When dealing with women, Li Si is a little more gentle.

He just used a standard naked choke to firmly control the woman's neck until she rolled her eyes and passed out.

The little girl looked at him in fear, hid behind Li Si, and handed him the phone by the way.

"what's next?"

She now has no doubt that Li Si can kill all the traffickers.

"Let's think about it..." Li Si walked along the sewer and soon found a clue.

It is not appropriate to say that it is a clue, because the traffickers did not want to hide anything.

They chained the sewer pipe third from the left.

The "fourth child" and the middle-aged woman are just small roles of gatekeepers. They set up a table here with a few small dishes on the table.

Li Si also saw two empty beer cans.

"Amateur." He didn't know how many times he commented like this.

"Let me tell you first, I don't know how to get in. Someone else is responsible for opening these things every time." The little girl said.

Li Si squinted at her, knowing that she was lying again.

Apparently, the little girl just didn't want to lead the way for Li Si.

Li Si couldn't be bothered by this roadblock. He pulled out the chain saw, and in a moment there was a tooth-sick crunch.

The little girl covered her ears, but her eyes kept peeking at the bowls and chopsticks on the table.

There was a bit of canned pork left on one plate.

She swallowed quietly.


The thin iron chain sawn into several pieces fell to the ground, exposing the sewer behind. The entrance of the cave was dark, and nothing could be seen.

The sound that was made just now was so loud that the people inside could not have noticed it.

The little girl looked up at Li Si and found that the guy had raised his phone again.

"Don't you..."

"Yes, of course we call the police. After all, there are only two of us here! How could we deal with so many people!"

Li Si spoke loudly on purpose, and the other end of the phone was also connected.

"Hello? This is the Heyun District Police Station."

"Sir, I want to call the police. He Yunlu has found a few human traffickers, can you send someone to investigate?"

There was a rustling sound from the depths of the tunnel, and the little girl took a step back.

The people in the tunnel could hear Li Si's words clearly, so they couldn't sit still.

The police officer who answered the call also got stuck.

The action against He Yunlu is an internal secret of the police station, and it just so happens that this police officer is one of the insiders.

After asking a few more questions and confirming that it was really the group of criminals they had been following for several days, the police officer was shocked:

"This group of criminals is very dangerous and may have a large number of weapons. Don't worry about reporting the crime or not, just get out first!"

"Ah, this...it seems a bit difficult."

Li Si backed away slowly, putting the phone into his trouser pocket.

I saw three strong men coming out of the tunnel, all holding sticks and axes in their hands.

One of them also had a shell gun on his waist.

The faces of these three people are not vicious, on the contrary, even a little simple and honest. Just like an old farmer from a poor family who had to go to the city to beg for a living.

But what came out of their mouths sent shivers down the spine.

The man with the gun glanced at the little girl and spat on the ground.

"I just said that money-losing goods without handles will only be eaten inside and out, and it's better not to give birth. You two look, isn't that what I said? Bringing ghosts into the house!"

The remaining two men echoed loudly.

One of the men laughed, and said a little embarrassedly: "Brother, can you not kill that loser?"

"You also know that I begged that bitch Zhang Fen several times, but she didn't want me to touch her daughter. Pooh!"

The little girl's face turned pale.

Fear appeared on her face, if she hadn't been against the wall, Li Si suspected that she would collapse on the ground on the spot.

"Third brother, why are you thinking about those stupid things all day long? Can the little chick have as much fun as those girls who are bathing in crispy bones?"

The man with the gun said bitterly, "Just this time, let's not make an example."

The police officer was still yelling something hoarsely on the phone, but Li Si couldn't listen anymore.

Before hanging up the phone, he said one last thing.

"Sir, don't worry, let me defend myself first."


Team Qin received the call at ten o'clock in the evening. The police officer on the other end of the phone tried his best to calm himself down and explained the cause and effect clearly within three minutes.

Ten minutes later, a large force was mobilized, and fifty professional armed policemen formed ten groups and marched towards the tower from all directions.

They have not yet identified the exact location of the traffickers' gang.

So according to the plan, the three teams detoured around the tower, and the rest of the team was responsible for turning the entire building upside down.

Within a few minutes, Team Qin's phone rang.

He lifted his spirits, and he didn't expect to gain something so soon.

As a result, the camera of the armed police was connected, and he saw a bearded man holding his hands up in the corner of the wall.

Qin Ze rubbed the center of his brows: "...This should be ordinary people, so protect them first."

When the whole system starts running, the efficiency is astonishingly high.

It didn't take long for members of the armed police to discover a suspicious sewer entrance.

There are many human traces at the entrance, and it is suspected that it has been less than half an hour since someone entered last time.

"Boom... Forget it, deploy cautiously and sneak in quickly."

Captain Qin wanted to blow up the entire entrance, but he remembered that the person who reported the crime was still inside.

That person is most likely Li Si. According to the police officer who called to report, before Li Si hung up the phone, he was discovered by a gang of human traffickers.

Although he only met once, Qin Dui still felt a pity in his heart.

He can't understand Li Si's behavior, which doesn't prevent him from feeling sorry for a promising young actor who died fighting evil.

"There may be another young man in there. Find him and try to keep him safe."

Although he didn't have any hope for Li Si's survival, Team Qin still gave the order.

Not long after, a call came in from the front line.

Team Qin couldn't wait to connect: "What did you find?"

As a result, the armed police on the other side of the phone had a strange tone.

"Uh, Team Qin, I suggest you take a look for yourself."

When Team Qin arrived, the scene was already surrounded by three floors inside and three outside.

A few crying children were being led out by the armed police, and they handed over the children to the bewildered doctors and nurses...

Doctors and nurses: Aren't we here to save lives? Why did you suddenly stray into the crime scene?

I don't have time to control them, but I just asked a few armed police not to let people destroy the evidence.

Team Qin strode into the sewer, and then saw that familiar face.

Li Si gulped down the bread, her cheeks bulging like a hamster.

A little girl sat down next to him, sipping canned pork.

Qin Dui looked at the mess everywhere in silence.

There were bloodstains everywhere, and several men with broken muscles and bones were lying on the ground and wailing loudly, but they just covered their bodies with a white cloth to keep warm.

Team Qin knelt down and confirmed their faces one by one.

Reminiscent of their identities as human traffickers, the armed police at the scene may deliberately not treat them and leave them where they are.

In order to make these people suffer more.

He approached Li Si and found that Li Si was also having a hard time.

A large chunk of skin had been torn off his face, and his arm was still wrapped in bandages.

"It won't affect your acting career, right?" Team Qin sat down beside Li Si.

The little girl stopped holding the spoon. What show business? What kind of nonsense is this?

Li Si didn't care: "The doctor said that there will be no scars, so it doesn't matter. But..."

He hesitated: "Although it seems that someone died of serious injuries, but I really defended myself, sir."

Team Qin hesitated to speak, and finally sighed: "You boy."

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