The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 944 Secretly Shot (Fifth)

When Wu Ming heard Du Yuesheng's words, he almost spat out a mouthful of old blood.

I am a fit ancestor, need something from you, a mortal?

Ancestor Wuming quickly recited a few meditation mantras, and then managed to calm himself down. The next thing he will face is a powerful enemy. If his mind is unsteady, he may die or die!

The monks from Luotian Holy Land soon came to the mountain gate and showed their figures. Looking carefully, all of them are strong men with blood and blood. There are three masters of fusion, and there are countless masters of distraction!

On the other hand, in the Wanxiang sect, Wu Ming is the only one who is a master of fusion, and there are only three or five masters of distraction. The rest are juniors of Nascent Soul or even Jindan stage.

As soon as Wu Ming saw the opponent's lineup, his complexion turned gray.

Luotian Holy Land's leading body-fit master stood up, looked at Wuming and laughed loudly: "Old Wuming, I advise you to dismiss all the disciples under your sect as soon as possible, I, Luotian Holy Land, want your mountain gate! "

Wuming's face was gloomy, and after hearing that, he said calmly, "Luo Fengyun, I never thought that Luotian Holy Land would send three fusion masters for my little Wanxiang Sect. It's really a sledgehammer!"

"Cut, I'm afraid I'll scare you to death if I say it." Luo Fengyun said with disdain on his face, "I, Luo Fengyun, are just a small character in Luotian Holy Land. I am as expert as a cloud in Luotian Holy Land, so what's the matter of being in a body state?" , so you don't need to worry about the inheritance of the mountain gate of Vientiane Mountain anymore, get out of here!"

Hearing this, Du Yuesheng finally understood why Luotian Holy Land wanted to attack Wanxiangzong.

This Wanxiang Mountain has a radius of hundreds of miles and is a resort of immortals, full of aura. Some people in Luotian Holy Land are jealous of this place and want to grab it.

Wuming knew that he would not be able to escape this catastrophe today, so he could only give a wry smile, and looked back at many Wanxiang Sect disciples who were gnashing their teeth, and said helplessly: "All disciples obey the order, the Wanxiang Sect is disbanded, you... Let's go our separate ways!"

"Old Ancestor!"


"Old Ancestor, you taught me all of my cultivation. If you want me to leave the Wanxiang Sect, you absolutely must not!"

In an instant, the disciples of Wanxiang Sect directly exploded. They were already ready for a bloody battle, but they didn't expect Wu Ming to give up the fight today.

So what if the opponent is strong? Isn't it a battle to the death? My monks, why do we hesitate to fight?

Wu Liu, the disciple who guarded the mountain who was talking to Du Yuesheng before, stood up and said word by word: "Old Ancestor, if you are worried that I will die here, then there is no need. It will be buried here, but it is only a matter of time!"

After finishing speaking, Wu Liu took another step forward, pointed his sword at Luo Fengyun, and said coldly: "Want my Wanxiang sect's mountain gate? I, Wu Liu, will be the first to refuse!"

"I Wuhuo didn't agree either!"

"I realized that Chen Tian didn't agree either!"


With a crash, almost all the Wanxiang Sect disciples took a step forward, but Wu Ming was blocked behind.

Wu Ming is also an old monster who has lived for hundreds or thousands of years. He has a calm mind, which is beyond the reach of ordinary people. But when he saw this scene, he couldn't help but tremble in his heart, and he burst into tears: "Everyone..."

Before he finished speaking, Luo Fengyun sternly shouted: "Okay, death is imminent, and you dare to speak hard to me, damn it, kill!"


The disciples of Luotian Holy Land who couldn't wait behind them all sacrificed flying swords one after another, turned into sword lights, and killed the disciples of Wanxiang Sect.

Wu Ming reacted the fastest, and shouted loudly: "Mount protection formation, open!"

The disciples of the Wanxiang Sect had also made preparations a long time ago. They scattered in all directions, and took their positions. A strand of energy entered the formation of the mountain protection. With a buzzing sound, the formation started to move, and a wave of light rippled out, covering the mountain gate directly. , Luotian Holy Land disciple's sword light hit it, and it was bounced off immediately!

Seeing this scene, Luo Fengyun gritted his teeth with hatred: "Hmph, you used this tortoise shell to deal with me yesterday, but today I called a helper, how can I let you do what you want?"

As he said that, the two body-fitting masters behind Luo Fengyun also stood up, the three of them looked at each other, they almost made a move at the same time, and raised their hands to make a seal, and the three seals combined to form a triple A big seal with a height of ten feet.

The brilliance flickered on the big seal, and the tyrannical aura flowed non-stop, and it went straight to the big formation protecting the mountain of the Wanxiang sect.

There was a loud bang, the seal fell only once, and the mountain guard trembled fiercely, the light curtain kept rippling, and cracks visible to the naked eye appeared above it!

Seeing this scene, Wu Ming was terrified, and quickly sat on the base of the formation, pouring the spiritual power in his body into the formation.

But when the big seal of Fang fell for the second time, the formation still trembled violently, with more and more cracks, and even many disciples who were not well-cultivated vomited blood and passed out directly.

Wu Ming burst into tears, and shouted loudly: "The second generation of disciples obey the order, send away all the disciples after the third generation, and leave no one behind!"

"Old Ancestor, if you want to go, go first, I'll wait, absolutely don't go!" A deacon who was distracted wiped the blood from the corner of his mouth and said loudly.

"Haha! The bones are hard, let's see how long you can keep them hard!" Luo Fengyun laughed, raised his hand to press, and the big seal was pressed down again.

Only this time, no one noticed that Du Yuesheng, who was sitting on the front of the formation, had a smile on his lips, and quietly put his hands on the ground. , passed to the mountain guard formation.


The huge seal fell and hit the mountain guard formation.

But this time, the protective array was as stable as Mount Tai, but the big seal shattered like an egg hitting a rock with a bang!


Luo Fengyun was dumbfounded, this great seal was urged by the three of them to join forces, how could it be destroyed by this mountain protection formation? You must know that yesterday he, a master of body-fitting, almost broke the mountain guard array!

The disciples of the Wanxiang Sect were also taken aback. They thought they couldn't hold on any longer, but why did the mountain protection formation burst out with such a tyrannical power all of a sudden?

Wu Ming was a little puzzled, he glanced around, but couldn't see why.

But soon, all the disciples of the Wanxiang Sect laughed loudly and said, "Haha, Luo Fengyun, what other tricks do you have? Use it to show the Taoist masters, but you have to be careful, don't be manipulated by the Taoist masters." The mountain guards are blasted!"

Luo Fengyun couldn't let out a breath of suffocation, and his face was flushed red: "You Wanxiang sect still want to kill me after breaking the formation?"

As he said that, Luo Fengyun slapped the storage bag on his waist, and was about to take out the magic weapon to let the people of Wanxiang Sect see how powerful he is.

But at this moment, a dazzling burst of light suddenly erupted from the mountain protection formation, and then only a ray of brilliance shot away, aiming at Luo Fengyun, the speed was so fast that no one present could react Coming over, the power was so strong that it directly enveloped Luo Fengyun's entire body.

Immediately after a bang sound came, Luo Fengyun's whole body exploded into a cloud of blood mist, and he died!

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