Officer Jin didn't come back, and the girls didn't know where to go, so they had to sit in the store.

Li Si took out a small notebook to write and draw. He seemed calm, but he was actually very guilty.

Although he didn't know how long it would be before Feng Su arrived, Li Si knew that if he dared to leave the restaurant, his fate would be even worse.

Fortunately, someone opened the door just two hours later.

It was Feng Su, wearing a dark windbreaker, followed by Bean Sprout carrying a suitcase.

【How's it going? 】 Li Si winked at Bean Sprouts.

Bean Sprout didn't even dare to shake his head to remind Li Si, so he could only use his eyes to signal Li Si to ask for blessings.

Li Si can understand Bean Sprout's eyes at a glance.

Oh hoo, it's over.

Feng Su sat down in front of Li Si, and Bean Sprout immediately took off her coat and hugged her in her arms.

Then the little girl stood neatly behind Feng Su, not looking sideways.

Brother, I don't want to be implicated, you love it to death.

Li Si coughed lightly, lowered her eyebrows and said, "Sister Susu..."

"Hmph." Feng Su breathed out through his nostrils, and turned away from looking at Li Si.

Li Si also went all out, and squatted on the ground, pitifully: "Sister Susu, I was wrong~"

Feng Su couldn't hold back any longer, and said with a straight face, "Get up first."

Li Si stood up from the ground as soon as he saw something was going on. Unexpectedly, just as he stood firm, Feng Su grabbed his ear.

Bean Sprouts looked away, unable to bear to look directly.

"Hey hey..." Li Si didn't feel any pain, but she definitely had to look good.

Feng Su pinched with all her strength for more than ten minutes, and at the end she felt a little distressed: "Do you know what's wrong?"

"I know." Li Si lowered her head.

Feng Su let out a long breath. In fact, when she saw Li Si and found that this kid was fine, most of her anger had dissipated.

"Let's go home and talk about the rest."

Li Si really wanted to agree, but he scratched his head and told Feng Su that he had joined a film crew by chance.

Feng Su kept his face expressionless, and raised his eyebrows at the end.

"What did you ask Che Chengzhi to transfer the contract to you?" Feng Su asked.

Li Si wanted to nod, but when he saw Feng Su's eyes, he stopped the car abruptly.

Feng Su had a look of resentment: "You take it as a play."

She patted the table: "Even if both parties are not present, the bilateral contract can be transferred unilaterally? They are fooling you, you are stupid."

"You go back and try now? People will definitely not recognize you as the leading actor."

Feng Suzheng'er had already passed the judicial examination, and what she said was right.

And coincidentally, although Li Si knows a little bit about everything, the law is a blind spot.

There was no emotion on Li Si's face, and he put the small notebook in his hand aside: "Okay, then let's go back to China."

He stood up, but found that Feng Su hadn't moved. Sister Susu stared at the little book and picked it up.

She flicked through the pages, and finally looked at Li Si: "...script?"

For some reason, Li Si felt a little shy, and he didn't understand what was going on.

"Uh, yes."

Feng Su turned the book over again, especially carefully looking at the densely packed annotations.

She frowned and thought for a while, then suddenly said to Li Si: "You take the bean sprouts to the hotel."

Li Si is very strange: "You..."

He shut up because Feng Su pressed an index finger to his lips.

Sister Susu is domineering once in a while: "Stop talking nonsense."

After a noisy night, the sky became slightly brighter. The girl group girls finally decided to go back to the company first, and thanked Li Si before leaving.

Especially Li Shu, she vaguely knew that Li Si probably robbed Officer Jin's car because she was beaten.

Everyone left, Li Si and Dou Sprout stood by the side of the road.

They looked at each other.

"You don't even help me!" Li Si took the lead and rubbed Douya's face vigorously.

Bean Sprout's small face was flattened and rounded by Li Si's hands, but she did not show any weakness:

"Heh, if I hadn't been coquettish with Sister Susu and talked nicely along the way, now it's time to collect the corpse, okay?"

