The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 943 Sancai Sanxian (Fourth)

Everyone didn't have time to watch the horrified scene of Jieyun being split in two, because the old man's Dharma image let out a scream, and everyone looked over.

I saw the old man spouting blood, his already old face was instantly covered with wrinkles, like old bark, and the pagoda in his hand was exactly the same as the pagoda condensed by the black clouds. Cut open by a sword, split into two!

"Du! Yue! Sheng!"

The old man let out a scream, and the voice was extremely miserable: "The thousand-year lifespan is ruined in your hands, and I, the silver-winged roc, will never die with you!"

After finishing speaking, the dharma image disappeared immediately, but everyone knew in their hearts that the old man must be seriously injured!

As a result, everyone looked at Du Yuesheng with more fear than before.

On the contrary, Du Yuesheng frowned slightly, looked up at the Jieyun that was slowly closing, and sneered, taking advantage of the time for the violent sword to kill the immortals, he kept waving the Zhuxian sword in his hand, and the sword lights kept blooming. Jieyun changed from two pieces to four pieces, then eight pieces, and finally was chopped into piles of slag, and finally couldn't condense at all!

Countless monks immediately looked at Du Yuesheng with the expression of seeing a ghost.

It would be fine if Du Yuesheng directly survived the Nine-Nine Heavens Tribulation, but he actually broke up the clouds of the Nine-Nine Heavens Tribulation, how tyrannical is this?

Wang Kaixuan also looked at Du Yuesheng, his face twitching. Last time, his six or nine days of calamity seemed to be spent like this. He didn't expect that the nine or nine days of calamity could be like this!

But when everyone was surprised, Du Yuesheng frowned.

He looked at the Ninety-Nine Heavens Tribulation that had dissipated little by little, without any joy.

Because he felt very clearly that his cultivation had not increased, and if his cultivation did not increase, it meant that the tribulation was not over yet!


Suddenly, a dry sky thunder appeared on the ground. This thunder was not born from the clouds at all, but directly from the space between the sky and the earth. fell on him.

In an instant, the space around him became distorted, and a series of dark cracks in the space unexpectedly appeared.

And his whole body was wrapped in black lightning, completely invisible from the outside.

This sky thunder lasted only one breath, and when the sky thunder dissipated and the rays of light subsided, everyone looked up again, but they were stunned.

Because there is nothing in the sky above the sky at this moment, including Du Yuesheng!

"Damn it! Where's the boss?" Wang Kaixuan's complexion changed, and he glanced around, but where is Du Yuesheng's aura still here?

The other monks were also stunned, not knowing what happened.

After they couldn't find Du Yuesheng, everyone couldn't help squinting their eyes, and their eyes fell on Wang Kaixuan, with malicious intentions.

Wang Kaixuan's heart trembled, he took out the shadow cloak without hesitation, and put it on his body directly. It was given to him by Du Yuesheng when he went to Yunwu Mountain before, and he didn't expect to use it so soon.

When Wang Kaixuan also suddenly disappeared between heaven and earth, these monks were really dumbfounded.

But at this moment, Du Yuesheng opened his eyes, and the scenery in front of him has undergone a huge change. Here, there are fairy clouds, mountain peaks, and on the mountain peaks, there are many antique pavilions.

This is definitely not Yunwu Mountain!

Du Yuesheng quickly felt his breath, and then he was relieved, feeling that his strength had changed.


"Congratulations to the player 'Du Yuesheng' for successfully surviving the tribulation."

"The sealed experience points will be issued together!"

"The player's current level: one yuan robbery one heavy."

"The player's current level: one yuan robbery, two levels."

"The player's current level: Two instruments and one heavy."

"The player's current level: Two instruments and one heavy."

"The player's current level: three talents and one level."

"Current level of the player: Three Talents Tribulation Second Level."


When Du Yuesheng heard the system's prompt, he was indeed able to step directly into the level of a Sancai Sanxian with one Yuan Sanxian.

It's just that the last bolt of lightning was so tyrannical that it even split the void, and was carefully sucked into the void, and it actually fell directly to this place.

"I have to find someone to ask where this place is." Du Yuesheng thought for a while, then got up with the sword and went towards that sect.

Soon, he came to the mountain gate of this sect, and there were three large characters on the mountain gate: Wanxiangzong!

When the disciple guarding the mountain saw Du Yuesheng appearing, his eyes immediately became vigilant: "Who are you!"

Du Yuesheng cupped his hands and said, "It's just a passerby, I want to ask where is this place?"

Hearing this, the disciple guarding the mountain was obviously relieved, and then said: "This is Wanxiang Mountain, I advise you to leave quickly, Luotian Holy Land is going to attack my Wanxiang sect recently, it is not good to hurt innocent people Already!"

Du Yuesheng frowned uncontrollably: "Luotian Holy Land? You mean the Luotian Holy Land in Xianxu?"

"This is the domain of the Immortal Market. Of course I am talking about the Luotian Holy Land in the Immortal Market. Could it be that there is a second Luotian Holy Land in the Immortal Market?"

A disciple guarding the mountain urged: "Go quickly, don't look at the cleanliness of our mountain gate, it has been washed, there were no less than a hundred corpses lying here yesterday!"

Surprisingly frightened by a little guard disciple, Du Yuesheng didn't know whether to laugh or cry, and turned around to leave.

As a result, as soon as he turned around, he saw countless streamers appearing in the sky.

The disciple guarding the mountain immediately screamed: "Enemy attack!"

In an instant, streamers of light rose up in the Wanxiang Sect and flew directly to the front of the mountain gate. The leader was an old Taoist with white hair and a childlike face. That's all.

"Wu Liu, who is this?" After seeing Du Yuesheng, the old Taoist turned his head and asked the disciple who guarded the mountain.

The mountain guard saluted respectfully before saying, "A passerby."

The old Taoist took a look at Du Yuesheng, but with his cultivation base, he couldn't see through Du Yuesheng. In his eyes, Du Yuesheng was just a mortal.

So he immediately said: "Wu Liu, send this person away, so as not to hurt innocent people!"

After hearing this, Wu Liu shook his head: "Old Ancestor, I won't leave, I want to fight with my brothers!"

Du Yuesheng's eyes couldn't help but shine. This Vientiane Gate seems to be interesting. The relationship between the seniors and the elders seems to be good, and they also love ordinary people very much. This is the real cultivation of immortals.

When the old Taoist heard Wu Liu's words, he frowned and said, "How dare you not listen to the words of the ancestor?"

Wu Liu clenched his teeth and said, "Don't listen! Please punish me!"

"You!" The old man was helpless, he glanced at Du Yuesheng, and then said: "Maybe you leave by yourself?"

Du Yuesheng nodded: "Of course, but I want to stay here and have a look. I'm just a little ordinary person. I've never seen immortals fight."

The corner of the old Taoist mouth twitched, he could only nod helplessly, pointed to a gossip pattern engraved on the bluestone ground behind the mountain gate, and said, "Then you stay in the eyes of the mountain guard, lest I wait for the battle hurt you!"

Du Yuesheng smiled slightly, raised his foot and walked in. After walking in, he asked, "Hey, old man, what's your name?"

The corner of the old man's mouth twitched again. He is also a fit ancestor. Today, he was called by an old man on the left and an old man on the right. Fortunately, he has a very good mentality, otherwise he would violently kill people now: "Old man Wuming!"

"Oh...Wu Ming, I'll give you something later." Du Yuesheng grinned, and then sat down, because at this moment, people from Luotian Holy Land had already killed here!

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