The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 958 True Dragon (Fourth)

When the monks of the Earth Dragon Clan saw that Du Yuesheng not only did not follow their persuasion to escape, but instead tried to block Long Yun's punch in such a joking manner, they were even more frightened.

But it was too late for them to save people at this moment, they could only close their eyes one by one, not wanting to see the next tragedy!


Immediately afterwards, there was a crisp sound, which was the sound of a fist hitting the palm of the hand, and everyone turned their ears sideways to hear Du Yuesheng's scream.

However, after this crisp sound, everything was over, there was no sound of bones breaking, no sound of people flying upside down and breaking through the air, and no sound of screams.

Everyone was stunned for a moment, then opened their eyes and looked towards Du Yuesheng, only to see Du Yuesheng's palm firmly in front of Long Yun's fist, motionless and stable as Mount Tai!

For a moment, many Earth Dragon clansmen were a little dumbfounded. What was the situation? A Sancai Sanxian blocked it with one hand under the punch of the patriarch of the Five Elements Sanxian.

Long Yun's complexion also changed. He was already mentally prepared that Du Yuesheng would be very strong, but he really didn't expect Du Yuesheng to be so tyrannical. When facing him with magic, he was able to block it so lightly!

But it was related to the plan of the Earth Dragon Clan, Long Yun didn't want to just give up, if one move wasn't enough, then he would use the second move!

"Ascending Dragon Strike!"

A low shout came from his throat, only to see Long Yun's body bursting with golden light, and a huge phantom of an earth dragon appeared outside his body. Looking from afar, the light was gorgeous and boundless. In the next second, Long Yun slammed He rushed forward, like a flying dragon rising into the sky, and rushed straight towards Du Yuesheng.

Seeing this, Du Yuesheng still kept a calm smile on the corner of his mouth, without the slightest fear, let alone taking a half step back, he just raised his hand and struck out again, it seemed that he wanted to block this move with his flesh!

If there hadn't been that punch before, these Earth Dragon Clan members might think that Du Yuesheng was looking for death, but even after witnessing the incredible scene just now, the faces of these Earth Dragon Clan cultivators still had a hint of worry flashing across their faces.

Of course, what they were worried about was Du Yuesheng. Rising Dragon Kick was not Mountain Breaking Fist. Rising Dragon Kick was a spell that included the power of their blood. It was extremely tyrannical and had already fully displayed Long Yun's strength.

But Du Yuesheng still defended so lightly, isn't this courting death?


The phantom of the earth dragon rushed away violently and hit Du Yuesheng's palm, as if a stormy sea had hit a petite reef. It seemed that the reef could be submerged in an instant, but soon the wind and waves subsided, but the reef was still intact. An An stood there firmly, motionless.


This time, even Long Yun couldn't calm down anymore. Under the attack of Shenglong, Du Yuesheng still blocked it so easily.

"Impossible, impossible! You are definitely not a Sancai Sanxian!" Long Yun blurted out a suspicious word.

Du Yuesheng smiled slightly: "If I'm not a Sancai Sanxian, you should be able to feel it immediately!"

Hearing this, Long Yun was immediately speechless, yes, he has been paying attention to Du Yuesheng's aura, and he can definitely feel it immediately if there is a slight change.

Knowing that he was reckless, Long Yun stopped saying a word, and instead said in a low voice: "It seems that Your Excellency's strength is far beyond my imagination, so I will use the strongest move. After one move, even if you lose, I will still release your friends!"

In fact, at this point, Long Yun had already conceded defeat, but he didn't think that the move he was going to use next would still not be able to shake Du Yuesheng.

Unfortunately, Du Yuesheng is destined to exceed his imagination.

I saw Du Yuesheng grinned and said: "Your Excellency, you don't have to be modest, the rules, we have just agreed, if I lose, turn around and leave, if I win, you release my friend!"

Although these words sound harsh, everyone present knows that this is not arrogance, but a powerful self-confidence!

Hearing this, Long Yun gritted his teeth and said, "Your Excellency is a noble character, then please take the third move!"

While speaking, Long Yun patted his dantian lower abdomen, opened his mouth, and a yellow bead flew out of his mouth immediately, upon closer inspection, it turned out to be the legendary Dragon Ball!

As if thinking that Du Yuesheng would be curious, Long Yun also explained: "After all, my dragon clan has a blood relationship with the dragon clan, so my dragon clan also has dragon balls. Although it is not as powerful as the dragon balls of the dragon clan, there are also some secret techniques that can be used. , please be careful!"

While speaking, Long Yun shot out the Jujue one by one, and the Jujue flew into the Dragon Ball, the light of the dragon clan became more and more intense, and the last strands of light flew into the air under the control of the Jujue, and continued to condense, and finally only saw a gray head The phantom of the real dragon condensed in the air and emerged.

Seeing this scene, Du Yuesheng couldn't help being taken aback. This gray dragon doesn't seem to be weak, but in fact the gray dragon is the weakest of the real dragons, and the real dragons he has seen... such as Long Wushuang, whose pupils are It is golden, even the blood is golden, that is the real dragon!

From the blood point of view, this gray dragon is too weak.

"Go!" Summoning this gray dragon seemed to have exhausted Long Yun's whole body strength, he could only yell in a low voice, and then stood there to watch the result.

Du Yuesheng also raised his hand, ready to kill the dragon, but the moment he raised his hand, the gray dragon that was flying towards him suddenly paused, then turned back abruptly, stabbed He entered Longyun's dragon clan and refused to come out again.

"What... what's going on here?"

For a moment, everyone was dumbfounded, including Du Yuesheng, who didn't know what happened. He was sure that the gray dragon had escaped before he had time to make a move.

And Long Yun looked at Du Yuesheng in disbelief, as if he saw some monster.

The rest of the Earth Dragon Clan monks were even more puzzled. Their eyes all fell on Long Yun. Only Long Yun could explain this situation.

After a long silence, Long Yun suddenly gave a wry smile and murmured: "I lost..."

It is true that he lost, the first two moves were blocked by Du Yuesheng, and the third move went away aggressively, and he ran back in despair before touching Du Yuesheng.

Everyone also knew that Long Yun had lost, but their puzzled eyes did not disappear, on the contrary, they became more intense, and the dragon weapon even asked directly: "Patriarch, just now, why did your gray dragon do it by yourself?" run back..."

When the words came to the end, Long Qi's voice became much quieter, for fear that what he said would make Long Yun unhappy.

It's really embarrassing to lose the last move. Who has ever seen a spell that automatically turns around and runs away after one move? This is the first time a strange flower appeared between heaven and earth!

Long Yun was not angry when he heard the words, but smiled wryly, raised his head and asked Du Yuesheng, and said, "Your it a real dragon?"

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