The Most Violent Upgrade

Chapter 983 Pleading (Fourth)

"Haha! As expected of a villain who was chased and killed by two holy places and a big ancient place at the same time! He discovered our existence so quickly!"

"Little Taotie can't even kill you, it's really beyond our expectations!"

"Hey, if you didn't kill too many members of my clan, I really don't want to attack you, a handsome young man!"

Bursts of arrogant laughter came out, accompanied by bursts of streamers coming out of the woods, hovering in the air, revealing their true face.

At a glance, there are no less than ten masters here, including the masters of the Shengxian Holy Land, the Luotian Holy Land, the Burial God Ancient Land, the Silver-winged Peng tribe, the Huofengniao tribe, and even the masters of the Mad Sword Holy Land. within it.

These masters are all of the generation with strong aura. At a glance, Liuhe Sanxian is weak, there are only two or three of them, and the rest are all Qixing Sanxian.

With such a powerful lineup, as long as those peerless masters don't come out, they can sweep the entire fairy market all the way.

Seeing this, Wang Kaixuan's expression turned ugly. Even though he was extremely confident in Du Yuesheng's strength, he still felt powerless at this moment.

There are too many masters, there are actually nine of them, these masters just appear here, they don't need to make a direct move, the powerful aura makes people almost faint.

Seeing this, Du Yuesheng couldn't help but sneered: "It seems that you all watched Feng Jian die?"

When Du Yuesheng found Xiao Taotie before, he immediately felt an aura approaching from a distance. When he killed Feng Jian, these people had already arrived here, but they did not make a move, but watched Du Yuesheng kill Feng Jian!

"We just wanted Feng Jian to test your true strength, but Feng Jian didn't test it out!" A master of the ancient land of mad sword said lightly, his tone was extremely calm, it seemed that the dead son was just a waste. .

"Then you are using the little Taotie to test the strength of this Heavenly Emperor?" Du Yuesheng continued to ask with a smile.

A master from the Holy Land of Ascension to Immortals stood up, shook his head and sighed endlessly: "Sure enough, you found out that he is a clever son. Unfortunately, the hatred between you and us can no longer be filled, otherwise, I will definitely keep you To do an earth-shattering event with my life!"

Du Yuesheng's eyes narrowed slightly. Compared with the so-called holy sons and masters who appeared before, these masters are much more tyrannical, which can be seen from their calm tone.

You must know that dogs that bite people seldom bark, not to mention these people know how to endure, hide on the side and carefully calculate his strength before standing out.

Needless to say, these masters came to Poshen Mountain this time, they must have come for the place where Sanxian sits and transforms, all of them are talented, resolute and thought-provoking people, if they meet here, they can only say that Du Yuesheng is very unlucky.

But Du Yuesheng still didn't have anything to worry about, he just said with a smile: "That is to say, do you think you can kill this Heavenly Emperor now?"

"Although you are strong, I just observed and found that you used almost all means when you fought with that little glutton, so we want to kill you, it's easy!" A phoenix master stood up and spoke He even pursed his lips at the time, as if he was looking forward to the feast he could enjoy after killing Du Yuesheng!

Du Yuesheng shook his head and sighed, he did use a lot of tyrannical means to fight Xiao TaoTie just now, but... his strongest means will always be the system!

He was too lazy to talk nonsense, and immediately shouted in his heart: "System, I remember that I have a random character summoning card, right, use it!"

"Ding, the system prompts that the random character summoning card has been used successfully. Congratulations to player Du Yuesheng for getting a Six Fingered Qin Demon Summoning Card!"

At the same time, all the information about Liuzhiqin Demon was displayed in front of Du Yuesheng.

Name: Six-Fingered Qin Demon

From: Liuzhiqinmo novels

Level: Nirvana Sanxian

Introduction: The Six-fingered Qin Demon is actually five-fingered. It is only because of her unfathomable piano sound that gods and ghosts are hard to guard against, and it is difficult to pop out her five fingers, so she is mistaken for having six fingers. From this, it can be seen that the Six-fingered Qin Demon is powerful , can be called invincible!

Description: The summoning time lasts up to 5 minutes, but there are hidden tasks on Liuzhiqin Demon, please pay attention to the development.

Seeing this, Du Yuesheng's eyes lit up immediately. It turned out to be the famous six-fingered piano demon? Moreover, it is still an existence at the Nirvana Sanxian level, so it is not a matter of minutes to sweep the masters here.

The most important thing is that she actually has a hidden mission? What hidden mission? what is the benefit?

When Du Yuesheng was about to summon the Six-fingered Qin Demon to take a closer look, a master from the ancient land of mad sword said again: "Jianxue, why are you still standing in front of that thief, why don't you come back soon!"

As soon as these words were uttered, the eyes of Wang Kaixuan and Long Qi fell on Zhu Jianxue, and there was an unknown color in their eyes.

Before Du Yuesheng saved Zhu Jianxue's life, I don't know what choice Zhu Jianxue will make at this moment.

For a moment, even Du Yuesheng was a little curious, and instead of calling the Six Fingered Qin Demon in a hurry, he looked at Zhu Jianxue.

Not only Du Yuesheng, but even the rest of the masters turned their eyes on Zhu Jianxue, their expressions were also very strange.

Zhu Jianxue was caught in the crowd, and there was an endless tangle between her brows. As time passed, a full half a quarter passed, and Zhu Jianxue was still standing between the two parties, vacillating.

"Huh?" The master of Mad Sword Holy Land suddenly frowned, with dissatisfaction in his eyes: "Jianxue, when you left, Holy Land had only been walking outside for ten days, and you dare not even listen to what your uncle said? "

Holy Land has taught its disciples to respect the elders of Holy Land since they were young, and this sentence from the master of Mad Sword Holy Land is simply heartbreaking.

Zhu Jianxue knelt on the ground with a plop when she heard the words, her eyes were full of entanglements, but she gritted her teeth, raised her head, and said neither humble nor overbearing: "Uncle, it's not that the disciples don't listen to the uncle, it's just, What happened this time has nothing to do with my Mad Sword Holy Land, please don't make a move!"

Zhu Jianxue actually pleaded for Du Yuesheng, the eyes of many masters suddenly showed surprise, even Du Yuesheng was a little surprised, he thought it would be good if Zhu Jianxue didn't turn against him later, but he didn't expect Zhu Jianxue to be willing Plead for him.

After that moment of silence, the masters of the Mad Sword Holy Land burst into anger almost at the same time, and shouted angrily: "Bastard, nonsense, you still have my uncle in your eyes, your master, and you The dead senior brother Feng Jian, but there are still 30,000 disciples from my Mad Sword Holy Land?"

"This son killed your senior brother, how dare you plead for him?"

"The holy land has raised you for twenty years, taught you for twenty years, given you life, and given you cultivation, all of which are not worth a day's love with this kid?"

"Get the hell out of here immediately, go back to the holy ground and think about it for a hundred years, don't let me go out if you don't know what's wrong!"

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