The mother planet secretly transformed without telling us

Chapter 1648 Xiao Kai starts a team fight

The canopy of the jellyfish almost covers the entire sea of ​​thunderstorms, towering into the sky. It is beautiful, elegant, calm and shining, but such a giant thing has never appeared in the sight of the 3/7 base and the Americans. That is to say, it at least has various key functions such as visual masking, radar invisibility, identification scanning and invisibility.

Each of its tentacles is hung with neatly arranged translucent follicles like comb-like feathers. The diameter of the follicles is usually measured in kilometers. You can directly see the follicles and the slime worms that rush through the gurgling liquid tubes inside the tentacles. The shadows of vehicles are as fast as lightning.

"How fucking rich do you have to be to be able to build something like this!" Lao Wang made a voice that had never seen the world. "Isn't that red-haired girl planning to build the entire Monroe?" It’s a huge creature, right? You can’t believe it even if you tell me it’s alive! I have to make sure it’s done!”

Li Cang: "."

When it comes to the aspect of being extremely imaginative, Kennedy can only describe it as superficial. If it is on the line, then it has to be our big boss!

The base just built a national defense formation and almost drained the family's wealth. To put it bluntly, Monroe is just a slave trader who took advantage of the right time and place. They would never be able to complete this even if they started making money from the Jurassic era. What is the difference between the creation of this kind of body and the creation of the world?

Of course, it cannot be ruled out that the red-haired girl is planning for the next move, but at this moment, Li Cang can only comment that the construction of Monroe New City is very creative and forward-looking, with good taste and decent aesthetics.

This little girl is really good at it.

Just the technical movements of the jellyfish tail and the jump node are enough for her to learn for a lifetime. What exactly are the ingredients in the melon seeds in her head, and she suddenly wants to cut out a few grams and send them to the mill for inspection.

"If this thing can't move." Lao Wang swung the page hammer with a handsome gesture, and the strong air waves lifted up the sea of ​​clouds and mist in the airspace for several kilometers below, revealing the tentacles and tubes with a diameter of several kilometers below, " So does this really count as the Monroe people directly setting up a real battlefield for us? "

"Our supply line can't keep up here." Li Cang glanced at the jellyfish's tail and said lightly, "The base is already a mature political entity. I really hope they can properly handle neighbor relations."

"It's difficult. The base is just one of the many bases for flower growers. Compared with the entire American Confederacy, the family's wealth is far from rich. It probably won't last long. It's obvious that our entire island chain has become cancerous. Why is that so? Can the swarm of flies continue to issue recalls?”

Li Cang asked Gou Kun to put the last few turtle-backed dragon ticks he carried with him and the Silver Ridge behemoths down to the "foundation" of Monroe New City. The black and dense Magic Mountain Master, Si Gouzi, and No. 1 and No. 2 Dog Legs gradually grew like cancerous tissue that proliferated. Spreading silently in the mist, the Five Dogs and the Twin Tyrants on their backs were directly covered by the priority firepower of the Monroe defense system.

Lao Wang was so shocked by the terrifying explosion power of those blue-light projectiles that looked like electromagnetic cannons that he jumped up and down: "Holy shit, is this thing so powerful? Is this the thunderstorm energy that the red-haired girl has been thinking about?" I’m really looking forward to it. Do you think she will take out Unit 1 and the Danger Wanderer together?”

Monro possesses, or carries with him, an almost eternal sea of ​​thunderstorms. Their prayer direction, technology, and servants of destiny are all developed based on this, from the third generation of dragon fangs to the fourth generation of sharp blades to the fifth generation of invincible weapons. From the beginning to the end, Monroe has been preparing for the complete weaponization of Thunderstorm Sea.

The magnificent blue light beams continued to shoot out, suppressing the firepower in the true sense of the dog sea. The ridiculous speed of those light beams would even make people mistakenly think that these things are pure light and not bullets or bombs. However, in fact, In addition to the obvious plasma burst, this thing can still make people smell the fragrant smoke of conventional thermal weapons.

An ordinary .44 caliber blue bullet is so powerful that it can directly shred the skin and muscle structure of Si Gouzi. This is a situation that has never happened in all the business dealings that Li Cang has been engaged in before. Conductor Zhi Zheng never looks at other people's faces.

"Apart from technology, what I admire about the red-haired girl is her decisiveness. She can distinguish between public and private matters. The research you mentioned is her private property. She regards these things as more important than her life. How could she take them out? Waging a war for Monro?" Li Cang sneered, "I advise you not to have those outrageous thoughts. She can customize things like sharp blades, dragon teeth, Gonzalez dragon blood knights, and faceless claws for the Monro people. Don’t you have a better trump card? Why do you think we have never seen it? Is it because we don’t like it?”


