Teacher Chen is a local, and usually sleeps in the dormitory of the school's teaching staff, but he also has a place to live in Niangzi Village.

He directed the program team to carry Teacher Huang into his home, and Bean Sprout followed silently like a shadow.

The female teacher was put on the bed in the bedroom. Teacher Chen arranged everything, and then went to find the medicine box.

The director kept an eye out.

When Mr. Chen came back with a simple small box, he found that there was a photographer and a lighting engineer in the bedroom.

This meant distrusting him a bit, but Teacher Chen just smiled and didn't say much.

This made the director a little guilty, feeling that he used the heart of a villain to measure the belly of a gentleman.

Not only that, in order to avoid suspicion, Teacher Chen also asked a female staff member to administer medicine to Teacher Huang. The pale yellow medicinal powder was sprinkled on the wound, and the painful female teacher let out a "hiss".

"Don't worry, the pain will be gone soon." Teacher Chen comforted her and put a bandage on her.

Teacher Huang nodded painfully.

After treating the wound briefly, Teacher Chen straightened up: "Okay, okay, let her sleep for a while."

Teacher Huang also thanked: "Please everyone, I will take a rest here..."

A series of actions by Mr. Chen have already won the trust of the program crew.

After not staying for long, the director took someone to say goodbye, and before leaving, he asked Dou Sprout if he wanted to go with him.

Bean Sprout shook his head, tears welling in his eyes: "I'm going to wait for the teacher here. By the way, Uncle Director, can you lend me a cell phone?"

This Mr. Chen is a local, 100% problematic.

The backpack was left at the villager's house, the mobile phone was not with him, and most of the medicines were not with him. Even with a sneak attack, she might not be able to deal with a grown man.

She needs to contact Li Si.

The director is very serious: "Douya, you are not allowed to play with your mobile phone during school. If you want to call someone, you can use the landline."

The conversation between the two was overheard by Mr. Chen. The middle-aged man came over and said, "I have a landline in my study, so use mine."

The director spread his hands: "Great, the problem is solved."

Solve the fart!

Bean Sprout lowered his head, and silently cursed a series of obscenities in his heart.

The director walked out, and not long after, the program crew left cleanly.

Bean Sprout was sitting on the sofa, his thin figure looked a little pitiful.

Teacher Chen sat across from her with a bunch of picture albums in her arms, and smiled friendlyly: "Are the bean sprouts hungry?"

Bean Sprout shook his head and said in a lovely voice, "I'm not hungry, I'm really worried about the teacher."

"Don't worry, I'll take care of her."

When he said this, Teacher Chen's tone was strange for a moment. He reached out to touch Bean Sprout's face, but Bean Sprout shrank back and hid.

He thought it was a little girl who was afraid of strangers, and didn't take it to heart at all.

It would be better to say that he was already impatient, and there was no room for other things in his mind.

"If you're hungry, there are peach cakes in the kitchen. The teacher has gone to the study to prepare lessons, and Teacher Huang is also resting on the second floor. Do not disturb us by bean sprouts."

Bean Sprout nodded obediently, and said "OK" softly.

A smile appeared on Teacher Chen's face, and he walked to the second floor. If you look closely, you will find that the footsteps are somewhat eager.

Boom boom boom.

This is the sound of going up the stairs.

Teacher Chen told himself ten thousand times in his heart, not to be impatient.

But with his back turned to Bean Sprouts, the smile on his face slowly twisted.

My hometown is so nice...

Young women can be abducted casually, and the whole village will cover it up for you, so even the police can't find conclusive evidence.

He went up to the second floor, but didn't go into the study, but went directly to the bedroom.

Teacher Huang has fallen asleep, with a calm face and even breathing.

The middle-aged man's throat rolled, he couldn't bear it anymore, and stretched out his hands.

Teacher Huang's eyelashes trembled, and he slowly woke up. Seeing Mr. Chen close at hand, she suddenly understood what had happened.

"leave me alone!"

But this sentence is weak and weak, and it only excites the man even more.

Teacher Chen laughed, extremely excited. But at this moment, a stabbing pain suddenly came from his back.

He turned around in astonishment, and saw the little girl who was always crying standing behind him.

His expression was completely different from usual.

"you you……"

He wanted to grab the bean sprouts, but his head suddenly became dizzy. The man was startled and angry: "What did you inject me with?"

The bean sprouts put the syringe aside, wasting no time.

Bypassing the struggling man, she helped the female teacher up.

"Let's go."

Suddenly seeing such bean sprouts, Teacher Huang was a little confused for a while. She was held by Bean Sprout and obediently walked out of the house.

She found that Bean Sprout's palms were covered in cold sweat.

"Do not be afraid."

The female teacher couldn't help but blushed.

He saved himself, no matter what, he must be much calmer than himself.

But Bean Sprouts was actually really scared.

She was afraid of killing herself.

She had just been injected with propofol, a prescription anesthetic. This drug is one of the safest narcotics, so it can be obtained with a little effort.

It works by inducing sleep, not coma.

But the normal dose of propofol is up to 50 mg injected within ten seconds.

In desperation just now, in order to ensure that the man lost his ability to move, Bean Sprout injected a needle in one breath, conservatively estimated to be more than 100 mg.

There was a thud from upstairs, the sound of a man falling to the floor.

Teacher Huang turned her head worriedly, but Bean Sprouts pulled her hard and told her to hurry up.

"I have to find you a car." Bean Sprout murmured.

But she knew it was a fantasy.

There are dirt roads all around the village, and apart from tractors and several types of heavy vehicles, no cars can drive in.

"Have you brought your mobile phone?" Bean Sprout asked the female teacher.

When in doubt, go to Li Si first.

Teacher Huang unlocked the phone and handed it to Dou Sprout. The latter was about to dial Li Si's number when he heard a noise and the front door was opened.

One big and one small turned their heads at the same time.

A tall and strong villager came in from the door and looked at them in surprise.

The other party's eyes gradually darkened: "Where is Chen Bin?"

This is Teacher Chen's name.

"What should we do now?" Teacher Huang asked quietly.

The bean sprouts were very crisp, and he raised his hands directly.

"Surrender, save your life first."


Li Si makes an appointment with Bean Sprouts. Every day at eight o'clock in the morning, twelve o'clock at noon, six o'clock in the evening, and twelve o'clock in the middle of the night, the two have to communicate with each other once.

But this time, Li Si sent a text message, but did not get a reply for a long time.

He sat in the grocery store, munching on potato chips, and sent another letter ten minutes later.

This time the result was the same as last time, the phone was quiet.

Li Si raised her neck and poured the last bits of potato chips into her mouth. He called the director:

"Oh, a female teacher was injured."

"The male teacher surnamed Chen...Understood."

"Where's the bean sprouts? Well, it turns out that the bean sprouts are fine. I'm a little worried. A family is like this. If you don't see your child for a few days, you will inevitably have wild thoughts."

Li Si hung up the phone amidst the director's reassurance, "Don't worry, we will take care of the bean sprouts."

Dial another number.


"At home? Have you made a dog recently? Is the craftsmanship getting rusty?"

"It's fine if you don't have one. I need a long dog. By the way, I remember that you also have a WASP diving knife in your collection. Can you lend me that one for a day? Wash it and return it to you after use."

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