The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 959 Earth Dragon Submits (Fifth)

real dragon?

Hearing these two words, the Earth Dragon Clan monks present stood there dumbfounded as if they had been struck by five thunders, unable to move at all.

real dragon! That is a race that is high in the fairy market. Their dragons are said to be a branch of the dragon clan, but they have never been looked down upon by the real dragon clan, so now they can only settle down in a corner, and don't care about world affairs in this dragon city.

But today, a real dragon actually came here?

Everyone looked at Du Yuesheng with doubts, curiosity, and relief.

If it was a real dragon, it would be understandable no matter how badly it behaved. After all, the power of a real dragon is well known. As for the phantom of the gray dragon fleeing without a fight, it is also understandable. After all, it is not a real dragon. If he met the real dragon and was not directly frightened to pieces, it meant that Long Yun was still tyrannical.

Du Yuesheng was also slightly taken aback, he didn't expect Long Yun to have such a guess, but after thinking about it, he understood the reason.

Perhaps it was because he and Long Wushuang were husband and wife, and he already had the breath of a real dragon on his body, so this happened.

He couldn't help but smiled wryly, shook his head and said, "I'm not a real dragon!"


This time it was Long Yun's turn to be dazed: "Your Excellency is not a real dragon, how can you..."

He was only halfway through when he suddenly heard Du Yuesheng shout in a low voice: "Wu Shuang!"

As soon as the words fell, a ray of light shone between the sky and the earth, and a beautiful figure appeared in front of everyone's eyes, and it was Long Wushuang.

After Long Wushuang appeared, there was still a resentful expression on his face: "I'm busy with Luo Li, what can I do..."

Du Yuesheng smiled slightly, and stretched out his hand to point to the Dilong tribe in front of him. Long Wushuang turned his head and looked over. In an instant, the Dilong tribe fell into petrification again, but Long Wushuang's eyes froze, and he stayed where he was.

After a terrifying silence, Long Yun suddenly spoke, his voice trembling: " the real dragon, and it is also the legendary golden dragon with golden eyes!"

And Long Wushuang's excitement is also obvious: "Dragon Clan, there are still dragons in this world? Although they are not pure dragons, they have dragon blood... Is there really a dragon in Xianxu!"

In fact, Long Wushuang wanted to revive the prestige of the dragon clan before, but all the dragon clan betrayed her, and she was ashamed, so she withdrew the blood of the dragon clan of Zhongsheng Shenzhou, and stayed in Du Yuesheng's kingdom of God wholeheartedly, unwilling to come out.

But this time, she actually saw the Dragon Clan again. Even though it was just an Earth Dragon, it was enough to make her excited.

There is an earth dragon, which means that the real dragon family also exists in the fairy market. She has golden eyes and golden blood, and is the god of the dragon clan. The golden dragon, any real dragon must treat her with courtesy, that is to say, She has a clan again!

"Okay, don't be too happy, my business is not over yet." Du Yuesheng said quickly when he saw that the two parties were getting carried away.

Long Yun immediately said: "I lost, so I will release my lord's friends!"

While talking, Long Yun turned his head to look at his clansmen, several Earth Dragon Loose Immortals immediately soared into the sky, one after another with their spiritual power pierced into the killing formation in the city, a wave of light covering the Earth Dragon City appeared out of thin air, rippling Then it disappeared.

But Wang Kaixuan's aura appeared immediately, and then he was seen flying out of Dilong City stepping on the streamer, and came to Du Yuesheng with a face of helplessness, and said without hesitation: "Boss, I am still too weak. Can't even catch a ground dragon..."

But at this moment, Long Yun suddenly said: "If your Excellency wants to find a mount, I can find one for you, but it must be made clear that the use of beast rings is absolutely not allowed, and you can only use your strength to make them surrender! "

Wang Kaixuan was taken aback for a moment, but still with a mournful face, he stretched out his hand and pointed at the Dragon Tool and said, "I want him...but I can't beat him!"

These days, Wang Kaixuan has been staring at the dragon weapon, which is why he ended up like this. Otherwise, the general earth dragon in the tribulation period would not be easy to catch.

Long Yun shook his head, and was about to say that there is no other way, but Long Qi gritted his teeth, stood up, and said, "Okay, I am willing to be your mount!"

"Huh?" At this moment, Wang Kaixuan was stunned, not knowing why Longqi would make such a change.

Seemingly seeing Wang Kaixuan's doubts, Long Qi said directly, "Because you are his friend!"

When Long Qi spoke, his fingers pointed directly at Du Yuesheng.

The strength that Du Yuesheng showed just now really convinced Long Qi, but he also knew that it was unrealistic to become Du Yuesheng's mount, and the next best thing was to become Du Yuesheng's friend's mount, which seemed not bad.

Wang Kaixuan looked at Du Yuesheng, his eyes immediately filled with admiration.

Du Yuesheng could only smile helplessly, saying that it was all an accident.

After seeing Du Yuesheng's matter resolved, Long Wushuang immediately said to Du Yuesheng, "I'm going to find the Dragon Clan!"

Du Yuesheng understood in her heart that Long Wushuang had always cared about the Dragon Clan. When she thought she was the only one left in the Dragon Clan, this concern was kept in her heart. But now she knows that there are other people in the Dragon Clan. It is impossible to stay in the Kingdom of God to waste time.

After thinking for a while, Du Yuesheng said, "Do you want me to accompany you there?"

He still doesn't know what the dragon clan of Xianxu looks like, and it would be dangerous for Long Wushuang to go there alone.

Long Wushuang shook his head and said: "You have your own things to do, and as a golden dragon, no dragon clan will do me any harm. If you are really worried, I will let Luo Li accompany me."

Luo Li's strength is definitely not inferior to Du Yuesheng's.

So Du Yuesheng didn't think much, just nodded and said: "If that's the case, go, but remember, if there is any danger, just go, don't stay!"

Knowing that Du Yuesheng was really worried about her, Long Wushuang couldn't help but smile sweetly, no need to say anything.

"Where is the Dragon Clan?" Du Yuesheng began to help Long Wushuang find out about the Dragon Clan.

Long Yun heard the words and immediately said: "The Fairy Market has nine heavens, ten lands, three mountains and five gates. One of the three mountains, Jinlong Mountain, is where the Dragon Clan is located, and Jinlong Mountain is located in the east of the Fairy Market where the sun rises!"

It seemed that Du Yuesheng was worried that Du Yuesheng didn't understand the power of the Dragon Clan, so he gave a brief introduction to the Dragon Clan.

"It seems that the dragon clan of Xianxu is extremely tyrannical, otherwise it would not occupy such a magical place as the Land of Sunrise!" Du Yuesheng narrowed his eyes, and a worry rose in his heart. If the dragon clan is too strong, suddenly there will be another Long Wushuang , I am afraid that some people in the Dragon Clan will be dissatisfied.

With such a big dragon clan, isn't there a second golden dragon?

But seeing Long Wushuang's expectant expression, Du Yuesheng had no choice but to call out Luo Li, and said: "Wu Shuang will leave it to you, there must be no mistakes!"

Luo Li smiled lightly and said, "We can return to the Kingdom of God at any time, there will be absolutely no problem."

After finishing speaking, Luo Li gently pulled Long Wushuang, and the two of them were as close as sisters. With a movement of their bodies, they turned into a stream of light and headed straight to the east.

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