Bean Sprout was flustered for a moment, but Li Si rushed to the kitchen with a whoosh.

He had seen that the woman's face was not right, so his muscles were tense, and he did not dare to relax for a moment.

The only thing that disappointed Li Si was that the woman locked the door and yelled to catch the thief instead of taking out a knife after entering the kitchen.

Then you have to be gentle with yourself, or you will be embarrassed.

As soon as the woman yelled, Li Si rushed to the door. She also hoped that the door could be blocked for a while, but Li Si directly grabbed the doorknob and kicked the door open.

What superman?

Under the woman's dull gaze, Li Si lifted her up with one hand, and then took out the ether handkerchief.

"Either I will give you a punch, or you will be stunned, choose yourself."

The woman was so frightened that she didn't dare to say anything, and tremblingly chose the latter, Li Si pressed the handkerchief to her face unceremoniously.

The woman passed out, and Li Si put her on the ground to lie flat.

"What should we do now?" Bean Sprout asked.

Li Si leaned out of the window, it was still quiet outside, and the shout didn't seem to have disturbed many people.

But we can't stay here any longer, Li Si glanced at the woman lying on the ground: "I have to take her away, she saw our faces."

Bean Sprout shrugged, the question was still the same: "What should I do?"

Li Si turned his head to look at the big black garbage bag in the kitchen, and had an idea in his mind.

"Go back to sleep, and I'll take care of the rest."

The night was getting darker, and on the dirt road in the country, a few drunken young people swayed, hooked their shoulders, and sang vulgar tunes.

They drank until midnight on the town and only now thought of going home. Although the law and order around here is not very good, they are not afraid of robbery.

Anyone can see that they have spent all their money on wine, and if there is a robber, it is a big deal to buy him a drink.

These people kept laughing until they passed one.

Someone stopped in his tracks and asked drunkenly, "Just now, hiccup, what happened just now?"

Everyone turned their heads and saw a figure walking away slowly. The man was carrying a large garbage bag, and he didn't know what was in it.

The drunks looked at each other, and their thoughts came alive.

It seemed to be a pig in there, or half a mutton.

In the darkness, someone laughed a few times. They turned slowly and followed the man.

The other party didn't seem to hear anything, just walked forward dully.

"Brother, hiccup, buddy! Where are you going?" Someone yelled.

The figure quickened its pace, and in the eyes of the drunks, this was a sign of fear. They became more courageous, threw away the wine bottle and ran away.

"Don't be afraid! Brother, don't be afraid!"

One yelled: "Show us what's in the bag, we're hungry for meat, we're paying for it!"

The other party also ran, the big garbage bag was bouncing, and the bottom of the bag seemed to be unable to support it, making a tearing sound.

The drunks laughed wildly. It would be great if the contents of the bag fell out, and they could just keep it for themselves.

The person at the front stopped suddenly, and the person behind couldn't stop the car, and the two collided.

Before he could scold his mother, he suddenly noticed that the person in the front opened his mouth wide and pointed forward, with a frightened expression on his face.

Looking in the direction of the finger, everyone's faces turned green, and most of them were sober.

There was a crack under the big garbage bag, and a limp arm fell out of it, shaking in the wind.

"The man who carried the corpse?" Someone was tongue-tied.

The corpse bearer is a popular ghost story around here. According to the customs in the country, if you meet someone carrying a corpse in the middle of the night, the king of Hades will come to claim your life.

This group of people looked at each other in blank dismay, how excited they were just now, how scared they are now.

"Go back, go home."

"Yes, hurry home!"

They ran wildly in the direction of the village.

Li Si looked back at them running away, very puzzled.

He has all the pens ready, and he will wait until he walks a little further, and he will start when there is no one at all.

As a result, just a few steps away, all the enemies ran away.

so sharp? Can this detect danger?

Puzzled, he adjusted his posture. Suddenly, there was a sound of Chi, and the big garbage bag split open, and the woman fell solidly to the ground.

Li Si felt very sorry, so he took out three large garbage bags in one breath, put them together, and poked out ventilation holes thoughtfully.

That would be fine for sure.

