Shuhua served tea to a table of guests, this table was three little girls, who timidly asked for a group photo.

Shuhua naturally did not refuse, and the little girls surrounded her happily. She made a cool pose with a blank face.

No need to laugh, the cool and literary girl was originally her character in the regiment.

The little girls thanked her with satisfaction, chattering all the way: "When I grow up, I want to find such a sister as my wife!"

Shuhua jumped forward, as if a few black lines appeared on his head.

The little girl now is really...

She rubbed her forehead, and suddenly saw two guys sneaking out of the side door.

The first person is obviously Li Si, although he has a scarf wrapped around his face several times, he is the only one on the boat who can do this kind of sand sculpture.

Shuhua also knew the people who followed Li Si. The camera guy who walked together last time, when did his relationship with Li Si get so good?

Do you want to follow?

Shuhua looked back hesitantly.

The restaurant business is basically on the right track, and there is no need for guests to run around. Fans raved about the shoddy, home-cooked meal.

Making up his mind instantly, Shuhua took off his apron and gloves, and found a pair of sunglasses on the bar.

Pulling up the collar and putting on her sunglasses, she chased in Li Si's direction.

"Brother Li, is he lying to us?" the photographer shouted loudly.

Li Si glanced back at him with an expression of [Young man, you are really too young].

"Of course he's lying to us, so what's the point?"

The unexpected answer made the cameraman exclaim: "Then what should we do, let's go back and beat him up!"

Li Si shook his head inscrutablely: "You, don't think of solving everything with violence, use your brain more."

He jumped over a puddle lightly, and the gangster squatting on the side of the road was startled by Li Si, who opened his mouth with a series of swear words.

Li Si ran five or six steps away, so he ran back and stuffed the bastard upside down into the trash can.

After catching up with the cameraman again, Li Si asked, "Do you understand?"

The photographer brother nodded in a daze.

Turning a corner, Li Si's footsteps stopped slowly. He walked straight into the storage station on the side of the road, and walked out quickly.

"Okay, let's walk back slowly."

The photographer brother was carrying heavy photographic equipment and was out of breath. When he heard this, he wanted to cry without tears: "Ah? Is this the end?"

Li Si saw that the little brother was drenched in sweat. If you don't give him an explanation, it seems that your conscience will make you feel uncomfortable.

"It will take at least fifteen minutes to untie the rope I tied that guy. It will take four minutes to get from the basement level to the [Meiji]'s back door. We should be able to catch his accomplice when we go back now."

"You mean..."

"That's right, I suspect his accomplices are on board." Li Si was resolute.

The photographer asked a question: "Why don't you call the police and let the police come and search directly?"

Li Si looked at him with contempt: "Stupid, have you ever played Werewolf?"

The cameraman nodded, then shook his head. It means that although I have played it, I have no idea what you are trying to say.

"When it comes to catching two or five youngsters, whoever is in a hurry will easily make mistakes."


Meiji number.

The man's rope was cut with a knife, and he grinned and rubbed his wrist: "Why didn't you come earlier?"

Another person lowered his head to check the traces on the ground to prevent himself from revealing his whereabouts:

"Idiot, let me tell you to choose a safer way to transport the things away. It's all right now, and you will sprinkle all the goods of the third master in the cold storage."

As soon as [Third Master] was mentioned, the man's face showed obvious fear.

Thinking of the torture he might suffer if he lost the goods, he felt like ants were crawling all over his body.

"Then, what should we do then? We can only run, the kid will find something is wrong in at most forty minutes."

The man looked at the other person, hoping that the other person could do something good.

As far as the man knew, the person in front of him seemed to be the deputy of the third master. He had been fighting for him for more than ten years and was deeply trusted by the third master.

Even if the shipment is lost, the deputy will never be punished.

The other person was not panicked, and even looked a little leisurely.

"Run? I don't plan to run. Do as I say, not only can we escape successfully, but the shipment can also be delivered to the destination." He pointed to his feet.

"After all, don't we have a very convenient means of transportation here?"

Meanwhile, the raucous open-air restaurants of the port.

Liu Jinsheng smiled and dealt with the fanatical fans.

"Group photo? Sorry, I really don't have time right now, why don't you come back in the afternoon. You're leaving in the afternoon? Okay, okay."

"Want to hug? No, how about we shake hands."

After finally getting away from the entanglement of fans, Liu Jinsheng squeezed through the crowd and finally found Huang Ming.

"Have you seen Li Si and Shu Hua?"

"Sign here? Okay..."

Huang Ming was signing an uncle's shirt, when he heard this he looked up in a daze: "I don't know, why don't you go look for it on the boat?"

Liu Jinsheng had exactly this intention, the weather was too hot, he urgently needed to go back to the boat, drink some water and take a rest.

As soon as he took a step, he retracted his foot again.

Liu Jinsheng looked around to make sure that no one was paying attention to him. So he sneaked over to the bar and picked up a case of cold beer.

No way, he already had a slight alcohol addiction.

He hadn't consumed alcohol for a long time since all the wine he was about to bring on board was smashed. It's hard not to drink all the time.

The cold beer was heavy, but Liu Jinsheng didn't want to take just one or two bottles.

There's only so much beer, so what's the point of drinking it?

Beer is meant to be drunk from a box, served with peanuts and melon seeds, salted edamame, chicken liver and duck neck.

With difficulty, he put the beer on the boat ladder and stood on the shore to wipe his sweat. I plan to rest for a while, and then put the wine on board with all my might.

Waiting on the boat, looking for a few side dishes. A sip of wine and a sip of food, how comfortable it is.

The wind from the river on the shore blew on my face, bringing a burst of coolness.

Liu Jinsheng narrowed his eyes, but suddenly heard a strange sound.

He opened his eyes and took a closer look, and was shocked to find that the [Meiji] was moving forward.

The strange sound came from the ship ladder that was gradually broken due to external force.

what happened? Why did the [Meiji] leave? Who is sailing now?

Wait, my wine!

Before Liu Jinsheng could rescue the wine ashore, the boat ladder split open from the middle with a bang.

Sawdust was flying everywhere, but Liu Jinsheng couldn't care less, he only had the case of cold beer in his eyes.

He stretched out his hand with all his strength, but just before his fingers reached the edge of the carton, the box of beer slid down the broken ship ladder.

It fell into the water with a splash and sank quickly.

Only Liu Jinsheng was left with a string of bubbles.

[Meiji] drove away slowly.

Standing on the shore, Liu Jinsheng turned to stone.

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