"Come on, try this."

Huang Ming brought a plate of cucumber sauce, Zhang Zi dug a little into his mouth with his fingers, his face wrinkled instantly: "Wow, what is this? It's so bitter!"

People around let out good-natured laughter.

Work is work, no matter what feud they have with each other.

The atmosphere of the program group of "Typical Chinese Restaurant" was happy and harmonious, and even Li Si was honestly washing the dishes.

【Meiji】slowly docked at a pier, and several crew members came out to greet her.

They have been notified by the cultural and tourism department long ago and fully cooperated with the filming of the program. So before Li Si and their arrival, the port has everything they need ready:

Tables, chairs, a wooden signboard, and a whole team of policemen.

In this team, the one with the fewest fans is probably Li Si.

Other celebrities have more or less fanatical illegitimate meals, and when they make trouble, the destructive power cannot be underestimated. Therefore, there must be civilian police to maintain order.

With the help of the crew, the guests set up the tables and set up the stools.

There is still an hour to open, but fans who have already heard the news from Twitter have already come from all directions.

Every time a star showed his face, the crowd erupted in screams.

When Liu Jinsheng came on stage, the screams almost toppled the ceiling.

When Li Si saw it, he straightened his appearance immediately, and walked out with his head held high.

It's a pity that no one looked at him when he went around the field for a week. Only one kind person asked him if he was looking for something and how long he had been hanging around.

Li Si returned to the boat in desperation, thinking about whether to blow up the pier into the sky, all he needed was a little gasoline and coagulant...

In the captain's room, Director Zhang put down the binoculars, his face was not very good-looking: "This is bad."

They miscalculated the number of customers and chose to open their shop in the narrow port area.

If there is a riot, it is likely to cause a stampede.

"I'll discuss it with the port." He hurried off the ship.

I thought it wouldn't take long, but Director Zhang didn't come back after an hour.

Dissatisfied voices also came from the crowd. Liu Jinsheng couldn't get through the phone several times, so he had to decide to start work immediately.

The guests got off the boat, smiling and waving skillfully, and the scene was noisy like a fan meeting.

"Liu Jinsheng! Liu Jinsheng look here!"

"Shuhua, Shuhua saw me! Ahhhhh!"

The guardrails moved away, and the crowd moved slowly. The guests were in a hurry almost immediately, but this was exactly the effect the program group wanted.

The photographer brother who followed Li Si before is also there, because he faithfully recorded the whole process of Li Si chasing down the drug dealer, he is now promoted to the second leader of the photography team.

At this time, the little brother adjusted the lens, and found that Li Si could not be found in the screen strangely.

Are you still in the kitchen?

Regardless of other people's dissuasion, the younger brother quickly packed up his photography equipment and went directly to Li Si.

He walked through a short corridor and came to the basement level of the [Meiji] with the camera on his back. As soon as he went down the stairs, he heard a faint human voice.

The little brother took off the camera and adjusted it to auto focus mode.

Turning a corner, he saw the figure of Li Si. Just about to say hello to him, the little brother opened his mouth wide.

Because Li Si was picking up a person by the neck and pressing him firmly against the wall.

The man who was strangled struggled desperately. He obviously wanted to call for help, but only a small sound came out of his throat.

Holding the camera, the little brother took a few steps forward, and he suddenly remembered who that person was.

The one who was strangled by Li Si was one of the two boatmen of the [Meiji], who never showed up and stayed in the engine room almost all the time.

When Li Si turned her head, she also saw the cameraman. The little brother looked at him nervously until Li Si said, "When did you come?"

"Just arrived." The younger brother replied timidly, keeping looking at the man on the wall.

I don't know if it was an illusion, but he always felt that the other party was going to be strangled to death by Li Si.

"Then you didn't record the best part." Li Si looked regretful.

Rewind the time to fifteen minutes ago.

Li Si walked towards the cold storage angrily. There are a total of 479 fans on Twitter, and none of them came to see me.

A group of fake fans!

He remembered that there was still an ice cream tub in the freezer, so he decided to eat some vanilla flavored ones to soothe his wounded heart.

As a result, as soon as I arrived at the door of the cold storage, before Li Si entered the password, it opened by itself.

A thick white mist overflowed from the gap in the door, and a man carrying a big bag appeared in front of Li Si.

The two looked at each other, both stunned for a moment.

The man reacted faster and immediately made way for Li Si: "You go first."

Li Si is not polite. When passing by the man, he casually asked, "What's in the bag?"

The man quickly replied: "It's garbage, I'll go and dump it right away."

This answer fell into his ears, making Li Si pause.

First of all, garbage is generally dumped on the ground floor of the ship. Secondly, if it was garbage, why didn't Li Si smell any bad smell when passing by.

These thoughts flashed in his mind, Li Si walked into the cold storage naturally, picked up a hard pork leg bone and looked at it carefully.

"The quality of this meat is good, and it's not filled with water." After speaking, Li Si turned around and threw the stick bone at the man.

When the man sensed the wind, it was too late to escape. He could only roll on the spot, and the stick bone hit the iron door of the cold storage firmly, making a small dent.

The bag fell to the ground in a panic. The man rushed to pick it up like crazy, but Li Si stepped on the bag with his foot.

Li Si took his time, took out the pen and stroked the bag, and the off-white powder flowed out immediately.

The man stared at Li Si firmly, his eyes full of viciousness.

Li Si pointed to the powder: "What age is this? Are you still mixing lime into the powder? It will suck people to death! Why don't you add some borax, not only is it heavier than lime, but even the color is worse than lime."

The man yelled angrily, and rushed up viciously...

"And then?" The younger brother raised his hand and asked.

Li Si kicked the man on the ground, and the unconscious man let out an unconscious cry of pain.

"Then? He got up, punched for a second, what's there to say."



The cold river water poured on his face, and the man woke up with difficulty.

The incandescent lamp above his head was shining brightly, and he moved his body, only to realize that he was tied to a chair.

Someone came up to him and tore off his hood.

Only then did the man see clearly that the guest named Li Si was standing in front of him.

Not only did he find out that he was carrying drugs, but he also tied himself to this kind of place. What does this person want to do?

The man was shocked and angry, but when he looked around, his heart suddenly turned cold.

I saw that the furnishings in the room were all pink, and there was a big heart-shaped bed beside me.

A bottle is placed on the TV cabinet. The man has good eyesight, so he can clearly see three words:


I'm stupid, no way! The man suddenly broke out in a cold sweat, feeling that the smile on Li Si's face gradually distorted into another meaning.

"I think you must have accomplices. Tell me, where are they going to meet you? If you don't tell me..." Li Si smiled and approached the man.

"I said it! I said it all! Get away from me!" the man screamed desperately.

Li Si was stunned.

This is the end? I haven't started yet.

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