"I see it through, I really see it through. Don't hit, don't hit Brother Li."

Lumick lay on the stairs with a bruised nose and a swollen face, begging for mercy vaguely.

Li Si flicked the ashes on his shoulders.

This guy looked tall and powerful, but he was knocked down in a matter of seconds, so you still want to fight him?

Lumick didn't dare to speak, lay down on the ground and pretended to be dead.

The door slammed shut.

It took a long time for Lumick to get up with difficulty, feeling his head buzzing.

He spat out a mouthful of bloody saliva.

This dog is really ruthless. Even though I didn't want to hold back...

Holding on to the wall, he limped downstairs.

Someone happened to pass by and was taken aback by this foreigner covered in dust and blood. Others asked Lumick if he needed help, but he shook his head and refused.

In this state, if he goes to take the bus, someone is likely to call the police, and he will definitely face endless questioning.

But he has no money to take a taxi. So Lumick could only move back to his basement step by step. It took half an hour to walk for a full two hours.

There was a damp musty smell in the basement.

This is because the gasket of the water pipe in the corner is rusted and sewage is constantly seeping out.

Lumick has long been used to the smell.

He struggled to climb onto the plank bed, lay down, and let out a sigh of relief.

I can't lie down for too long, the forehead is still bleeding, so I have to bandage it quickly.

So after resting for about half an hour, he got up and looked for the medicine box.

However, there was only half a roll of yellowed bandages in the box. It was only then that Lumick remembered that he had exchanged all the painkillers for wine with the cripple next door.


He had to lie down again and grab a bottle of bad whiskey.

ton ton ton~

The rough-tasting spirits flowed into his stomach, and Lumian's mind was in a trance for a while.

He has consumed countless bottles of spirits over the past few months.

If this continues, I am afraid that he will die of a stroke or acute renal failure.

But Lumick didn't care. Every time he gets too drunk, he can temporarily forget those damn memories.

Otherwise, when he closes his eyes, he will involuntarily think of his father's disgusting stupid face.

"Luke, you don't even dare to shoot? There is no such coward in the Miyan family."

He still remembered the surprise and contempt in his father's eyes when he said this.

"Hold the gun up, yes, hold it tight. Aim for the head... the heart is fine too."

"Okay, pull the trigger, and the money is yours. This is a stranger, you don't even know her. Pull the trigger, blow her head off, and you can go anywhere with the money."

"What did you say? You don't want to do this?"


As the strong wine was poured into his mouth, those voices gradually faded away.

Lumick, or Luke Miyan's consciousness gradually fell into darkness, and he felt a long-lost peace.

I really want to keep going like this...

However, things backfired.

A cold and piercing feeling suddenly hit her, and at the same time she was hit hard in the abdomen.

Lumick coughed loudly and spat out the contents of his stomach.

His mind suddenly cleared up a little, as if a drowning person poked his head out of the water by luck.

Lumick's eyes widened.

He found himself hanging upside down from the ceiling.

Not far away, two figures, one big and one small, were sitting on the edge of the bed. The older one asked: "Can this really sober you up?"

The younger one looked confident: "That's right! When I upset them, they would hang me upside down and make me [sane]."

This has nothing to do with sobering up! Lumick yelled inwardly.

But the more he wanted to talk, the more uncomfortable his trachea became: "Cough, cough, cough..."

"Oh! It turned out to be like this!"

The older one exclaimed: "But why do I feel that he is about to choke to death?"

"Cough cough cough cough cough!" (You're fucking right!)

The other party beat Lumick in the stomach, trying to make him spit out the wine. But the technique was too rough, and some liquid entered the trachea.

He was having trouble breathing now, and his eyes were starting to roll white.

Just when Lumick really thought he was going to die in such a funny way, the rope wrapped around his feet was loosened. He was rescued in a hurry, and then thrown on the bed.

Lumick quickly rolled over and sat up, gasping for air, wet all over.

When he saw Li Si and Dou Sprout clearly, he took out the gun from the cabinet and punched them in the face.

"You almost killed me..."

Li Si interrupted him: "You almost killed yourself."

He picked up Lumick's unfinished drink, which still had some liquid left in the bottle.

He took out the lighter, lit it, and with a bang, the flames jumped at least thirty centimeters.

"Where did you buy the wine? This man's heart is dark enough. He's still adding methanol to the wine in the 21st century. You're lucky if you don't go blind."

Lumick froze for a few seconds before covering his face with his hands.


Only after walking through the gates of hell can I feel the chill. Lumick covered his face and suddenly figured out something.

He went to the kitchen to wash his face, and came back to stand opposite Li Si.

"I fucked you." He said firmly.

Lumick figured it out.

Getting himself drunk to death will only make his perverted dad happier by forcing him to kill.

It's better to find a boss here, earn some money, and live a good life.

"Since I've joined the gang, tell me, what do we do?"

Lumick's big horse is a golden knife.

"Information provider? Consultant? Or a convoy of goods? If it's a convoy, I have a few friends who drive trucks, and I think they can help."

He had various guesses about Li Si's identity, but he was never sure. I just feel that this person's temperament is somewhere between a murderer and a mafia.

Li Si was stunned: "I'm filming, did you misunderstand something?"

Lumick frowned. He had studied the domestic slang words carefully, but none of them seemed to be able to correspond to "filming".

Just as he was about to ask further, Dou Sprout handed over the phone.

On the screen is the encyclopedia of 【Actor Li Si】.

Lumick took the phone with a dazed expression and slid down, "Crystal Lake Massacre", "Gunshots of the Thieves"...At the end there is a group photo of Li Si and Liu Jinsheng. The two of them hooked their shoulders, their smiles were very bright, as if they were having adultery.

The photo is accompanied by an interview.

[ Li Si: You ask me what it means to be an actor? I think everyone has a different answer to that question, but for me, I really want to bring laughter and truth to the world. 】

Lumick began to ponder.

He was already mentally prepared to follow Li Si into the bloody black world...

As a result, your style of painting suddenly changed, and you became like this? What about laughter and truth, kindness and beauty?

Really saw the Christ ghost of Jesus!

"So I have to be an actor with you..."

"Wrong!" Li Si took out several contracts and a pen like magic.

"Come on, sign the contract. You are the full-time bodyguard of [Fengsu Performing Arts Company], a gold medal fighter, and also a doorman by the way, and finally the signed artist."

Lumick looked at the densely packed contract clauses.

He suddenly remembered that when he was a child in his hometown in Ireland, his brothers forced a grocery store owner to sign a usury loan that he would never be able to repay in his life.

"If you think about it, sign it quickly. I have to find a prop master for the crew this afternoon." Li Si urged.

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