On the way back by plane, Feng Su still refused to believe what had just happened.

With great difficulty, I helped Li Si get an audition opportunity, but as soon as he got it, he directly detonated the pornographic news about the president of the performing arts company?

The married director of the company is also involved?

That photo is not big, and the amount of information is directly full.

I don't know what kind of mentality the old man had, so he put such an important photo in his wallet.

Feng Su wanted to help send the president to the hospital, but was stopped by others.

Especially Director Cui. This arrogant woman was about to collapse, crying and begging Li Si to leave quickly, she didn't want to see him again in this life.

Li Si's heart softened for a moment, and he didn't use the photo backup on his mobile phone to blackmail him.

She was pitiful enough, her privacy was exposed, her marriage broke down, and she had to deal with hundreds of entertainment reporters gathered in front of the hospital.

That scene was like a zombie siege.

In the afternoon, the three left Korea in a hurry. On the plane back to China, Li Si finally asked out the doubts in his heart.

"Sister Susu, why did you ask me to audition all of a sudden?"

Feng Su seemed to have anticipated this question, and answered quickly: "Because it feels like you have changed."

"Changed?" Li Si wondered.

Feng Su waved down the flight attendant's free biscuits, while Bean Sprout grabbed a handful of them unceremoniously.

She pinched Bean Sprout's face before answering:

"At the beginning of the year, you suddenly felt very strange."

"The eyes are fierce, and he always buys messy things. He doesn't care about anything, and he doesn't like filming."

At the beginning of the year, Li Si just came into this world.

At that time, the criminal template had a great influence on his behavior, and it has not been slowly getting better until recently.

"But you started working on the script again." She pointed to the little notebook.

Feng Su smiled happily.

"I thought you gave up on acting. You have been sluggish in those two movies before, and others say I forced you to go."

Li Si slowly restrained his expression, sitting on a chair and meditating.

When I saw the script, although I only had a rough look, I was immediately attracted by it.

It's a completely different feeling than when you were in "Crystal Lake Massacre" or "Ghostshots."

There is a kind of excitement from the heart.

The bean sprouts were eating biscuits. She used to save her favorite food for the end and enjoy it.

At the end of the meal, the strawberry biscuits lay in the palm of my hand.

Bean Sprouts solemnly unwrapped the package, then watched as Li Si swished the biscuit away and threw it into his mouth.

"I, I fight with you!"

Bean Sprout jumped on Li Si and punched Li Si.

Li Si chewed on the biscuit, no matter how much the bean sprouts were beaten, he remained motionless. He said suddenly: "I want to make a movie."

Bean Sprout stopped what he was doing and looked at him worriedly.

Am I hitting that hard? Make Li Si stupid?

Or did Feng Su understand Li Si's meaning: "Do you like the story of this international thief so much?"

After getting an affirmative answer, Feng Su bit her finger.

As we all know, there are two kinds of wishing machines in this world. One is in fairy tales, and the other is called Sister Susu who loves you.

So Feng Su pondered for a long time, then slowly said: "Actually...it's not impossible. I can try it, don't expect too much."

Bean Sprout looked at Feng Su in a daze.

Based on her understanding of Feng Su, this basically means that things can be done.

"Sumen." Li Si folded his palms devoutly.

Feng Su shyly slapped him on the head: "Get out!"


There are some parents in this world who never do what they promise their children.

They like to make all kinds of empty promises, but at the end they proudly say: "You are still young, this thing is not given to you for your own good."

The end result is that the child becomes more and more silent and less communicative. So they went to places like Zhihu to ask: "Why is my child so rebellious?"

Sister Susu will always be a counterexample to this kind of person.

After getting off the plane, Li Si and Dou Sprout went home to rest, but Feng Su disappeared again.

Until two days later, she came back exhausted.

"It's time for investment," she said.

Feng Su showed Li Si the contract, and three investment companies jointly signed the contract, with a total investment of 67 million.

This money may not be enough to make blockbuster special effects films, but it is more than enough for ordinary commercial films.

As soon as Sister Susu entered the door, she lay sprawled on the sofa, and she didn't even have the strength to move a finger.

"Script and actors, you have to figure out your own way. Oh, and the director... Huhu..." She gave a few sleepy instructions, and soon fell asleep.

Li Si moved Feng Su into the bedroom and closed the curtains.

Bean Sprout took out a warm wet towel and wiped Feng Su's face and hands, so that he could feel more comfortable.

"What do you think?" she asked Li Si.

Li Si remained silent and picked up the phone.

The first person to receive Li Si's call was Liu Jinsheng.

"Hey, don't make me laugh. I do have an empty schedule, but do you know how much it costs me to be in a movie? Your movie investment is less than 100 million."

"Islay whiskey? Wait, I'm a little dizzy. Where did you get it? It's all in the hands of private collectors, not in circulation at all."

"What do you mean by extorting from Koreans? Don't lie to me unless you give me a picture."

"...Brother Li, I've decided to act in this movie! It doesn't matter whether you drink or not, the main reason is that I think the script is good."

The second person to receive the call was Director Tian, ​​who had just finished filming "Gunshot" and was on vacation in Singapore.

"Director? International Thief? Haha, sorry Li Si, I'm not very interested in this kind of story, but I can recommend some directors I know to you. How to get them to join is up to you."

"Really? Liu Jinsheng also participated in the role? How did you convince... Hehe, draw a cake for me, right? I don't believe it, unless you show me the chat history."

"...Brother Li, send me the script for a look. I'm going back to China now. It doesn't matter if there are movie kings or not, the main thing is to admire you."

The third……

I do not know how long it has been.

The bedroom of Li Si's house.

Feng Su slept for a long time, and finally opened her eyes, feeling that her stomach was going to be deflated.

There was a faint noise from the kitchen. She rubbed her eyes and got up, and opened the door in her pajamas.

Must be Li Si and Bean Sprouts again.

He didn't set an example for the little girl at all, and the family became more and more noisy.

Feng Su poured herself a cup of hot water and ate another biscuit. Her stomach felt much more comfortable, and she opened the kitchen door: "What are you arguing about!"

In the kitchen, Liu Jinsheng stared blankly at Feng Su with a chicken paw in his mouth.

"Liu, Liu Jinsheng?"

Feng Su panicked.

Why did Liu Jinsheng run to his house when he woke up?

time travel? Kidnap?

She was thinking wildly, when Li Si came out with a plate of fried peanuts: "Ah, sister Susu, you're awake. Brother Liu, this is peanuts. You drink first, and I'll go fry the plate with wine and vegetables."

"Enough is enough, don't you still have elbows?"

Another person stood up, Feng Su looked over and found that it was Tian Dao, who is well-known in the world.

The three of them formed a table, spitting and pointing. There is a small table for bean sprouts alone, and they eat fried noodles with small bites.

Feng Su closed his eyes.

Get up.

Otherwise, why did he wake up, and the film king and the international director went home to eat together.

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