These two guys didn't let anyone else, and they didn't stop until the hotel.

Bean Sprout is a child, who has been up all night and yawned. Li Si gave her her own bed and slept on the floor.

It was noon when I woke up again.

Li Si was woken up by the phone ringing.

He walked over to connect in a daze, and when he heard Feng Su's voice, he woke up instantly: "Sister Su Su?"

"Go downstairs now, don't make me say it a second time." Feng Su hung up the phone after finishing speaking.

Li Si put on her clothes as fast as she could and ran downstairs, Feng Su had already parked her car at the corner of the street. He got into the car: "Where are we going?"

"Audition." Feng Suxi's words were like gold.

Li Si couldn't figure it out: "An audition? I haven't even read the script."

Feng Su manipulated the steering wheel with one hand and threw a notebook into Li Si's arms.

"Haven't I watched this many times?"

Li Si was stunned and didn't speak until the audition building.

Before entering the door, he hesitated to turn his head back, but Feng Su scolded him back as soon as he opened his mouth: "Don't be nasty, hurry up, I'll accompany you in."

The door creaked open.

Entering the door is a wide hall with a long table, but only a few people sit behind the table.

The braided director I had seen before was also among them.

There was a chair in the middle, and Li Si went straight over and sat down, looking at him three or four times at the same time.

"Well, it looks good."

The person who spoke was a listless old man with obvious dark circles under his eyes. He tried to hold back his yawn several times.

"Miss Feng, we gave you this chance to audition because of you...but unfortunately, I don't think this actor named Li Si is so good."

Another person spoke too, a middle-aged woman.

She was wearing a suit and looked impatient, as if she wanted to end it all quickly.

"Director Cui, my family, Li Si, did a lot of homework on the script and it's definitely suitable for this movie. Also, I remember that one of the characters in the play is Chinese."

Feng Su answered sternly.

Director Cui laughed outright.

"You're welcome, Ms. Feng. You asked us to play the leading role for you before you were too proud to say a few words."

She trimmed her hair: "Well, Li Si... isn't it?"

She crossed her legs and leaned back in the chair.

"The role you're auditioning for is a highly skilled international thief. I'll give you five minutes, and you can do something. As long as you can impress me, you can be considered for this role."

Feng Su raised her eyebrows: "This is different from what we agreed..."

But Li Si spoke at this moment.

"It's a deal." He flexed his wrist: "Give me five minutes, and I can steal your watch."

He pointed to the Patek Philippe watch on Director Cui's wrist.

Director Cui sneered and shook his head slightly. Most of the other people's eyes were mocking.

Li Si began to walk around the field, passing the sleepy old man and others in turn, and finally came to Director Cui.

"May I shake hands?" he said.

Director Cui looked up at him and pushed the table: "It's time."

The rest of the people roared with laughter, as if they had seen a good joke.

In loud laughter.

In full view.

Li Si slowly took out a light silver wallet from his sleeve.

The sleepy old man stopped smiling immediately. He looked at the wallet in horror, and then fumbled for it like crazy.

When he found that his arms were empty, his face turned pale.

Director Cui also noticed the wallet and subconsciously glanced at the sleepy old man.

Li Si ignored them, but slowly opened the wallet.

"Stealing is actually a lot like magic. It's not hard at all to take someone's stuff as long as they're focusing their attention elsewhere."

Pull out the banknote, and there is a photo inside.

Li Si looked at the photo curiously, but found that the content on it... can be summed up in one word.


Li Si's pupils shook violently.

He looked at the sleepy old man first, then Director Cui, and instantly wanted to wash his eyes.

How big are you two playing?

Director Cui also realized something, and his face immediately turned pale.

She looked at the sleepy old man for help. Hearing a "squeak", the old man passed out directly.

"President? What's wrong with you, President! Call an ambulance!"

The hall instantly became chaotic.

Amidst the yelling, Li Si took out his mobile phone. Well, sure enough, back up the photos first.

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