The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 982 Killing the Ancient Divine Beast (3rd)

In ancient times, when the Fairy Market was still a fairyland, the small gluttonous clan was rampant in it, and most of the human monks were eaten, and human pets were the favorite objects of many small gluttonous clans.

After the fairyland fell into the fairy market, the only remaining little Taotie learned these things from the inherited memory, but he always wanted a tyrannical pet, and Du Yuesheng just happened to fulfill his wish, so he said this so-so.

"Let me be your favorite?" Du Yuesheng couldn't help laughing out loud, "Come and try!"

"The more arrogant you are, the more I like you, but I don't like you being arrogant to me, so I will subdue you!" Little Taotie also laughed loudly, and his body moved. His body, which was only three feet tall, was in the streamer , turned into hundreds of feet high, huge claws descended from the sky, and slapped Du Yuesheng without hesitation!

"Faxiang Tiandi!"

Du Yuesheng didn't show any signs of fear, he let out a low shout, and suddenly a dharma form appeared, his figure swelled hundreds of times, and he was almost the same size as the little Taotie, then he raised his hand, aimed at the little Taotie and shot out horizontally.

"Dare to compare physical strength with the deity? Stupid!"

Little Taotie laughed back in anger, his palms met suddenly, there was a loud bang, and ripples visible to the naked eye surged from between the two palms, the ripples stirred between the sky and the earth, causing gusts of wind, flying sand and rocks.

After striking each other, Du Yuesheng and Xiao Taotie took a few steps back, but in the blink of an eye, the two of them moved and collided with each other again, fists and palms intertwined, and they continued to swing out. Although they didn't cast any earth-shattering spells, they still Their random punches and palms can flatten a mountain, and they are no less than powerful spells.

The earth was trembling in the turbulent air waves and light waves, and huge cracks appeared from the ground. From a distance, it seemed that the earth opened its ferocious mouth to swallow everything!

Wang Kaixuan and Long Qi hid to the side as soon as they saw this, only Zhu Jianxue looked at the two Dharma figures in the sky, his mind fluttering.

Du Yuesheng seemed to be about the same age as her, and was almost the same age as Feng Jian, but the gap in strength between them was a huge gap. They saw that little Taotie had no other choice but to run for their lives, but Du Yuesheng could fight against Xiao Taotie. The most tyrannical physical body has to fight against it all the way!

After a series of hard regrets of hundreds of moves, Xiao Taotie was the first to step back a few miles and distance himself from Du Yuesheng, his eyes were full of disbelief: "Boy, you are only at the level of Sixiang Sanxian, and you already have such strength!"

Du Yuesheng narrowed his eyes and sneered, "Are you scared?"

Little Taotie's expression froze, afraid? To be honest, little Taotie's fists felt as if they had been burned by fire, and it hurt her heart, otherwise she would not have voluntarily withdrawn, but to Du Yuesheng, he couldn't say this no matter what.

Thousands of thoughts flashed by, and after a while, Little Taotie said word by word: "Your strength is beyond my expectation, but if I want to kill you, there is still a way, don't force me!"

Seeing this, Du Yuesheng immediately had a calculation in his heart. In a flash, the dharma image disappeared between heaven and earth, and the Zhuxian sword returned to his hand, but his aura was several times stronger than when he used the dharma image heaven and earth before: "This The Emperor of Heaven is trying to force you, what can you do to me? Be violent... kill the immortal with one sword!"

At that moment, the sword light of the Zhuxian Sword soared as huge as a mountain range, and the dazzling sword light made the little Taotie terrified. He hurriedly stepped back a few steps, canceled the huge dharma image, and at the same time patted his dantian abdomen, only to see a blood-colored bead directly flew out of his mouth.

The red light of the blood-red beads flashed, instantly reflecting the whole world into blood-red, and a violent evil spirit permeated the air.

Seeing this scene, Zhu Jianxue on the side quickly shouted: "Friend Daoist Du, be careful, this is the blood essence of the little Taotie, which has almost 50% of the power of a gluttonous beast!"

"I'll eat you first!" Hearing the sound, Little Taotie turned his head and glanced at Zhu Jianxue, his killing intent was like a rainbow.

Du Yuesheng smiled coldly: "I'm afraid you won't have this chance, watch the sword!"

As soon as the words fell, the huge mountain-like sword light slashed down. It seemed that the speed was not fast, but it made people feel that it was inevitable. With a handful, the blood essence flew into the sky, glowing red, and blocked the huge sword glow.

He believed that as long as he blocked the sword, Du Yuesheng would lose his momentum and it would be impossible to defeat him again!

But there was a scene that made his eyes tear open. The sword light fell, as if it had the power to open the sky. When he cut it down with a sword, the blood essence beads had no resistance at all. He only heard a click, and he was crushed. The volley was cut in half.

The instant the blood essence shattered, it turned into a cloud of blood mist and dissipated directly between the heaven and the earth.

The blood essence dissipated, Xiao Taotie finally couldn't suppress the injury in his body, he opened his mouth and a large ball of blood spurted out, but Du Yuesheng's sword light still fell down without hesitation.


The sword light entered the body, and there was a dull sound. In the next second, when he looked up again, the little Taotie no longer had the prestige before, his whole body was cut in half by the sword, and blood sprayed out and flowed to the ground. Turn into a gurgling blood river and flow down the mountain!

"Ding, the system prompts, congratulations to the player Du Yuesheng for killing Little Taotie and getting 15.67673 billion fairy points!"

"Ding, the system prompts, congratulations to the player Du Yuesheng, who has improved his level. The current level is: Sixiang Sanxian 7th level!"

"Ding, the system prompts, congratulations to the player Du Yuesheng's level upgrade, the current level: Sixiang Sanxian Bazhong!"

"Ding, the system prompts, congratulations to the player Du Yuesheng's level upgrade, the current level: Sixiang Sanxian Jiuzhong!"

A series of system prompts sounded, and Du Yuesheng's aura suddenly strengthened, and he was about to reach the peak of Sixiang Sanxian. Presumably, as long as he ate a few bites of Xiao Taotie's meat, his cultivation base would directly rush to Wuxing Sanxian!

"Boss is mighty!" Wang Kaixuan was the first to jump out and burst out laughing. At the same time, his hands and feet were extremely fast, and he ran straight towards the little Taotie's body.

This is the legendary little glutton, if he eats this little glutton, maybe his cultivation level can directly enter the Four Elephant Sanxian, or even hit the Five Elements Sanxian!

Surprisingly, this time even the Dragon Tool ran towards the little Taotie's body with a red face, shouting while running: "Master, save some for me, I can eat this gluttony too! "

Long Qi didn't dare to eat Huowei's meat before because of the strength of the Huofengniao clan, but now there might be only one little glutton left, and it was killed by Du Yuesheng. Great time!

Zhu Jianxue looked at Du Yuesheng with complicated eyes.

The strength Du Yuesheng showed today exceeded her expectations.

But at this moment, Du Yuesheng did not intend to relax. He glanced around, and his voice suddenly became cold: "Since you have been here for so long and watched me kill this little glutton with your own eyes, why are you still hiding? Come out! "

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