The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 955: Empress (Part 1)

As the petals fell, there was suddenly a murderous aura between the heaven and the earth.

The Heavenly Court disciple didn't feel anything at all, but with Du Yuesheng's current cultivation base, he naturally felt this breath instantly.

He couldn't help raising his head, and his eyes were locked on the peach blossom in an instant. The peach blossom fell leisurely by itself, almost no different from ordinary peach blossoms.

But within a hundred miles, there is not a single peach tree!

"Emperor, what is that!" Liu Bowen's mind was the most alert, following Du Yuesheng's gaze, he also found this peach petal.

Du Yuesheng shook his head slightly, and said: "I don't know, but it's definitely the trick of some big shot!"

The eyes of the two fell leisurely along the petals, and the petals finally fell to the ground.


As the peach petal fell to the ground, there was a loud bang that seemed to be a collapse of the sky, the earth trembled suddenly, and a strong earthquake occurred directly. Even the magma spurted out in an instant!

All the Heavenly Court disciples turned pale with fright, and rose up with their swords without hesitation, soaring into the air, their faces full of horror, not knowing what happened.

Only Du Yuesheng and Liu Bowen could see clearly that the scene of landslides and ground cracks was all caused by that peach petal!

I don't know what the peach petals were made of, but they seemed to be as heavy as a mountain, and fell to the ground so lightly, causing such a terrifying scene!

When the earth became quiet, a white figure floated out of the dust and smoke like a ghost, and it turned out to be a beautiful woman.

This woman showed a cold and glamorous look, after walking out of the dust and smoke, she just looked at Du Yuesheng with a cold face, as if she didn't eat fireworks.

"Emperor of Heaven, she is..." Liu Bowen instinctively felt the danger of this woman.

But Du Yuesheng grinned slightly, and said directly to the woman: "Your Excellency has come to look for this Heavenly Emperor with such great fanfare, what do you want to ask for?"

"Please?" the woman said, her voice was as cold as her face, and when she spoke, there seemed to be ice balls between her red lips: "The world is so big, and the fairy market is so vast, there is no one who can make me beg...not! "

Du Yuesheng chuckled, pursed his lips, and said lightly: "Is that going to be beaten?"

Du Yuesheng has already made a definition of the unkind comer.

The woman's face remained unchanged, her speech was neither hasty nor slow, she didn't have the slightest mood swing, and she didn't answer Du Yuesheng's question directly, she just said: "The emperor came here today to ask you to cultivate safely, and don't do those things that disturb the fairy market again." A matter of order!"

Du Yuesheng laughed in his heart when he heard the matter of disrupting the order of the Fairy Market. What this woman said was that he challenged the five major forces and treated the meat of silver-winged rocs and other monsters as treasures.

For so many years, Xianxu has already had its own rules, that is, the rules of the nine heavens, ten places, three mountains and five sects, and when Du Yuesheng appeared, it directly broke this state, which made the nine heavens, ten places, three mountains and five sects very dissatisfied!

The woman's reason for coming was already very clear, she was threatening Du Yuesheng, although she didn't explain the consequences of Du Yuesheng's disobedience to her, but she had already laid out the consequences directly.

That piece of peach petals caused landslides and earth torn apart just now. If tens of millions of peach petals fall to the ground, it is impossible for anyone to survive within a thousand miles. There is no way out!

This is a threat, a threat of absolute force, if you are not obedient, one word: kill!

If it was someone else, under such threats, I am afraid that they would not have any choice.

It's a pity that what she met was Du Yuesheng - the Heavenly Emperor Du Yuesheng!

Du Yuesheng smiled lightly, pointed to Huowei's meat not far away, and said lightly, "Would you like some?"

You told me not to break your rules of nine heavens, ten places, three mountains and five gates? Hey, I want to be bad, and I'm going to be bad in front of you, don't you agree? Come on then! My monks, why do we hesitate to fight?

When the woman heard the words, there was still no wave in the ancient well, and her tone remained unchanged: "For tens of thousands of years, there have been a large number of geniuses in Xianxu, and there are hundreds of people who want to challenge the nine heavens, ten places, three mountains and five schools, and now they have all turned into loess!"

This is the afternoon, in the eyes of this woman, Du Yuesheng also has only one ending, that is Huang Tuyi,

Du Yuesheng smiled, and slowly raised the Immortal Execution Sword, suddenly a gust of snow blew up between the sky and the earth, but the Immortal Execution Sword in Du Yuesheng's hand turned crimson red, and when he moved, a ray of flames shuttled through the wind and snow. Go, in the blink of an eye, a fiery red sword light went straight to attack and kill the woman.

With a sneer, the fiery red sword light directly slashed at the woman's body effortlessly. The woman's beautiful eyes froze, and finally revealed a trace of murderous intent, but it was too late, the sword light passed through her body, and her figure could no longer hold on. It exploded with a bang, and turned into peach blossoms all over the sky, floating with the wind, and it took a long time before it turned into a little bit of brilliance, which was extremely beautiful.

"Emperor of Heaven, this woman is extremely tyrannical!" Liu Bowen frowned. Although this woman was cut off by Du Yuesheng's sword, everyone could see that it was just a clone, a clone of peach blossoms, which was not enough compared to the strength of the deity. One ten-thousandth, the deity may be a hundred thousand miles away.

Du Yuesheng smiled and said: "Is there any less powerful enemy encountered by the Emperor of Heaven? It's just the next one."

But at this moment, Wu Ming flew over and said word by word: "Heavenly Emperor, this woman is probably the legendary female emperor."

"Oh? You know her?" Du Yuesheng became curious. It is rare for a woman to call herself the Emperor.

Wu Ming nodded, and said: "The name of the Empress, the old people in Xianxu should know that she is from the Holy Land of Ascension to Immortals, and her cultivation is unfathomable, but one thing is for sure, that is, she is the only one among all the younger generations. The strongest, her true strength is probably not much different from those old monsters who have been hidden from the world."

Liu Bowen frowned, and said: "If this is the case, and she didn't come out in person, it means that she is doing an important thing at the moment, but she doesn't know what it is."

"I'll leave it to you to investigate." Du Yuesheng chuckled and said, "I still have my own work to do, so I don't have time to pay attention to them!"

After finishing speaking, Du Yuesheng slashed down with a sword, took away a large piece of Huowei meat, turned around and flew towards the south. He didn't know what happened to Wang Kaixuan during this time, so he had to be found, wanted to find him, The only way is to go to Dilong City in the south.

At the same time, hundreds of thousands of miles away, outside a huge and magnificent palace, there are countless monks with strong aura and bloody aura standing out of thin air, looking at that huge and magnificent palace with endless headaches.

Among them, a woman with a cold face stood out, and suddenly, her slightly closed eyes opened, and the silver-winged Dapeng tribe, the Moying tribe, and the angry Huofengniao tribe who had been waiting for a long time immediately surrounded them and rushed forward. asked:

"Empress, how are you?"

They hadn't finished talking when they were interrupted by the woman: "He is very strong, but he is not as strong as this Emperor, and another three hundred years to him will not be enough."

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