"Brother, brother, what are you talking about? I don't understand..." The little girl seemed to feel a little cold, squatting on the ground shivering.

Li Si laughed.

In all fairness, the little girl looks really good.

Although his body was dirty and smelled musty, he could tell that his facial features were pretty.

Such a delicate and lovely little girl, squatting on the ground and looking at you pitifully, most people can't help it.

This vast majority certainly does not include Li Si.

So he bent his index finger and rewarded the other party with a brain break.


This time Li Si didn't have the strength to spare, the little girl covered her forehead, and tears came out from the pain.

"What the hell are you doing... Brother, what are you doing?" Her eyes were full of tears.

Li Si snorted.

"It's all exposed, let's put it here to pretend."

He held the little girl's arm to prevent her from escaping, and another brain crash hit her.


is it loud? Sound is a good head.

The little girl stroked her red and swollen forehead, gritted her teeth, took a few deep breaths, and kept peeking at Li Si's forearm.

Li Si just said "Don't force me to gag your mouth", and dispelled her idea of ​​opening her mouth to bite down.

All intentions were seen through, and the little girl knew that she couldn't escape.

She suddenly sobbed, and the tears flowed down in big drops, and after a while, two white gullies rushed out on the ashen face.

"Me, I don't want to either. I was forced by them! Ever since I was abducted, they forced me to do bad things. I didn't agree once, and they beat me..."

Li Si let go of his hand. The little girl rolled up her sleeves, and the red and swollen marks on her arms were clearly visible, adding a lot of persuasiveness to her words.

Li Si squatted down in front of her.

The little girl covered her face and cried even harder.

She secretly looked at Li Si out of the corner of her eye, thinking that you must be tricked this time, right?

Unexpectedly, Li Si spoke slowly:

"Human traffickers in the north are relatively rude. They drive a bus, snatch the child and run away. If the child's parents dare to stop the bus, they will run directly into it, so there are many casualties. The police also pay the most attention..."

"In contrast, the methods of southerners are much gentler. Women and children commit crimes together, so that people can't be half vigilant. Often when the family members look back, they don't know where they have been abducted...Fortunately, there are cameras. It can’t be easily obtained.”

Li Si reached out to touch the little girl's face, and the little girl trembled.

"Those children are called [Qing Dian] in jargon. [Qing Dian] can only be selected from the biological children of the traffickers, so as to ensure loyalty and not mess things up."

"They are responsible for acting like a spoiled child and pretending to be cute, but in fact, there is a lot of viciousness in their hearts..."

"Fart! You don't understand anything!" The last sentence seemed to have stimulated the little girl.

She took out a small knife out of nowhere and chopped it at Li Si's finger.

Li Si was already prepared and smashed the knife with one punch.

He picked up the little girl like a cat.

Regardless of the opponent struggling frantically in mid-air, Li Si said:

"On the contrary, I know a lot more than you think. For example, as long as you are under the age of twelve, I have a hundred ways to help you clean up. It depends on whether you want it or not."

The struggle stopped.

The little girl stared at Li Si in a daze, and then lowered her head after a while.

A muffled voice came from under Liu Hai:

"...I'll take you to find them."

"Knowledge." Li Si gave a thumbs up.


Dim firelight.

The air was filled with the stench of rotting algae.

The human voice could be heard indistinctly, Li huddled in a corner and observed secretly.

"You guys are so good at hiding, you even hid in the sewer."

"Hush!" The little girl shrank beside him, looking very scared.

"Don't talk so much! Keep your voice down. What are you going to do now?"

She stared at Li Si.

This man suddenly appeared, with incredible skill.

In the eyes of the little girl, Li Si is not a special police officer, at least she must be a plainclothes policeman.

Li Si licked her lips and slowly took out her phone.

His mobile phone was a junk item worth less than a thousand yuan, but it was still able to receive a signal underground.

The little girl was still staring at him. When Li Si clicked on the camera function, he finally couldn't help but grabbed the phone and exclaimed in a low voice, "You're crazy!"

Li Si didn't understand, so he scratched his head, the little girl showed him the phone interface: "The flash is not turned off, you want to kill us both?"

According to the little girl, there were a total of eight of these traffickers.

Yes, she told Li Si less than half before.

The weapons and equipment are nothing special, nothing more than steel pipes and machetes. There is a soil gun, but it is very difficult to use, and it often jams.

Li Si has never been able to understand these mechanical products, so he directly handed the phone to the little girl.

The little girl froze for a moment, then curled her lips.

Thinking about whether this person is reliable, she tried to climb to a slightly higher place, and then pressed the camera button.


The sound of the camera shooting was heard far away in the empty sewer.

The people inside immediately became alert: "What noise?"

"Let the fourth child go and have a look."

The little girl turned her head blankly, and Li Si looked at him innocently.

"You, why don't you turn off the sound!"

The little girl went crazy.

The sound of heavy footsteps gradually approached, and the little girl's face was pale, obviously terrified.

When the light dimmed, a bearded man appeared around the corner with a machete, and he looked around.

The air is quiet for two seconds.

"What are you doing?" The man known as the fourth child frowned.

I saw the little girl standing alone, holding the phone in her hand.

Hearing the fourth question, she smiled awkwardly: "I, I..."


Someone whispered in Old Fourth's ear, and then a sharp object pierced his throat.

That is a pen.

The fourth child wanted to call for help, but he could only make a "hehe" sound.

The sound was mixed with the wind in the tunnel, and it was impossible to distinguish it.

Under the severe pain, he struggled subconsciously, but the second pen also pierced in...

Soon, the fourth child fell down limply. More air intake and less air output, it seems that it will not live.

Li Si carefully dragged him to the corner.

Only then did the little girl dare to take a big breath, she felt extremely nervous and sweaty all over her body.

"You killed someone?"

Li Si frowned, showing displeasure: "Don't say it so ugly! I'm just defending myself!"

The little girl looked at the struggling fourth child, who was gradually weakening, and showed an expression of "what the hell are you talking about?".

"Isn't it normal to accidentally hit too hard in self-defense? Just call an ambulance and you'll be fine."

Li Si picked up the phone and dialed the number.

The call was quickly connected: "Hi, this is the Third Hospital..."

"What are you doing?" A voice came from behind the two of them.

The little girl and Li Si turned their heads at the same time.

I saw a middle-aged woman standing in front of them, looking at the fourth child on the ground dumbfounded.

Li Si had a pleasant face: "He was injured, very seriously, and we are calling an ambulance."

With that said, he handed the phone to the little girl.

"Oh, thank you." The middle-aged woman nodded before she could react, and suddenly realized something was wrong.

But Li Si's hand has touched her neck.

Amid the sound of fighting, the little girl put the phone to her ear.

Ignoring everything in front of her eyes, she answered the rescue station's questions one by one.

"Yes, Heyun Road, we are in the sewer, the approximate location is..."

"No, I'm not joking, you must come as soon as possible. People are dying...or they may be already dead."

"How many wounded? Just one."

Li Si poked her head out from behind the twitching middle-aged woman: "Now there are two."

The little girl nodded numbly, and said to the phone: "Let's prepare beds for eight people."

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