Carrying a large garbage bag, Li Si continued to trek towards the town.


Bean sprouts slept until dawn, dressed, washed, and everything was as usual.

She sat at the table, and her breakfast was porridge, steamed buns, pickles, and two boiled eggs. Bean Sprout took a sip of the porridge and choked on the inferior taste.

It's far from Sister Susu's craftsmanship.

She picked up the steamed bun and took another bite, completely giving up the plan to fill her stomach. The steamed buns were not steamed at all, they were all raw.

It was a strange morning, only grandma and three children at the table, neither father nor mother were there.

Grandma drank the porridge slowly, and when the bowl of porridge was almost finished, father and mother came back with gloomy faces.

"A hen has escaped." These were the first words my father said when he sat at the table. He didn't care whether the steamed buns were cooked or not, so he picked them up and took a big bite.

Bean Sprout drank his saliva with a normal face, but he didn't want to, his mother suddenly cast gloomy eyes on her.

The woman stared at Bean Sprout for a long time, but Bean Sprout just pretended not to see it.

Soon, the mother's brows gradually stretched.

Also, what can a female doll have to do with this matter, I am too nervous.

She smirked and asked Bean Sprouts if she wanted some porridge, but Bean Sprouts shook her head and refused, and she didn't try to persuade her anymore.

Nearly eight o'clock, the director came.

Today's filming is still at school, the director said earnestly to Dou Sprout: "Just make trouble once, just once, otherwise the show won't be able to go on."

He thought it would take a lot of talking, but Douya was easy to talk to today, so he readily agreed.

The first class in the morning is physical education, which is still taught by Mr. Huang.

There is no playground in the elementary school, only an open space. Teacher Huang put on clothes that are easy to move. She made the children run twice around the clearing, and she followed at the end of the procession.

The director sets up the camera.

In his opinion, this way of teaching is quite stupid. Children in the country have plenty of outdoor sports, where they need to run laps.

But he doesn't point fingers, he just does his job well, and the camera is on Bean Sprouts.

Bean sprouts hid in the crowd, without saying a word, looking very inconspicuous.

She heard someone talking about why Erhu didn't come to school today.

The team started to run, and Bean Sprouts gradually slowed down until they kept pace with Teacher Huang.

Teacher Huang lowered his head and asked with concern: "Can't keep up? How about we run together, the children in the city really haven't had very good physical strength these years."

Bean Sprout raised his face and smiled at her.

Running and running, she seemed a little tired, and Bean Sprout's footsteps gradually became scattered. Suddenly, she stretched out a foot in front of Teacher Huang.

Teacher Huang was caught off guard and fell down on the spot.

The open space was full of gravel, big and small. She clutched her leg, which had already been cut with blood flowing.

The team stopped, and everyone looked at her. Teacher Huang was sweating coldly, and waved his hand: "Everyone go play first..."

Almost everyone left without hesitation.

No one cared about her injury.

Only Bean Sprout squatted beside her, with teary eyes: "Teacher, I'm sorry, you bleed a lot. Oh my god, I didn't mean it, so I have to bandage it up."

The director also rushed over.

He was scared stupid.

It's true that the bean sprouts are making pranks, but it's so ruthless when they make a move?

He could tell at a glance that Mr. Huang's leg injury was so serious that it would have to be mosaiced on TV.

"I'll drive, let's go to the town quickly." The director made a decisive decision.

Bean Sprout shook his head vigorously: "No, no, I have to go to the city. Uncle director, please send Teacher Huang to the city~"

The director was right when he thought about it. He was about to say, let's go now, but someone approached them.

It was a gentle middle-aged man, wearing glasses. He carefully looked at Teacher Huang's injury, and then said seriously:

"No, it's too late to go to the city. My house has a professional medicine box. Mr. Huang, come to my house."

"Then I will trouble Teacher Chen." Teacher Huang said reluctantly.

It turned out that he was another teacher in the elementary school.

"It's still being recorded! This person is hurt!" The director jumped up and asked the cameraman to rush to help.

Several people hurriedly carried Mr. Huang into the car.

But he didn't see the bean sprouts behind him, and his face completely darkened.

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