A few minutes later, Li Cang was satisfied to see dozens of giant trees rising from the ground around Monroe New City. After Li Cang finished doing these business, she quickly rode on Li Cang's head. To be precise, this girl was Sitting on Li Cang's left shoulder with his legs crossed in a very cool manner, he held Li Cang's head with his right hand as if he was awaking to take over the world, and gave orders, just like a bandit descending from the mountain to clear out the soldiers and enter the pass.

"Underneath these pipes are the old city parts of the Monroe Island chain. There are still traces of human activities inside. It took me a long time to plant the trees." Li Laixi reached out and took the No. 1 large thermos cup from Sangouzi's hand. , took a few sips, "In this case, can the seeds of the slime vine be saved?"

One, two, three, four, four legs that were longer than life were hanging down from both sides of his face. Li Cang sighed silently and patted the legs of these two guys to indicate that he couldn't breathe.

“You mean, you can’t directly plant fantasy seeds in the Monroe New City part?”

"Moreover, haven't you noticed it yourself? Cancerous deformation erodes as slowly as a snail. Tsk, tsk, that little girl seems to have been treating you as an imaginary enemy!"

Li Cang thought for a while and suddenly said to the communication channel: "Miss, please pay attention to the Isoleye Burning Beacon for a moment. The horizontal orbit height. I will tell you before requesting a strike."

The young lady reacted for a long time: "Eh?"

"Li Cang, are you fucking crazy! Do you want to hit the jump node directly?"

"Don't be impatient. What I want to fight is just that thing." Li Cang pointed at the jellyfish tail. "I have reason to suspect that the reason why the Monroe people can control the jump storm to a certain extent is because of this thing. I have the same origin." The channel was banned because of this stuff.”

"What if the damn thing explodes?"

"The odds are slim."

"So it's not like there's nothing, right?"


Lao Wang cursed helplessly for a while: "Damn it, I haven't even had time to save the woman who lost her footing in Monroe. Well, I mean, experience the customs and customs of this emerging city!"

The corners of Li Cang's mouth twitched and he pinched his eyebrows: "It's almost time, let's do something."

The Munro people's artillery fire density has reached a crazy level at this time, so that under the dual domain force fields of the Silver Ridge Behemoth and the Big Kunkun, several people can't talk peacefully. After the first round of saturation sorting, , which is a sequence of violently reproduced beasts that is even more dense than Lao Wang’s words.

Along the winding mountain-like jellyfish tentacles in the clouds, endless strong-reproducing biological beasts walked out of the follicle showrooms one after another, arrayed in orderly order, and soon they had a lively exchange with Master Sigouzi Magic Mountain.

"What a beast, these disgusting things again, I fucking know it!"

There is a reason why Lao Wang hates slime slimes. This thing has thick blood and high corrosion resistance. In theory, it is indeed the cheapest and most effective way to deal with cancerous deformations. As for the few five-dog formations left in the sky , naturally let the Claw handle it.

After entering the Sea of ​​Thunderstorm, with the Monroe fleet inside and the America fleet outside, the combination of Gou Kun and Wu Gouzi will never be able to maintain the previous transportation efficiency, and these will undoubtedly become the capital of the Monroe people.

There wasn't much fighting to begin with. Faced with this situation, Lao Wang has already skilfully figured out Li Cang's shameless face in the follow-up scene and how he will go to great lengths to knock his bones and suck out his marrow. Comrades, watch out, Lao Wang. This is how the king used it——

Is there a vicious dog inside? Let the old king go!

Shit pit wrestling? I'll give birth to Lao Wang!


What break?

Only those who are of no use to society deserve to rest. Model workers like us, Big Laowang, take loans and work overtime to generate electricity with love. What they drink is the people's fat and people's ointment that is squeezed out by the northwest wind and is rich in 72%+ fat!

Sure enough, Lao Wang heard Li Cang say in the next second: "Does anyone need to replenish their strength? There are also some air-dried meat, compressed dry food and a nutritious old soup hung by a thermos bucket, but I suggest that the soup is best reserved for celebrations. Drink again later.”

Lao Wang raised his hands expressionlessly and said domineeringly: "I would like to apply for a bottle of 1995 Krug champagne, iced, with a gold label and a header!"

Mr. Li also had an expressionless face, and his tone was extremely disdainful: "I only have 25 years to bravely venture into the world!"

"It's not impossible."

"Okay, Lao Wang will take the lead in attracting firepower, then go down and start the transformation, I will let Wu Gouzi coordinate."

