The Sly Claw is a creature with mutated corpse bloodline, but it cannot neutralize the vitals like a regular corpse bloodline. But when you think about it, there is nothing wrong with it. The combat power of this thing is already a mess. I think it is for skills and some special attributes. concessions.

What’s interesting is that it truly makes death sustainable.

The torn limbs did not breed countless fibrotic tissue tubes like Li Cang's dog legs in an attempt to absorb all the effective substances around them to use for the regeneration of the severed limbs. Instead, they gradually withered into a gray-white color that had gone through the vicissitudes of time, with numerous cracks. Fragmented, the fragments present a polyhedral structure with extremely regular sizes and shapes.

"Damn it, you won't stop even if you die, you're so slimy." Lao Wang kicked these slimy trivial things away and let them roll around on Gou Kun's back: "Li, you better fucking There is a mature plan. I have always been the one to attack others. When will it be the turn of these crooked people to attack me? "

"Plan? What plan?"


A chill ran down Lao Wang's spine. The fear from his teammates instantly surpassed the oppressive feeling caused by the enemy's never-ending firepower. However, it seemed that in order to cancel all the discordant sounds, Munro silently repeated hundreds of blue sounds. The concentrated burst of colored beams happened just when he could output tons of ancestral tablets at a speed of 13 characters per second, completely breaking through Gou Kun's floating force field, and tens of thousands of shells landed solidly on everyone at the same time. top of head.


Continuous bursts of energy formed a creepy huge mushroom cloud on Gou Kun's back. It spread its teeth and claws, bloated and ferocious, spreading fear.

Lao Wang didn't even have time to say a word before he was blasted off Gokun. The charred black grid gradually became darker and larger during the fall, and he completed the transformation in an instant. He even turned into a ridiculously huge and evil humanoid figure. He didn't even bother to wear human skin and appeared under the noses of the Monroe people.

"Okay! Well done! The power of mine field bombs is really awesome!"

"They are dead! As far as I know, this person's transformation skill is used to save his life! There is a upper limit on the duration!"

"It's a pity that Heathmore crowned her."

"Don't say such depressing words. As long as we can win this war, everything will be fine. Her Majesty Heathmore will change her mind. She has done so much for Monroe. Monroe is both her mother and her child." , it is impossible to let go, and with the one she likes, everything is negotiable, as long as Monroe wins this war!"

The appearance of Lao Wang's transformed form usually means the singing of a lullaby from the abyss. In the face of the AOE killing line based on the power threshold, the overwhelming slime slimes and various land-based forced reproductive transformations that Monro belongs to The beasts instantly scattered into dominoes on the ground, and the army was defeated like a mountain. Even the claws and various physical shells in the air were seriously affected. It was like being thrown into a chaotic gravity field, and they were driven out of control and collided before reaching the designated target. A full-scale air explosion, ruthlessly harvesting a wave of Monroe's turrets and turret soldiers.


A mushroom cloud suddenly rose on the horizon, and one of the main tentacles extending from the bottom of the jellyfish, which was as thick as a mountain, broke instantly. When the attacking Lao Wang heard the noise, he raised his head and muttered: "What the hell is going on, I It exploded before the training officially started?"

Although the fantasy plant seeds they brought out from the fantasy world did not reduce their combat effectiveness due to the unsuitable external environment, they were unable to achieve the partial control of the fantasy plants through the main body of the fantasy tree like the aborigines of the fantasy island chain, coupled with the surge energy Thistle has no Rouge Pitcher to help anchor the target. In other words, even Thistle himself may not know where his next surge strike will be aimed.

Dozens of surge energy thistles shot down in a frantic manner. In fact, most of the damage they caused was to follow the instinct of life and attack at the nearest location. It would kill anyone who messed with it, and then help the spreading roots to expand the territory to achieve the purpose of growing as quickly as possible. , so in fact, they did not play a key role, but even if it was only an occasional accidental power surge, it would still be a heartbreaking disaster for Monroe New City that would make it difficult to breathe.

The explosion of the matrix library just now was the result of cross-infection between the surge energy thistle and Lao Wang's bad luck.

