ding, the system prompts, congratulations to player Du Yuesheng for killing Mu Han and getting 1.738 billion fairy points!"

When the first system bell rang, Mu Han's stiff body fell to the ground with a bang, the body was still separated, blood flowed all over the ground, mixed with the overflowing spring water, and flowed downward.

" are so...killing Mu Han!" Qiu Qi was shocked, she never thought that a one-element loose immortal whose cultivation had been suppressed to the peak of crossing the tribulation, could not even block a single sword in front of Du Yuesheng live!

"It's your turn!" Du Yuesheng smiled slightly, and with a movement of his figure, he had already appeared in front of Qiu Qi.

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