The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 956 Give You Three Moves (Second)

At the same time, outside Dilong City, a group of monks in khaki robes, each holding a spear, was patrolling the sky above Dilong City.

From time to time, there are bursts of dialogue sound.

"How many times has the cultivator with the beast ring trying to catch my dragon clan come recently?"

"No less than ten times, but fortunately my Dragon Clan has been operating in this Dragon City for hundreds of years, and the defense is tight. Not only did the monk not succeed, but he was also trapped in the protective formation of the Dragon City!"

"Oh? Then why haven't he been killed yet, so we have to patrol all day long."

"That kid has a powerful magic weapon, which can make him invisible, and disappear with his breath, let alone kill him if he can't be caught, but we can be sure that he is right in the Dragon City!"

"Then do we always guard against death like this?"

"No need, the patriarch is preparing for a big killing array. Three days later, the killing array will start. In Dilong City, all people who are not of my race will die!"

"So that's it, haha, that's great, I can rest after three more days of patrolling, I'm exhausted for these three days..."

After the patrolling monks left, a fat figure gradually appeared on the roof of a house on the ground, it was Wang Kaixuan.

After Du Yuesheng was hacked away by Nine-Nine Heavens Tribulation, he immediately escaped from the encirclement in stealth, with nowhere to go, so he went to Earth Dragon City to grab an Earth Dragon as a mount.

It's a pity that the mount was not caught, and he was trapped in Dilong City.

"It's troublesome. In three days, these earth dragons will start a massacre. Didn't they say that the earth dragons are very gentle, why are they so cruel?" Wang Kaixuan touched the wound on his body with a helpless expression.

He is now at the level of Liangyi Sanxian, but he still hasn't gotten half of the benefits from the Dilong tribe.

"No, I have to go out quickly, I have to go out even if I dig a tunnel!"

Wang Kaixuan knew that the trouble was only three days away, so he gave up the idea of ​​grabbing the ground dragon as a mount, and focused on running away. Putting on the shadow cloak, he found a deserted place, picked up the sky shovel and dug into the ground with a shovel. Going down, there was a crisp ding, and sparks flew everywhere.

The Kaitian Shovel, which is omnipotent, has no effect in Dilong City.

"No, it's a big killing formation!" Wang Kaixuan understood it as soon as his eyes rolled, and quickly put away the shovel and fled away quickly.

But more than ten seconds later, a group of monks from the Earth Dragon Clan flew here, and there was no surprise when they saw that the ground was empty. After plowing the ground here, he stopped, and found that there was still nothing here, so he turned around and left immediately.

Wang Kaixuan touched the sweat on his forehead in the distance, and let out a long breath: "It's so dangerous, grandma, I can't get out even digging a tunnel now, so it's possible that I, Wang Kaixuan, can only die here in Dragon City?"

Two days passed in a flash, and on the third day when the sun was rising in the east, Du Yuesheng finally arrived in front of Dilong City.

This majestic city is a few points more spectacular than the Dragon City in China's Holy State, and people can't help but sigh in their hearts. The Immortal Market is really too powerful. You must know that the Earth Dragon Clan is not even ranked in the Immortal Market.

But the strange thing is that this Dragon City is strictly guarded at this moment, as if it is guarding against something.

Du Yuesheng thought for a moment, then he understood, the corners of his mouth couldn't help but twitched into a smile, then he sank into his dantian, mobilized his spiritual power, and let out a loud shout from his throat: "Wang Kaixuan!"'

This shout was full of cultivation, like a thunderclap, and the birds within a hundred miles were startled flying, which shows how powerful the power is.

In Dilong City, which was relatively peaceful at first, there was a burst of commotion immediately, dozens of streamers shot up into the sky, and flew straight towards Du Yuesheng. It is definitely impolite to yell at someone's door. It's normal, Du Yuesheng just looked at it with a smile, but didn't move.

But at this moment, a shout suddenly came out in the city: "Boss, you are finally back, save me quickly, I am going to die, these earth dragons have launched a mass killing array and trapped me here!"

Hearing this, Du Yuesheng couldn't help but burst out laughing. Wang Kaixuan came here to catch the earth dragon, but unexpectedly, he was caught by the earth dragon. It's really embarrassing.

And those streamers of light flew in front of Du Yuesheng, and finally took shape, they were five or six Sixiang Sanxians, and the first one was a Five Elements Sanxian!

Wuxing Sanxian is a middle-aged man. This man has a beard and a beard on his face, and he has a heroic aura, but he looks at Du Yuesheng with unkind eyes: "It seems that you know the thief in the city!"

To be precise, Wang Kaixuan is indeed a thief, and he is also a thief who steals people, so Du Yuesheng nodded and said: "His name is Wang Kaixuan, and he is a good friend of the Emperor of Heaven."

"Hmph, your friend wants to catch my dragon clansman as a mount!" A monk behind the middle-aged man said dissatisfiedly.

"Shut up!" The middle-aged man shouted back his clansman with a low shout, then turned his head, and said neither humble nor overbearing: "In Xialongyun, I am the patriarch of the Earth Dragon Clan. Although my Earth Dragon Clan is indeed a lot of strong Mounts are the first choice, but my Earth Dragon Clan only obeys the upright and strong, like your friend who sneaks up and arrests people, and uses beasts to control people, but it is not acceptable to my Earth Dragon Clan!"

If you don't accept it, it's actually giving Du Yuesheng face. Maybe this Long Yun wants to say a word of contempt!

Du Yuesheng nodded, expressing his agreement. If you want to tame the mount, you can do it with the shackles, but they are all despised by others. The best way to tame it is to rely on your own ability.

This group of earth dragons is also very clear about their mission, which is to serve the strong, such as Fatty who sneaked into the village to steal people, and was not caught and beaten to death by the earth dragons all depended on the shadow cloak.

But even though Wang Kaixuan was a little wretched, he still had to be rescued.

So Du Yuesheng grinned and said: "Then I want to rescue my friend, what should I do?"

"Unless he can beat me!" Long Yun opened his mouth and said.

Du Yuesheng paused. When the two broke up, Wang Kaixuan was only a Sanxian of one yuan, and now he is a Sanxian of two instruments. Sanxian battle.

However, the earth dragon clan has been well-founded and very polite so far. It would be too rude to break the city because of this.

After thinking for a while, Du Yuesheng said: "Look, can you let me fight with you, if I win, let my friend go?"

"Your Excellency is Your Excellency, and Your Excellency's friends are Your Excellency's friends. It cannot be calculated like this." Long Yun shook his head and refused.

Du Yuesheng was not surprised either, so he immediately said: "Then I stand here without moving, how about three tricks for you?"

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