The loss of a main line being wiped out was not something that Monroe's life could not bear, but it seriously affected the transport efficiency of the ships in front of Lao Wang, and indirectly caused at least 113 land-based mine-exposure main guns to temporarily lose their ability to fire. As a result, not only were all the forced-breeding biological beasts in front of Lao Wang under strong control, but the density of artillery fire in the sky also showed some fleeting weak points in firepower.

The outrageous situation of the "vulgar martial artist" has exceeded Li Cang's psychological endurance. A certain old unlucky man gradually became dumbfounded and said, "luck like shit"

The round of artillery fire just now destroyed the water-cooling suit, but Gou Kun's perception is still quite remarkable. He seized this short blank area and pushed forward for more than 20 kilometers, and could even clearly see the door. The juncture of thousands of tentacles under the canopy of Luo Xincheng jellyfish and the inner outline of the flashing nodes that sharply pass through it.

The artillery fire came like raindrops, and the opportunity was fleeting.

The dog Kun was soon forced down by the artillery fire, and its speed became a turtle again, and it even retreated a little. Even if Li Cang used the dog Kun as a gun barrel and used the Isoleye Burning to accurately snipe several large fire nodes, it was useless. Although the length of the Burning Wind was enough, its diameter could only be described as a toothpick stirring a large vat in front of these land-based artillery platforms that were hundreds or thousands of meters in size. The damage caused was repaired in a matter of minutes.

Li Cang was suppressed like he had violated the law of heaven and couldn't even raise his head, but the progress bar of Lao Wang below grew surprisingly smoothly.

The defensive and offensive power of Lao Wang's transformation posture was obvious to all. He was just a real iron-blooded man with a few hundred seconds of time. Monroe was not even willing to waste a drop on this lazy person, and turned around to try to buy time for the strong-breeding biochemical beast by suppressing the four dogs, five dogs, twin tyrants, and Lord Demon Mountain in the back.

As for the dog sea dominated by the four dogs, whether to suppress or not is just an insignificant detail. The big brother, the twin tyrants, use them as reserve food. At most, they will die a little more to speed up the erosion of cancer and deformation. Besides, the limit of these mine exposure fields is to tear the four dogs' bodies apart. It is still powerless to further tear their life bars apart.

"The last few cars of four dogs, who knows when the next car will be transported up. Dog things who don't know the value of firewood and rice, can't they be used sparingly?"

"I'll save my head!"

Old Wang cursed, and his huge body jumped up with all his strength, swung a piece of jellyfish tentacles and the page hammer left and right, the evil energy chain ignored any entity or force field, and went straight across the endless space to penetrate the jellyfish to spread pain and extract power. Rounds of magnificent sword light came out of his hands, cutting ships when he met them, and splitting mountains when he met them.

The jellyfish-like structure of the entire Monroe New City was shaking wildly under the tyranny of Lao Wang. The attack area of ​​this thing was an overall AOE based on the sky island, but because the size of Monroe New City was too huge, the transmission of power was gradually attenuated to the extent that the residents in the city could survive.

Of course, this is not important. What is important is that the strong breeding biochemical beasts and ships in the same jellyfish tube network as Lao Wang and the surrounding areas can no longer stop the few million dogs behind Lao Wang, which are not even a sea of ​​dogs.

The four dogs in the period of insanity can always show extraordinary combat effectiveness, especially when they have tasted the sweetness. The damaged strong breeding biochemical beasts including the claws and slimes are fresh and nutritious, which more than satisfies the appetite of the four dogs and the Lord of the Demon Mountain and fills their blood bars. Some of the twin tyrants even successfully released a round of plasma cannons to enter the combined melee form-

The effect is explosive.

The scarlet life energy, white calcium energy, and black cancerous tissue instantly devoured Lao Wang and hundreds of jellyfish tubes around him, dragging the sacred and magnificent flawless jellyfish cloud into the endless muddy abyss.

To make matters worse, the Bone Sister and the Silver Ridge Giant Beast, which were successively placed in other areas by Li Cang, have quietly bloomed the plague cloud and the extreme cold field.

Not to mention how the Silver Ridge Giant Beast entered the unmanned area, just the thousands of small skeletons scattered by the Bone Sister like beans and soldiers have made the Monroe people panic. The one-step walking A frame drop body movement even showed an amazing restraint effect on the strange claws, directly giving a group of strong breeding biochemical beasts representing the highest level of Monroe a card. They were hesitant and hesitant for a long time and still couldn't take out a claw, looking like a complete shutdown.