"What do you mean-"

The dog-kun fusion carried the three people into the sky, and the remaining five dogs followed closely with the dog-kun as their spearhead. When Monroe's coastal defense gun base platform saw that the real owner was finally willing to show his face, he turned around without hesitation. The muzzles were locked in clusters, and the Claw Transformation Island and the fleet of ships covered each other and oppressed each other.

"I'm sorry for you, Mr. Li! You never fucking said you were going to rush like this before! What's the fucking difference between this and going up to deliver it directly?"

Under this density of firepower, even Gou Kun's floating force field was completely unable to withstand it. Lao Wang was blasted so hard that he couldn't even lift his head. He was a living target in the shape of a human. His brutal, Wang-style howl resounded across half of the airspace. .

"You're really noisy, you know?"

"Screw that baby who cries, get milk!"

"Little miss, look, you've spoiled him rotten, and he can't continue like this!"



A blue cannonball at least three meters long exploded on Gou Kun's back. The surge of energy and brutal explosion wave caused all of Lao Wang's unrealistic thoughts to disappear. This guy was like A large cicada flew out like a chrysalis. Hunyuan's five-flowered three-layer pupa burst out, and the charred black skin began to exude a rich aroma of oil.

"What brand of shower gel do you use?"

"I'm going to fucking use your grandma to do this!"

After a shell was forced into Gou Kun's floating force field, at least hundreds of faceless claws forced their way in from the partially revealed floating force field's broken zone. Some two air carriers even fired with extremely accurate follow-up fire. An unknown gas bomb and a restricted hunting knife net came in.

The ideal is beautiful, but the reality is skinny.

Even for weaklings like Lao Wang, gas bombs are useless, not to mention animal products like Li Cang and Li Laixi. The knife net is completely counterproductive. The theoretical radius can reach more than one kilometer. After the hunting knife net was partially deployed on Gou Kun's back, he fired a powerful and heavy shot into the soul, knocking dozens of unprepared claws to the ground, wrapping them tightly, and releasing Monroe's unique blue force field to restrain them. attack.

The sly claws were stunned, completely unaware that such a strange attack would come from their rear, and the blue force field undoubtedly greatly slowed down the progress of their virtual-to-real conversion, so that they were beaten by three as soon as they fell to the ground. The spatula light split into two, three, four, five, six, and seven. In just a few tenths of a second, even before the aftermath of the explosion dissipated, dozens of claws were inexplicably turned into parts.


The knife girl danced the special-shaped blade that was integrated with her arm, drew a big circle around the body parts, and then raised her eyebrows at Li Laisi. There was a big difference between two-thirds and one-third, and she suffered a secret loss. Li Laixi looked worried.

"When did she come here?"

"How do I know!"

Amidst the chaos of ping-ping-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong-pong, Li Cang was also very busy, and he had no time to care about which turtle-backed dragon louse Sword Girl followed that dog-legged guy to sneak over, but anyway, she was the symbiotic entity of the tomb beast, and the blood Tiao Houhou was born to be his father, but he didn’t have to be like some brainless scum animal that was born to live and work on an empty island, hetui!

As a type of strong-breeding biological beast with a single purpose, the Claw has basically achieved the ultimate in physical attack. The initial power value of the panel is 4kc+. With the blessing of the laws of war, the explosive power may even be close to half a hundred. Hundreds of Claws are covering their faces. The attacks knocked Lao Wang into a daze, howling and screaming.

"Are you such a bastard? Damn it, Li, you should have sacrificed your sex life and sent that little bitch into the den of thieves. Your intestines will turn green with regret, right?"

"Before that, I advise you to use your brain to think about the cost. This thing is produced by Quanqiu. She may have squeezed all the bones out of the Monroe people in order to support these projects!"

"I asked you, can you not be so materialistic?" Lao Wang finally picked up the neck of a treacherous claw, but could only watch helplessly as it partially dematerialized and slipped away from under his paws, "You gave birth to a good skin in vain. , No wonder I haven’t even touched a woman’s hand in my twenty-plus years, and it’s not entirely my fault that our big family has a strict upbringing!”

Li Laisi raised her sword eyebrows and rewarded this guy with two sly claws with her backhand: "Evil beast! What the hell do you mean?"

"You really can't sleep in the same bed with two kinds of people, they both have the same fucking sex."

Two claws clawed at his head and face, scratching his heart and liver like a shrew, and most of Lao Wang's head and most of his chest were covered with blood and flesh, and the bones were visible. However, in the end, they still couldn't compete with his ass, which was as heavy as a mountain, and was slapped hard. Gou Kun's back was torn apart by his hands while taking advantage of the CD time to switch between reality and reality.

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