The heist of the century.

Liu Jinsheng and Director Tian smacked these five words in their hearts, and smiles appeared on their faces, as if they agreed very much.

"What a broken name, change it to "Stealing the Sky and Changing the Sun"." Tian Dao picked up a pen and crossed out that line.

Before Li Si could talk with Dao Tian, ​​Liu Jinsheng also joined in: "It's too straightforward, without any sense of beauty. I think it's more appropriate to call it "Across the World."

He also crossed out Tian Dao's line.

This time the pot exploded completely, and the three of them quarreled into a ball.

Feng Su put his hand under Bean Sprout's armpit, picked up the little girl and walked aside to prevent the contagion of foolishness.

At the point of excitement, Director Tian rolled up his sleeves: "Hey, look at my bad temper..."

Li Si took off his shirt silently, and the muscle lines of his back were clearly visible.

Director Tian sat back.

"Let's discuss the plot."

Liu Jinsheng agreed very much. He had held back his words for a long time, and whenever he had a chance to speak, he couldn't wait to ask:

"Tell me first, why did the protagonist rob the safe instead of the vault?"

Li Si didn't think about it: "The difference is that the safe is privately owned by the customer."

"So?" Liu Jin was puzzled.

"High claim." Li Si said four words.

He explained that saying that a private safe means that the amount involved in the case is confidential, and customers can arbitrarily exaggerate their losses. So they will not put pressure on the police to find the robbers and the lost property as soon as possible. but...

"Transfer the pressure to the bank and let the bank compensate, I understand."

Liu Jinsheng helped him finish the second half of the sentence.

Director Tian raised his hand:

"I also have a question. In the end, the protagonist was arrested, but only sentenced to one year and four months. Is this plot arrangement reasonable?"

Li Si said toy guns were used throughout and no one was injured. According to the local law in Rio de Janeiro, Brazil, a sentence of one year and four months is a heavy sentence.

Then the two asked Li Si more than a dozen questions, and Li Si answered fluently without even getting stuck.

The more they listened, the stronger the appreciation in their hearts.

That's called good preparation, and lo and behold, it's true.

Even the unpopular knowledge of Brazilian law is there, so how much information does it need to check.

"Okay, the discussion of the plot is almost here." Director Tian knocked on the table.

"Let's talk about casting."

"The Heist of the Century", of course, can also be called "Stealing the Sky and Changing the Sun" or "Across the World". There are four main characters in total.

The protagonist, Li Zheng, is the mastermind of the robbery.

The old man Song Qi, a professional thief, is in charge of dealing with the police.

The strong man Mo Duo, the protagonist's best friend, has a carefree personality and a beard. Preferably a foreigner.

Doctor Zhou Wen is calm and wise.

Other roles can be put aside first, but the actors of these four roles must be determined first.

The protagonist is Li Si, and the doctor is played by Liu Jinsheng. There is no doubt about it.

Regarding the old man, Director Tian also has candidates in his mind, and he plans to contact him later.

But the strong man...

"I know someone who is very suitable." Li Si said.

He went outside to make a phone call, and two hours later, Lumick showed up at the door, not reeking of alcohol.

Li Si opened the door for him.

The Irishman followed Li Si into the house, and when he saw two unfamiliar faces sitting in the living room, his pupils constricted instantly, and he subconsciously wanted to run away.

He thought he was sold to the police by Li Si.

"Don't panic, it's business." Li Si took a step across and stood at the door.

This sentence brought Lumick back to his sanity.

The Irishman's chest heaved violently, but he sat down slowly.

"Tell me, do you want to buy a dog or something?" He calmed down.

"One thousand for a long dog, five hundred for a short dog. If you want a greyhound, you must prepare the materials yourself, otherwise you will have to pay an additional price and wait for about 30 days."

long dog? short dog? Greyhound?

Director Tian and Liu Jinsheng didn't understand, Li Si pressed Lumick's shoulder: "Stop selling, they are allergic to dog hair."

"Oh, you're selling puppies? I'm not allergic to dog fur, but I don't like keeping pets either." Liu Jinsheng thought he understood.

Lumick frowned and looked at Li Si, not understanding why he brought himself to meet the two raw melons.

The long dog is a shotgun, the short dog is a pistol, and the gray dog ​​is a shotgun, the one he sold to Li Si before.

Anyone who has been around for more than a year has no reason not to know these slang words.

Director Tian wanted to help him out: "Li Si said, you can play a role in our crew. Are you interested?"

This sentence had the opposite effect, and Lumick was even more confused.

"What the hell are you playing?" He glared at Li Si.

"The salary is about 300,000 yuan, I'm sorry I can't give you more." Director Tian continued.

"I've always thought of myself as an actor," Lumick replied immediately.

The problem is perfectly solved like this.

Lumick's appearance conditions are very suitable for Director Tian's needs, but he still needs to ask a few questions.

"What is your current job?"

The very first question stumped Lumick.

He winked at Li Si crazily, wondering if this was just a trick of the plainclothes police.

Li Si coughed lightly: "He is a craftsman, and he is mainly engaged in the finishing of small iron products."

"That's right!" Lumick nodded vigorously.


Director Tian felt weird, but he continued to ask, "Why did you come to China?"

Lumick broke out in a cold sweat.

Am I fucking going to tell you I'm a smuggler?

He looked to Li Si for help, but found that this guy didn't look at him at all.

His lips moved, and Lumick suddenly choked out a sentence: "My father..."

He shut up immediately.

Li Si stood with his back to Lumick, squinting his eyes.

The Irishman, who had been silent about his past, finally let it slip.

"Oh, family reasons, I understand." Director Tian didn't ask any more questions, but skipped to the last question.

"Where do you think the bottom line of morality is?"

This question seemed to press the pause button for the room, Lumick shut up on the spot, and sat on the chair in a daze, without saying a word.

There was an eerie silence in the room.

Director Tian didn't understand what was going on.

Then he suddenly noticed that the burly Irish man on the opposite side was holding the table leg tightly, his fingers turned white.

Director Tian was taken aback by this.

I just want to see the actor's on-the-spot reactions and eloquence, why is this guy so excited?

"Forget it, let's make an appointment for an audition." He hurriedly stood up.

Soon, Director Tian and Liu Jinsheng left one after another. Lumick didn't stay long, and quickly offered to leave.

Li Si sent him to the door.

"The business of 300,000 yuan, although I don't quite understand it, but thank you." Lumick said goodbye to Li Si.

Li Si said a few off-topic words.

"I've always thought you shouldn't be in this business, Lumick. Other weapon dealers can make a living with earthen guns, but you are lucky. Your craftsmanship is industrial-grade, but you can only live in the cellar."

"In the last nine months, you've sold a dog. If you weren't really starving to death, you wouldn't even sell me that greyhound."

Li Si patted Lumick on the shoulder.

"Come here, I can give you a second chance."

Lumick stared at Li Si, the expression on his face sank.

"You think you see through me?"

He paused every word, full of ferocity.

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