In this regard, the instigator commented as follows——


It's simply inexplicable!

Could it be that Xismoer Aner has imposed some technical correction procedures and academic judgment shackles on the Claw of the Ghost in the spirit of rigorous academic cliques? Little girl, Li Cang was quite happy when he first saw the Claw of the Ghost, and almost believed that she had turned over a new leaf and finally stopped trying to tamper with the original bloodline!


Before this, the bone sister had accumulated a lot of skin bags. The figures of the little skeletons under the four-dimensional skirts were gathering more and more. Hidden in the black and sticky plague cloud, you can just see their claws, which are deep and shallow when they run, like super small mini sharks. Only occasionally, the hellfire bones will randomly emit a string of gurgling and take away all living things within a radius of tens or hundreds of meters around, even the Claw of the Ghost cannot be spared.


The bone sister walked on the dark plague sea without touching the ground, with a cloud of holy light on her head and a cos version of the big magic wand in her hand. She was like a goddess smiling at a flower, holy and charming.


However, usually, the goddess does not swing the sickle and hammer to try to make the living things around her feel the power of the worker grandfather physically.

After tearing a strange claw apart again, the bone sister finally roared in anger. The skin of this thing could not be used by her to become the new clothes of the princess, but directly turned into a pile of gray and white ugly polyhedron fragments. It was simply the greatest humiliation that the bone sister had never suffered in her career. You know, people can even take off a few pieces of the divine skin of the corpse weaver and study them hard.


A slender beam of light fell lightly from the skyline, and the knife sister was very considerate and concerned about the mental state of her good sister.





After a fierce communication that didn't actually require speaking, the two creatures that looked very human and beautiful actually understood each other's meaning. The bone sister hesitated and glanced at the gradually invisible back of her old father. In the end, she ordered the little skeleton demons to get into the jellyfish tube network and go upstream to the crown of the jellyfish to find the "good things" mentioned by her good sister.

The battle below did successfully share some of the pressure of Li Cang and Li Lasi, but under Monroe's free artillery fire, after enduring for half an hour, Li Cang still failed to save the "corpse" of Comrade Da Leizi and let it go with the wind.

"Only the two of us are left"

Li Cang caressed the big magic wand affectionately, but in fact, his scalp was numb at the situation in front of him.

It seems that the advantage is overwhelming, but in fact, there are only so many dogs in the sea. Once they are exhausted, only the old Wang Li Lace and a few rebellious sons are left. Maybe they will not lose, but it is also a pipe dream to say that they can defeat Monroe. The reason why they take such a risk and pay such a price is just for a very simple step.


"Wait! What is he doing? Is he crazy?"

"No matter what he wants to do! Stop him! Fuck!"

"The group of strange claws is being pushed away by the floating force field. He fell into the force field of the jump storm node. Our artillery fire can't enter that part at all, damn it."

A force field, a round of claws, and the dog Kun instantly split into two, using his body to block the gun for Li Cang. At this moment, Li Cang's half foot is almost on the central vortex of the jump node. He raised his right hand vertically and aimed at the jellyfish main network that seemed to extend from the jump node in the sky, and fired three consecutive Isoleye Burns.

As Li Cang expected, the jellyfish main network swept away the layers of dark blue glow and blocked the burning wind. Instead, the jellyfish umbrella cap above became crispy and was penetrated by a single blow.


"Got it!"

The first and second bullets, two bullets with fierce evil energy, were fired instantly from the distant Li Cang Island, slowly drilling into the thunderstorm area and the skyline above the jump storm.

The moon fell, like a calamity.

Compared with the Monroe jellyfish cloud, the high-orbit strike, which was disproportionately slender, broke the force field used to bind the main network and the jump node connection in the first shot, and the second shot detonated the entire main network. It was silent for a few seconds, and all the thunder-exposed land turrets inside and outside Monroe lost power in the silent and fragmented halo. Then, round after round of slow haloes swept from the jump node to all directions with an unstoppable force. The unprecedentedly violent explosion continued and gathered into a tower, completely igniting and engulfing the entire Monroe.

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